Representation of characters How will I represent people in my opening?

Representation of characters

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Page 1: Representation of characters

Representation of characters How will I represent people in my opening?

Page 2: Representation of characters

Ivy Blue-Serial Killer

Ivy Blue is presented as unstable, thoughtless and careless. She is presented this way when she steps over the dead body of her first victim, leaving it on top of the stairs. She is also presented this way when she calmly writes in her journal with blood on her hands and she doesn't react after seeing the other person through the mirror. This makes the character seem powerful and dangerous as she makes the decision of leaving the dead body on top of the stairs and the blood exposes her role which is being a serial killer.

She challenges the stereotypes of the main character in thriller films because usually the main character is the protagonist who is portrayed as brave, innocent and tends to face challenges or situations however in our opening sequence our main character is the antagonist as she is a serial killer. Also men are usually the antagonist, however the Ivy Blue is a young girl.

Page 3: Representation of characters

Marissa Castillo-Victim/Friend of the serial killer

This character is found on the floor, on top of the stairs and the serial killer steps over her. This scene emphasises the weakness and vulnerability of this character. It also shows how powerless she is because she is dead in this scene, she was killed which means that she wasn’t strong enough to save her life.

This character also challenges the role of the protagonist’s because although she is portrayed as innocent she is not portrayed as brave or strong because she is lying dead on the floor which shows her weakness. A protagonist is also able to defeat the antagonist however in our opening sequence the characters differ as the serial killer who is the antagonist defeats the protagonist by killing her.

Page 4: Representation of characters

Z0e-The unknown ‘Mysterious’ character

This character is seen when the serial killer (Ivy Blue) goes into the toilet to wash her hands. She looks up the mirror the first time and sees nothing, the second time she sees the face of another person unexpectedly. She is seen wearing all black to represent the dark side of an orphanage.

This character represents orphans and people with mental health in our society who may feel invisible and less important in society. In this way the character challenges the stereotypes of youth in our society today because they are seen as loud and rowdy whereas this character is portrayed as unknown and quiet but still noticeable.