Leiden University. The university to discover. Christoph Johann Stettina ([email protected]) Requirements Engineering Werkcollege Spring 2012 Session 3: ElicitaCon: Requirements

Requirements Engineering - Werkcollege 2012: 03-Elicitation

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                           Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Christoph Johann Stettina ([email protected])

Requirements  Engineering    Werkcollege  Spring  2012    Session  3:  ElicitaCon:  Requirements  

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Session  3:  Requirements  ElicitaCon  

Today.  ElicitaCon  through:  •  Interviews  •  User-­‐Stories  

Why  is  it  important?  •  Faulty  requirements  analysis  major  cause  for  

IS  issues  (Brooks,  1995)    •  InteracAon  analysts,  developers  and  users  

crucial  for  determinaAon  (HoltzblaG  &    Beyer,  1995).      

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  


Exercise  1  –  Requirements  Interview  KarAng  Racing  Track

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

ElicitaCon  -­‐  Interview  Exercise  


Following  Behavioral  Modeling  Method  (Taylor,  1999)    

1.  IntroducAon  into  interviewing  2.  ObservaAon  of  an  example  (video)  3.  Skill  pracAce:  Employee,  Analyst  and  Observer  4.  Group  feedback  session  5.  Skill  applicaAon  in  real-­‐life  seYng:                                                        

Kart  racing  track    

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  IntroducCon  

Stakeholder  Interview  Process    

1.  Select  a  stakeholder  with  regard  to  the  target  informaAon  we  want  to  acquire  

2.  Organize  a  meeAng    and  conduct  an  interview    

3.  Write  a  report  on  interview  transcript  4.  Submit  the  report  to  the  interviewee  for  

validaAon  and  refinement  (van  Lamsweerde,  2009;  p.  77)  

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  Example  Video  


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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  IntroducCon  -­‐  Types  

Structured  •  Fixed  set  and  order  of  quesAons  

Semi-­‐Structured  •  Pre-­‐defined  quesAons,  but  flexible  order  

and  expandable  Unstructured  

•  Not  repeatable,  more  flexible  but  difficult  to  conduct  and  compare,  invesAgaAve  

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  IntroducCon  -­‐  QuesCons  


1.  What  “points  of  pain”  are  we  trying  to  alleviate  with  this              project?      

2.  What  would  happen  if  we  don’t  go  through  with  this                        project?      

3.  How  would  you  define  success  for  the  project?      

4.  Who  is  going  to  benefit  most  from  the  improvements              implemented  in  the  project?    

5.  Is  there  anything  else  you  think  I  should  know  that  we            haven’t  covered  during  this  discussion?    

Jonathan  Babcock,  hGp://pracAcalanalyst.com/2009/05/28/requirements-­‐elicitaAon-­‐most-­‐valuable-­‐quesAons/    

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  PracCce  -­‐  Process  


1.  Thank  the  interviewee  for  her  Ame  2.  Confirm  the  duraAon  of  the  interview  3.  Overview  what  you  are  hoping  to  learn  4.  Provide  list  of  other  interviewees  if  able  

During  Interview  

1.  Listen  acAvely  (Repeat,  don’t  interrupt)  2.  Take  notes  3.  Draw  diagrams  4.  Seek  clarificaAon  (quanAfiable  answers)  



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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  PracCce  -­‐  PreparaCon    

In  addiCon    

1.  Mimic  difficult  character  aspects                  (e.g.  taciturn,  vague,  in  a  hurry)  1.  Improvise  answers  to  detailed  quesAons              (confusion  and  contradicAons  are  common)  

(Taylor,  1999)  

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  Skill  PracCce  

Short  Interview  PracCce  

1.  Case  study:  Teaching  Website  2.  Form  groups  of  3,  Time:  5  min  /  interview  3.  Each  student  has  to  play  each  role  below    


•  User  of  the  somware  Analyst  

•  Has  to  collect  requirements  Observer  

•  Observes,  takes  notes  and  provides  feedback    



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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  In-­‐class  assignment  


 Kart  Racking  Track  

•  Appointments  sAll  recorded  manually  on  paper  •  SomeAmes  stored  incorrectly  or  get  lost    

KarCng  2012  -­‐  Project  proposal  •  IT  for  informaAon  exchange  on  karAng  

appointments  Can  you  create  a  working  reserva3on  system  for  my  kart-­‐racing  track  within  7  weeks?        


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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Interviews:  In-­‐class  assignment  

Kart  Racking  Track  -­‐  Roles  

•  Counter  employee  •  Customer  representaAve  •  Owner  •  Instructor  •  Steering  commiGee  leader    


1.  Form  groups  of  10:    •  5  Stakeholders  -­‐  5  Consultants  

2.  Each  consultant  performs  an  interview  3.  Stakeholders  &  consultants  switch  

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  


Exercise  2  –  User  Stories  KarAng  Racing  Track

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

User  Stories:  IntroducCon  

Story  Cards  and  Project  Wall  (Sharp  et  al.,  2009)    

1.  Support  development  process  2.  Easy  to  use  representaAon  

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

User  Stories:  IntroducCon  

User  Stories    

1.  “Who”,  “What”  and  “Why”  of  a  requirement  2.  Capture  requirements  in  a  concise  way  

Template:  As  a  <role>,  I  want  <behavior>  so  that  <benefit>    

Example:  As  a  RE  student,  I  want  to  learn  about  user  stories  so  that  I  can  collect  requirements.      

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

User  Stories:  In-­‐class  assignment  

Kart  Racking  Track  -­‐  Assignment  

1.  Create  a  user  story  for  the  Kart  Track  roles:  Employee,  Customer,  Owner,  Board  Member  

2.  Provide:  Story,  Customer  IniAals,  Date,  EsAmate,  Status  

3.  PrioriAze  your  stories    


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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Assignment:  Interview  &  User  Stories  Develop  a  small  IT  project  case  on  your  own.      Deliverables:    •  Short  project  descripAon  including  3-­‐4  stakeholder  roles  •  For  each  role  addiAonally  create  1-­‐2  user  stories  •  All  in  one  textual  PDF  document    Use  this  naming  convenAon  for  the  file:  stnumber_lastname.pdf.      Hand  in  via  email:  Subject:  RE  assignment  –  Assignment  3  –  Interviews+UserStories.pdf    One  soluAon  per  person.    

-  Send  to:  [email protected]    -  Deadline:  April  5,  2012    

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                         Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Bibliography  •  Brooks  Jr,  F.  P.  (1995).    The  mythical  man-­‐month:  Essays  on  somware  

engineering.  (Anniversary  ed.).  Reading,  CA:  Addison-­‐Wesley  

•  HoltzblaG,  K.,  &    Beyer,  H.  R.  (1995).  Requirements  gathering:  The  human  factor.  CommunicaAons  of  the  ACM,  38(5),  30-­‐32.    

•  van  Lamsweerde,  A.  (2009)  Requirements  Engineering:  From  System  Goals  to  UML  Models  to  Somware  SpecificaAons.  Wiley,  March  2009.  

•  Taylor  H.  (1999)  Role-­‐play  cases  for  teaching  interviewing  skills  in  informaAon  systems  analysis.  HERDSA  Annual  InternaAonal  Conference,  Melbourne,  12-­‐15  July  1999  

•  Sharp,H.,  Robinson,H.,  Petre,M.,  (2009)  The  role  of  physical  artefacts  in  agile  somware  development:  Two  complementary  perspecAves,  InteracAng  with  Computers,  2009,  pp.108–116