connect • communicate • collaborate Research & Education networks: Taking the distance out of distance education Domen Božeglav, ARNES, [email protected], @domenbozeglav

Research and Education Networks: Taking the distance out of the distance learning

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Across Europe over 50 million users at more than 10,000 organisations within the research and education sector are interconnected through the pan-European Research and Education (R&E) Network GÉANT . Linking National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) at speed up to 500Gbps GÉANT provides the environment for a truly global exchange of ideas and knowledge. Co-funded by the European Commission, GÉANT also reaches 65 countries beyond Europe, putting itself at the heart of the global research village.

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  • 1. connect communicate collaborate Research & Education networks: Taking the distance out of distance education Domen Boeglav, ARNES, [email protected], @domenbozeglav

2. connect communicate collaborate Who is this guy Cc: small_realm@flickr 3. connect communicate collaborate ON THE MENU 1. R & E networks 2. Global projects & services 3. Local projects & services cc: RenAce S@flikr 4. connect communicate collaborate 1. What are (National) R&E Networks - NRENs? 5. How your data travel 6. How are R&E networks organised? 7. connect communicate collaborate 2. Talking global Supporting Global Collaboration 8. Big data Source: CERN 9. Radio astronomy 10. Environmental monitoring and disaster recovery 11. E-health and biomedical sciences 12. But what about the E in R&E networks? (CC) Flikr/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 13. Tele-medicine 14. ShanghAI Lectures 15. connect communicate collaborate Campus Best Practice 16. connect communicate collaborate 17. 2. Talking Local (What YOUR local NREN can do for you) 18. IT services for education Connectivity Cloud (servers, services) Multimedia Middleware services (AAI) Services for end users More on: www.arnes.si 19. NREN as knowledge provider (CC) Flikr//Pedro Veneroso 20. Annual user conference aimed at universities and schools 21. Experts on new technologies 22. connect communicate collaborate cc: Keenen Brown@flikr Safer Internet Use 23. Supply Time Demand Trouble 24. Our very first guerrilla MOOC 25. connect communicate collaborate Cc: alex@faraway@flickr Biggest challenge? 26. A few ideas 27. Now its your turn. How can we assist you? (CC) Stuart Farrell@flikr 28. connect communicate collaborate THANK YOU! www.geant.net, www.arnes.si Domen Boeglav, [email protected], @domenbozeglav