Results from questionnaire

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Page 1: Results from questionnaire


Page 2: Results from questionnaire

I asked this question because I wanted to know if different age groups can affect answers to my question. For example, a younger teen would be more interested in the different images used in a magazine, whereas an older person would be more intrigued by the history of artists. I wanted to have a range of different results from different age groups, and that was the result of it. In the pie chart, you can see that 40% of my respondents were aged 16-21 and another 40% were 22-29. This means that 20% of my respondents were aged 30 or above. This was very important towards my research because it meant that not all of my results would be from one age group. Nothing went wrong with this.

Page 3: Results from questionnaire

I asked these questions because it allowed me to find out which type of artists do people like (solo or bands), as well as leading onto why they think this in the next question. Also, it would benefit my magazine as it would let me know which types of artists would be expected to be in a magazine. The results show that 5 people expected there to be solo artists in a magazine, and another 5 expected there to be music bands. Below this, I asked which one they preferred and 60% of people chose music bands than single artists. Referring to my results, this means that music bands are liked more than solo artists, for the reasons below.

Page 4: Results from questionnaire

This shows the different results shown from the 10 people I asked. It was important to ask this question because it allowed me to see why people nowadays prefer music bands than solo artists or vice versa. The main reason why music bands were chosen is because music bands consist of more people, meaning a collaboration of ideas and different voices in songs. It would have been easier for me to distinguish a general trend if some of the answers were similar.

Page 5: Results from questionnaire

I have asked this question because it will make it easier for me when I am placing accessories on my chosen artist. This information will help me create verisimilitude when recreating this genre. As you can see, the results show that 60% of people think R&B artists usually wear lots of accessories, whereas 40% think that they wear a little. I was happy with these results because it meant that I could clearly see what the results were.

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I have asked this question because it will give me a very clear idea of what images people would expect to see in an R&B magazine. This information will be used so that I can add these images in the magazine, to attract my target audience. The majority of my results displayed that images of artists and concerts (that the artists have performed at) would be displayed in a magazine.

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I have asked this question because the information I receive, will determine what will be displayed within my magazine, as well as what pages it would be displayed on, for example Front page, contents page, double page spread. As you can see, the results were mainly tour dates, the images and the top of the charts. I will make sure to include these things in my magazine.

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I asked this question because it will allow me to create a sense of verisimilitude within my magazine. With this information, I can add, what people expect to be in a music magazine, within my R&B magazine, which would therefore make it look more realistic and professional. As you can see, the majority of the results said ‘information about the artists, the top of the charts and tour dates’, which is what I will include in my magazine.

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I asked these questions because the information will allow me to format my magazine in a specific way. It would allow me to see what colours; magazine readers would expect to see in a music magazine. On question 9, 2 people said that dark colours would be used, and 1 person said that bright colours would be used within a magazine. However, 3 people said that neutral colours would be used in a music magazine because it would reinforce the overall R&B genre.

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CONCLUSIONOverall, I conclude that for my first question, the majority of my respondents were 16-29 years old. I think that the wide age range benefitted me because it meant that I had a variety of different people giving their responses. In question 2, the results were split meaning that 50% of the people I asked chose a solo artist, and the other 50% said that music bands are more likely to be in a music magazine. Whereas in the next question 40% said they’d prefer a single artist in a music magazine, and 60% said they’d prefer a music band. These results tell me that I should include more sections for music bands, than solo artists. In question 5, 60% of the people I asked said that they would expect artists to wear lots of accessories, whereas 40% of people believe they wear little accessories. This means that I will try to ensure that my artist wears a sufficient about of accessories, when he is posing for my main image. For question 9, 57.1% of my respondents believe that dark colours should be used within my music magazine, and 14.3% believe that bright colours should be used, however I partly disagree with this because I would assume that bright colours are associated with the genre Pop. Moreover, 28.6% believe that plan neutral colours should be used for my magazine because it would reinforce my genre. Although the majority of the people I asked believe that dark colours are associated with the R&B genre, I would disagree and say that dark colours are associated with the Rock genre; therefore plain neutral colours are ideal for my genre. The only thing that would have improved my questionnaire is if I had more responses, so that my results would be more accurate and quantitative. Overall, most of my results will affect the way I want to present my R&B magazine, however a few of them may not, because I may want to make my magazine look similar to other magazines.