RISKS ASSESSMENT – TV STUDIO Bethan Glover. This risk assessment is for my photography in the TV studio where I will take photos for my music magazine. The people who are at risk for the hazards I am about to list are my cast, which will include a model for my front cover and another 2 models for my content page, and my crew, which is myself. Also, there will be a teacher and a technician supervising at the time and they are also at risk.

Risks assessment – tv studio

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Page 1: Risks assessment – tv studio


Bethan Glover.

This risk assessment is for my photography in the TV studio

where I will take photos for my music magazine. The people

who are at risk for the hazards I am about to list are my cast,

which will include a model for my front cover and another 2

models for my content page, and my crew, which is myself.

Also, there will be a teacher and a technician supervising at

the time and they are also at risk.

Page 2: Risks assessment – tv studio

WHAT ARE THE HAZARDS?• The hazards within the TV studio consist of things like the lights not being

tightened properly which could cause them to fall off and hit somebody who is present at that time. The chances of this happening are very slim due to professionals have fitted the equipment so they know what they are doing and how to make sure everything is up and safe. 4 – I have given this risk a high number for the severity of injury due to if one of the lights fell and hit somebody who was in the room it could cause them serious damage that they would have to go to hospital for due to it could put them unconscious and maybe even cause them serious concussion. On the day I will double check with the technicians that they have been checked and are safely attached to the walls and give instructions to the cast and crew that they should not stand directly below the lights just in case the unlikely situation occurs where one of the lights is not attached as good and falls.

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• Another hazard within being in the TV studio is that all the equipment will be plugged in. Therefore, there will be a lot of wires lying on the floor so people around need to be careful where they are walking and we need to try and make sure the wires are as far out the way as they can be due to we do not want anyone falling over and getting hurt. 1/2 – I have given this hazard a lower mark due to if the individual falls over they could just bruise themselves. However, if they fell quite harshly and hit their head off the hard floor it could cause concussion. I will try to reduce this risk by making sure everybody who is present is notified about the hazard and on the day I will push the wires as far back as they can go.

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• Although the TV studio is an indoor location, the weather is still a hazard due to if it is raining or snowing outside then people shoes will be more slipply on the hard floor of the studio. Therefore, this could cause somebody to slip on the wet surfaces and injure themselves. To prevent this from happening on the day I will notify everybody about the wet surfaces and be mindful as to where they step. Also, I will ask one of the caretakers for a wet surface sign for a constant reminder to the cast and crew of the wet surface. I would rate this risk a 1 due to if it did occur they would more than likely just fall and bruise where they landed.

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• Another hazard is due to working with technology, the camera could have no battery, therefore, this could affect the planning of my group and other groups due to not being able to do our photography until a further date which would delay our work for our deadlines. I will reduce this risk before the day by making sure I know who is using the cameras before me and that they are going on charge before I use them. On the day I will also take my own camera for a backup in case a situation like this does occur.