Rock Music

Rock magazine stereotypes

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Rock Music

Definition of rock

A form of popular music which evolved from rock and roll and pop music during the mid and late 1960s. Harsher and often self-consciously more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-establishment lyrics.

Stereotypical The stereotypical representations in my chosen genre of rock, is that of a male band, with flowing long black hair and darkened eyes with eyeliner etc… Also most performers of rock are associated with a drug addiction or a human being who does not care for their body, with numerous tattoos over themselves and dozens of cigarettes smoked each day. However the Magazine cover I have chosen, does support this stereotypical view.

Key Components of Rock

From these 3 rock magazines, you can see what the stereotypical style is and how it is used. Each magazine contains a large main image, and a big bold bold masthead. The colour scheme is similar for each magazine, all three use white, black and red. However KERRANG uses a small amount of red to keep it subtle, therefore KERRANG differs from the other two styles of magazine.