A Week in the Life • Room 14

Room 14 learning2

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A Week in the Life

• Room 14

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Human Rights

Hi, My name is Audrey,I have learnt a lot from researching the topic human rights like:

What is human rights? Why human rights is important in the world?

How human rights change the world?I will tell others about the issues and how we can solve them.

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Endangered AnimalsI have learnt that there are lots of endangered animals in the world because of a variety of reasons some are oil spills, deforestation, greenhouse gases, overfishing, etc.


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By Zara

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Water IssuesBy Emily

My Image What I learnt?Throughout this project I became aware of the arising issues in many places. I learnt a lot about the desalination plant in Adelaide and how it affects us and our future with water. I also found out what people think about their water. For example how clean their water is. With this information I will try to reduce the amount of water I use every day and I will tell people try to let people become aware of water issues.

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Water IssuesThrough out the past lessons I have been learning about Water Issues with my partner Emily. We have been using resources such as Edmodo, Popplet and Picmonkey.• Edmodo allows me to be able to communicate

with the other people across the world that are also in my group.

• Popplet is a program that I can use to jot down things so my group does not have to speak to me from across the world.

• Picmonkey is an app on Google Chrome where anyone can edit any picture with different styles. I used Picmonkey for my picture.

By Daisy

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Saskia -Endangered Sea LifeThroughout this project I have learnt lots about different cultures, websites and sea life. Some examples of the knowledge I have gained include: Edmodo is a very safe and helpful website which people can use to communicate like Facebook or Twitter. Popplet is another website that shows a very creative, easy way of presenting ideas to others. Many countries have very similar problems to us in Australia, Communicating to other people via Edmodo and Popplet improves our perspective of our world today.When this project ends I will walk away with many beneficial skills such as using Edmodo and Popplet to present and share my ideas, slow down on the amount of fish I consume, making sure when my family purchases the fish that it was caught in a sustainable manner, educating other people about a problem they might not even know about.If we don’t start thinking about/taking action on this problem in a few years we will have no fish left to consume.

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Overpopulation of Humans - Stef

Throughout this project I have learnt about many different programs and topics, each of which have been interesting and useful.Over population could become a serious problem if we don’t do something about it. The resources on Earth can’t sustain billions of people and this is resulting in famine, poverty and a shortage of clean water and shelter. We either need to find different sources of nurturance, shelter and jobs, or cut down the worlds population by monitoring the amount of children per a couple. Edmodo allowed me to connect with other members of my group and share my findings with them.Popplet was the program I mainly used for recording the information I researched. It was very easy to use and gave good results.This project has taught me a lot and I can’t wait to do it again.

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I have learnt that not hundreds but thousands of people die due to our air quality. Most people live. Most of Sydney is covered in air pollution. Places like Adelaide and Ireland don’t worry that much about air pollution because there is not that much. If a baby is born where there is lots of air pollution it may cause them to grow small. Some of the worst countries or cities that live in bad air quality are: Egypt, India, Mongolia, and Bangladesh.

Air quality

In the future I will use this information when I get a job it might include this topic air quality. It’s a very good topic to learn about because people need to know this stuff in life. You also need to know what happening around and in your country.

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Animal cruelty • I have learnt a lot about animal cruelty. It is very interesting. At the start of

the project I didn't know about animal cruelty.

• What I have learnt

I will share my information with Edmodoand Popplet.

1 There is a lot of live bating and we could use stuffed animals instead.2 Stray dogs and cats are on the streets and to fix it we could adopt more cats and dogs.3 Krill harvesting is a problem we could put a limit on how much krill people take from the sea.4 Deforestation is a problem for the animals because they are losing their habitats. We could use other materials for paper.5 Lots of animal species are endangered and we could take better care of them.


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The gases in the atmosphere that absorb radiation are known as "greenhouse gases"

Some greenhouse gases, like methane, are produced through agricultural practices including livestock manure management.

Three factors affect the degree to which any greenhouse gas will influence global warming:

• Its abundance in the atmosphere

• How long it stays in the atmosphere

• Its global-warming potential


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Ecological footprintsI have learnt that what people do effect life

Cutting down trees is bad we need oxygen

Throwing plastic in our ocean could hurt animals

Smoke inhalation is destroying us

Our water problems are usually man made

This is a pie chart on what mankind does to animals.

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Impact on the environment

Hello room 14, my name is Sammi,I have learnt a lot from researching this topic: impact on the environment.

You can help decrease this issue by using less purified water, electricity, transport and eating meat.Over 50% of people in South Australia use transport each day.

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by: Rancis


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I have learnt how to use Voki and Popplet in this project. Also I learnt a lot about

Edmodo and the group that I was in Edmodo which is called ewaste and I learnt a lot

about recycling. By: Sophia

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Endangered Animals I have learnt a lot of new things about endangered animals I will be listing some things you can do to stop people killing animals to make money.


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What I have learnt about animal cruelty.

This term I have learnt a lot about animal cruelty. There were some ways of animal cruelty that I never knew about, like shark fin soup. When I got further into the project I really learnt how animal cruelty affects some of the Earth’s animals. Know I know how bad animal cruelty is I want to encourage people to try their hardest to stop the animals getting hurt.

One way I would encourage people to stop animal cruelty is, if you see a stray cat or dog ask an expert to catch it. After that you can take it to a vet for a health check. Finally the cat or dog will be able to find a new home with you or with someone else.
