Sahara class VII

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The desert is barren land . It is an arid region characteriesed by extremely high or low temperatures and has scarce vegetation.

SAHARA DESERTIt is the world’s largest desert. It has an area of around 8.54 million of sq. km.The hot desert lie between 20 degree and 30 degree latitudes north and south of the equator .To the north-west of the Sahara lies the Atlas mountains . Towards the south,the desert merges into the savanna grassland.The Sahara is spread across 11 countries. These are Morocco,Algeria,Libya,Egypt,Tunisia,Sudan,Chad, Mali,Mauritania,Niger & West Sahara.Sand is the most important feature of a hot desert.One-fourth of Sahara is under sand . It is a flat,waterless wasteland.Thus,Sahara is called “ El Khela ”which means emptiness.Sahara has not always been a wastland.Once it was a fertile region with thick forests. Over thousands of years , the forces of nature and various humans activities have converted this region into a barren wasteland.Mt.Emi Khoussi in Tibesti range (about 3,415 m) is the highest point.

CLIMATIC CONDITIONSThe climate is very hot & extremely dry.Some of the world’s highest temperature have been recorded here.

Al-Azizia , in Libya , recorded the highest temperature of 57.7 degree C in 1922.In Sahara , the temperature rises & humidity decreases as one goes from north to south.The dryness of the air keeps the sky cloudless and clear.Under clear skies , the temperature can range from below freezing point on a winter night to more than 55 degree C on a summer after noon .The amount of rainfall varies greatly from region to region & from year to year . In some areas there has been no rainfall for many years.

• The climatic conditions are not suitable for the growth of plants .• Plants which have long roots and waxy and leathery leaves can grow.• The main plants species are Cactus , Acacia ,Baobab and Date palms.• In some places there are oasis – green islands with date palms surrounding them . • Camels ,Hyenas ,Jackals, Foxes ,Scorpions , many varieties of snakes and lizards are the prominent animal species living there.

• The life in the desert is difficult.

• The Bedouins and Tuaregs are the important Nomadic Tribes who rear Goats,Sheeps,Camels and Horses.

• The oasis in the Sahara and the Nile Valley in Egypt supports settled population.

• Since water is available,the people grow date palms.

•There are also plans to construct a trans-Sahara railroad.

•The oases are also centres of trade.

•Agriculture, local trading and hearding have become the basis of the economy.

•Their dress is designed to protect them from hot wind and duststorms.