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Science supports the holy quran on the start of the creation of the universe

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Page 1: Science supports the holy quran on the start of the creation of the universe
Page 2: Science supports the holy quran on the start of the creation of the universe

Introduction • Atheism bases its doctrine on a false claim

that the universe is eternal without a beginning.

• If it is proved that the universe had a beginning then atheism is nothing.

• Modern science tells us that the universe had a beginning.

• The Big bang theory, the most accepted theory of explaining the creation of the universe, proves that the universe had a beginning that started with a big explosion in a ceratin point in which all the forms of matters and energy were condensed.

• Please note that the Holy Quran preceded science when it stated that the universe was a cerain point that God caused it to explode.

Page 3: Science supports the holy quran on the start of the creation of the universe

what is the Big Bang

The Big Bang is a theory that says that whole of the universe was condensed in one point( singularity), then a big explosion took place from which a huage cloud of gas( now science says it is a cloud of smoke) was formed, this began to cool down, forming the universe we know.

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The current universe is presumed to have a beginning state.

Some galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. This is called "Hubble's Law," named after Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered this phenomenon in 1929. This observation supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once compacted.

Evidence of the Big Bang

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The initial, very hot state that followed the Big Bang should have left some remnant of its heat. In 1965, Radioastronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) which pervades the observable universe. This is thought to be the remnant which scientists were looking for. Penzias and Wilson shared in the 1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery.

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The abundance of the "light elements" hydrogen and helium found in the observable universe (which would have been the first elements formed) is thought to support the Big Bang model of origins.

Page 7: Science supports the holy quran on the start of the creation of the universe

The Holy Quran, God’s last word to humanity, besides its being a moral code and a law for humanity , presents scientific evidence not only to its being a Divine book, but also a tangible evidence to the falsehood of the bases of aheism.

The Scientific Miracle of Quran, the Challenge of our Age

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Please note that Prophet Muhammad was illiterate and appeared in time when no such scientific discoveried weren’t even within the scope of human thinking. Yet there are scientific statements in his words and the Holy Quran.

This means:The Holy Quran is God’s wordThe prophet’s words were inspired by

GodIslam is a true religion from God

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God says in the Holy Quran what means "  Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the

earth were joined together(sewn together) as one Unit of Creation and then We unstitched (clove them ) and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30) The Holy Quran prophesied more than 1400 years ago that unbelievers will discover that the whole of the universe was condensed in a certain points and from this single mass the whole of the universe was created.

The Holy Quran on the Big bang

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The Holy Quran is More PreciseThe Holy Quran likens the point from which the

universe was merged to a fabric in which all the strings were united ( scientifically known as singularity) then God caused

the fabric to be torn.

The Arabic word "ratq" translated as "sewn to" means "mixed in each or blended" . It is used to refer to the state of the universe before being exploded. The quranic word (Ratek ) is much more accurate than the word ( singularity) ,This word implies order and system in the Arabic vernacular.

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They are separated (fataqa) with one coming out of the other. Intriguingly, when we think about the first moments of the Big Bang, we see that the entire matter of the universe is collected at one single point. In other words, everything-including "the heavens and earth" which were not created yet-were in an interwoven and inseparable condition. Then, this point exploded violently, causing its matter to disunite.The Quranic word (fatak ) could be translated "unstitched " , it refers to the big bang , the Quranic word is much more accurate than the word explosion ; explosion implies chaos, blind act and absence of order .

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The picture on your left hand shows the universe with its strings close to each other ( Quran calls it stage of Ratak, science names it singularity), the second picture show the strings of the marvelous fabic of the universe moving away from each other ( the stage of Fatak)

The left picture is for the universe 450 million years ago, see how much it looks like a fabric, and the right picture shows the filmanant expanding some 6000 millions years ago.

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Science tells us that after the explosion of the universe, a very huge gaseous cloud emerged. The temperature of this gaseous cloud began to cool down and nuclear reaction began and matters began to appear; these were the first blocks of the universe.

The Gaseous state of the Universe

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Prior to science the Holy Quran mention this fact in one of its wonderful verses ; the Quran says that God created the heaven and the earth from the gaseous mass . God says in the Holy Quran what means:

The Quran on the Gaseous state of the universe

" Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been smoke”{41:1 1}.

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The French scientist Dr. Maurice Bucaille in his book called The Bible, the Qur'an and Science explains: "At the earliest time it can provide us with, modern science has every reason to maintain that the universe was formed from a gaseous mass principally composed of hydrogen and a certain amount of helium that was slowly rotating" (p.147). (Big Bang Theory)

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Didn't the Qur'an say that the Heaven was smoke before its creation? Dr. Bucaille explains the connection between his description and that of the Qur'an as follows: "Smoke is generally made up of a gaseous substratum, plus, in more or less stable suspension, fine particles that may belong to solid and even liquid states of matter at high or low temperature" (p. 143).

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He therefore sees no contradiction of the Quranic use of the Arabic word dukhan (translated smoke) and a modern interpretation of that word as a gaseous mass with fine particles when speaking of the formation of the universe. We notice here two remarkable features of the Qur'an. The first feature is that it expresses scientific truths that will be verified many centuries later.

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The second feature is that the Qur'an expresses those truths using terms and expressions that would avoid confusing its first readers in the seventh century. The seventh century reader of the Qur'an can easily relate to the image of smoke, and the twentieth century scientist can easily interpret the word as a gaseous mass.http://torrentz.eu/c2af90fb01d9278eced01036116f0af60e11aa06

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The year 1929 witnessed a great breakthrough in the science of astrophysics , it was the greatest discovery in the human history because it unravels many secrets of the universe in addition to dealing a direct blow to the concepts that atheism based its theory on .The story began when Edmund Hubble was observing the stars through his giant telescope , while he was observing the stars , he , contrary to what was believed at that time , found that light coming from stars shifted towards the red end of the spectrum .

The Expansion of the Universe

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According to Hubble observation , this means that the sources of beams travel away from us , in another words the galaxies travel away from us and from each other and this means that the universe is Expanding. This was the first evidence of the Big Bang.http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr1/en/astro/universe/universe.asp

What does this mean?

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Commentary 1- “ Construct” means that the universe is a building-, scientists say that there is not an empty place in the universe- Amazing? They are now talking a bout the universe as a huge construction.

God says in the Holy Quran what means" And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)

The expansion of the universe in Quran

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2- The Quran says “ steadily expanding” Just as science says.Who told Muhammad this? Did he have Hubble telescope ?He must have been a prophet from God.

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Feel free to ask questions about Islam at www.knowmuhammad.org