PRD & The Importance of Succession Management Alistair McIntyre Head of Catering Scottish Borders Council ASSIST Seminar 2013

Scottish Borders ASSIST seminar 2013

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PRD & The Importance of Succession Management

Alistair McIntyreHead of CateringScottish Borders CouncilASSIST Seminar 2013

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Austere Times Ahead

Over the next few years, Local Authorities will continue to go through the extremely challenging times to improve our services, increase income, decrease costs and contribute to Council priorities

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Key Objectives

Through the importance of the PRD process I hope to demonstrate how Soft FM services can continue to rise to the challenge by; valuing their people the services they provide the contribution they make to the wider agenda.

How Self Evaluation and Succession Management can help you attain the right staff and save and make money


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A Short Story

Once upon a time…………

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Managing Performance

“What gets measured, gets managed”

Peter Drucker

“If you can’t measure it….

…..you can’t manage it!”

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Why Bother with PRD at all?

Better Better Staff Staff

Better Better Service Service

Less Less movement movement

More More incomeincomeSustainablSustainabl

e e Business Model

More More CustomersCustomers

Saves Saves MoneyMoney

Aligned Aligned with with

Council Council PrioritiesPriorities

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All Appraisal Systems Must…

Link to the Corporate Plan Deliver Against Service Priorities Integrate with Business Plans The second stage is to ensure understanding by;

Translating the key Corporate Priorities into meaningful and achievable goals for staff at all levels in their service

Articulation of ‘Standards’ into a relevant measurement of staff performance and behaviour

Identifying suitable KPI’s for your services

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10 Point Plan

We use a 10 point business plan that meets all the key points about improving, increasing and the other council priorities.

Covering- Staffing Financial Development Investment Improved Health both Local and National Marketing

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Performance Management is…

Ongoing Ongoing and and

continuouscontinuousRelevant Relevant to all to all staffstaff

Evidence Evidence basedbased

About About BehaviouBehaviou

rs and rs and ConductConductA means of A means of

Engaging Engaging & &

Motivating Motivating staffstaff

AboutAboutConversatioConversations - not just ns - not just


A means of A means of expanding expanding capabilitycapability

Aligned Aligned with with

Council Council PrioritiesPriorities

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Translating the Jargon

1. Communication Skills 2. Customer Service3. Meeting Professional Requirements

1. Commitment2. Flexibility 3. Teamwork 4. Initiative

4. Reflecting upon and evaluating one’s own performance and planning future practice.

5. Knowledge and Skills of specific area of Service 6. Contribution to growth.7. Key strengths 8. Areas for Development

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Council Priorities

1. Encouraging sustainable economic growth2. Improving attainment and achievement levels for all our children

and young people3. Providing High quality care and protection for all vulnerable

groups.4. Building the capacity and resilience of our communities5. Maintaining and improving our high quality environment6. Developing our workforce7. Developing our assets and resources8. Ensuring excellent, adaptable and collaborative services.

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An important element?

The crib sheet because………

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Support Criteria for all Catering Staff

Criteria Issues to consider

Communication Competent staff can:Express themselves effectively on the telephone and in face-to face meetings with individuals and groups.Write in different formats and build a rapport with their audience.Express thoughts clearly on paper.Deal with colleagues, managers and pupils effectivelyExercise influence and persuasion appropriately if the occasion demands it.

Customer Service Competent staff can:Deal with customers in line with service standards and targets.Deal with customers promptly, courteously and helpfully ensuring their needs are are established and met.Deal with complaints quickly, effectively and with a positive outcome to the client.Regularly evaluate and issues that need improvement.

Meeting Professional RequirementsCommitmentFlexibility Teamwork Initiative

Competent staff can:Ensure that tasks are completed within specified guidelinesWork flexibly to meet expected service requirements.Be relied on to get things done correctly (dependability) Regard themselves as part of a team with common objectives.Add value to the team and support other members of the teamBe aware of their team roles and contribute and appreciate those of othersAnticipate events and react appropriately.Be self starters an act without instruction and seek out new work when tasks are completed, if appropriate.Offer suggestions for improvements and change in working practice.Show an awareness of equality and diversity and be willing to put this into practice.

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Reflecting upon and evaluating one’s own performance and planning future practice.

Competent staff can:Demonstrate a generic awareness of the aims and objectives of the catering service and the Council as a whole.Demonstrate methods of evaluating their own experience within the requirements of the job.Demonstrate an awareness of appropriate sources of professional support.Demonstrate an awareness of likely future developments and how these may impact on the service.

Knowledge and Skills of specific area of Service

Competent staff can:Demonstrate practical skills applicable to their role.Demonstrate an awareness of health and safety legislation as appropriate.Demonstrate an awareness of food legislation and the Health Promotion and Nutrition Scotland Food Act.Manage their time effectively and show organised skills.Manage the resources under their control sensibly and economicallyFollow all SBC policies and procedures as appropriate.

Contribution to growth.(Effort by staff to develop new customers)

Competent staff can:Demonstrate an awareness of the requirement to encourage pupils to partake of school mealsDemonstrate their participation in schools events to “develop” business through theme days and promotions.Demonstrate a collaborative approach with the school/parent bodies.

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Individual Goals - Link to Team success

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships."

Michael Jordan

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Council Objectives

Department or Unit Objectives

Individual / Team Objectives & Development

Tactic & Actions

What we want to be

What’s important to us

Our game plan

What we need to do

What my Dept needs to do

What I / my team need to do

How I / we will achieve it



cil & D




al / Team Ongoing Performance Review & Management Process

Setting Meaningful Business Objectives

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Clear Line Of Sight Principal

Council Corporate Plan

Department/ServiceDepartment / Unit has

Its own objectives

TeamTeam objectives are aligned to

Department /Unit Objectives

IndividualIndividuals have Business and Personal Development

Objectives that support the above



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The Forms – 4 Clear Sections – Objectives, Standards, PDP & Sign-off Full PRD – additional Tips and pointers about which

sections to complete at which stage 8 Council Priorities on the Front Page of all 3 versions Terminology – Goals, Standards etc. Consistent with

Corporate Planning language Weighting with ‘Priority’ High, Medium & Low

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Meeting 2 “Updates & Evidence”

Meeting 1- “Goals & Expectations”


Meeting 1 “Preparation”



Meeting 2 “Review & Rate”



Meeting 3 “Updates & Final Comments”

Meeting 3 “Final Review & Rating”



Stage 1 Setting goals for the year

Stage 2Reviewing progress & rating

mid-year performance

Stage 3Reviewing progress & rating

end-of-year performance(and setting goals for next




The PRD Cycle

PRD Process

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The forms Stage 1 – Starting the process

Issue the formsEncourage reflection and progressive thinking

Stage 2 – completing the PRD interviewConversation, encouragement and ratification of

the process Stage 3 – Reviewing Performance

Meet to chat over progress and discuss issues

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“It’s all about the Conversation”

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PRD Conversation - Focus

What is expected of me? How am I doing? What do I need to do my job well? How can I improve my performance

and /or develop my potential? How is my performance being


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PRD Conversation - Quality Focused on performance Well prepared (Thinking & Paperwork) Coaching style (Questioning Vs Tell) Uninterrupted – no distractions No Surprises Being 100% ‘Present’ Good ‘listening’ & best ‘thinking’ Clear expectations Positive outcomes (Goals, Standards,

PDP) Mutual benefit from the process

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PRD Conversation – Desired Outcomes

Clear expectations for both parties Agreement, where possible Goals which are aligned to the objectives of

the team, service, department and Council Clear Standards set for behaviours and

conduct A Personal Development Plan which is

relevant and appropriate to both the individual, their role and their contribution to the Council’s success

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Ratings – What’s your phrase?

Far Exceeds Expectations Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Partially Meets Expectations Does Not Met Expectations

“Incredible job!” “Excellent job!” “Good job!” “OK, but need to do more” “Very Disappointing”

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Are you Ready?

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Preparing Your ServiceDo your staff understand……

…their contribution to achieving the Corporate priorities?

…what the standards mean in your service and which staff should focus on for this year?

…how the PRD process works and do they have the right skills to use it?

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The hard bit!

The most important point is that there are no surprises and that means; Everyone should be trained in the process (Management

Trainers) You need to lead this from the top All of your staff need to buy in

This is extra work for you and you managers because you need To set and complete the training Match your business plan objectives to the council priorities and

the set your targets to achieve this. Appraisers (maximum of 10)

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Managing Performance

“What gets measured, gets managed”

Peter Drucker

“If you can’t measure it….

…..you can’t manage it!”

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Some Useful Tips Be Prepared

Paperwork, Current Status of staff

Schedule of PRD Training Courses (and give choice) Share Good Practice Assessing My Performance Review Skills Staff have to know how to; Conducting a Performance Review Meeting,

especially if it is Challenging Deliver Feedback Help others to use constructive feedback To avoid the don'ts and do the do’s!

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Why Succession Management is so important The right staff at the right time for the right

job The staff you want that share your ethos No costly marketing No waiting for PVG checks Much less agency costs

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Thank You