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Page 1: Script

ScriptPre-production work


Jodie is sitting on the grave yard bench drinking all her sorrows away and then Ryan turns up.

Jodie: - (Smiling and acting drunk) Hey there Sexy!!!!Ryan: - Well Hello (looking really pleased and happy)

Jodie and Ryan move close together and Jodie leans up against a tree whilst Ryan is kissing her neck. She there looks very scared as she realises what is happening.

Jodie: - NO, no leave me alone (whilst pushing Ryan off her)Ryan: - come on baby (pulling her closer)Jodie: - No (trying to pull away)

Jodie then turns and scratches Ryan across the face

Ryan: - You Bitch (holding his face)

Jodie the runs off scared and frightened. As she is going home she decides to take the short cut through the alley way and at the other end Ryan is waiting for her.

Ryan: - No-one gets away from me that easily!!

He grabs her by the shoulder and forces her against the wall.

Jodie: - Leave me alone (screaming and frightened)

Jodie Alter ego then comes and grabs Ryan by the back of his neck and smashes his head against the metal railings. Ryan is killed!!! She then changes back into her innocent self and then realises what has happened.

Jodie: - NO NO PLEASE NO (crying hysterically)

The next day and Jodie walks in to college with her same clothes on as last night looking extremely rough. She walks directly to the toilet and her best mate Chantelle follows.

Chantelle: - Jesus you look rough (looking shocked)Jodie: - Yeah thanks for that (still really frightened)Chantelle: - Oh MY GOD , Jason is so sweet he took me out last night for a meal and then went back to his and let me just tell you it was the most AMAZING sex ever !!!Jodie: - SHUT UP SHUT UP IT’S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU ISNT IT. (Angry and scared)Chantelle: - What the hell is wrong with you just because you can’t get no-one what happened to the boy Ryan you liked!!! (Looking annoyed)Jodie: - I SAID SHUT UP DIDN’T I (Getting really angry)

Page 2: Script

ScriptPre-production work

Chantelle: - What the ……….Jodie: - SHUT UP!!!!!

Jodie then changes into her alter ego; she grabs Chantelle by the hair and smashes her face against the mirror she has a large cut across her face. She then grabs her hair and pulls her into the toilet. There is a lot of screaming and banging in the loo. As the alter ego exits the loo you see Chantelle lying on the floor dead. It then changes back to Jodie.

Jodie: - NO NO PLEASE NO (crying hysterically) CHANTELLE PLEASE I AM SORRY PLEASED. (Crying look scared and frightened)

She gets up all worried and shaky stumbling over and looks in the mirror and then at her hands realising there is blood on it she quickly puts the tap on and tried scrubbing the blood of and then she looks in the mirror crying.

Jodie: - NO (crying) PLEASE NO WHY ME???????????

Then appears the alter ego, and just smiles back at Jodie.