Seven Success Secrets Of Excelling In The Translation Industry

Seven Success Secrets Of Excelling In The Translation Industry

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Overview Of The Translation Industry The translation industry is moving at a fast pace.

The U.S. Bureau of Statistics states that the translation industry will grow by 42% by the year 2020.

Furthermore, according to the IBIS World report, this industry is envisioning to reach a turnover of $37 billion by the year 2018. The primary reason for this being the rapid globalization of trade and commerce.

Considering that over 6,000 different languages are being used worldwide, the translation industry is expected to grow rapidly with global markets.

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Global Knowledge

The translation industry houses translation experts who are the connoisseurs of language.

However, to be a game changer and a leader in the translation industry, one needs to be aware of the secrets for being successful in this growing industry.

Read on to be in sync with these secrets.

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Secret 1: Industry Awareness (1/2) Translation Industry Market Share: It is significant to be aware of

the total market share of the translation industry as there has been an increasing demand for professional translation services in the industry.

Know your Customer: The translation industry offers multivariate opportunities to grow and achieve success. However, each business owner should be aware of the customized needs of their customers keeping in mind their socio-cultural preferences to engage the consumer for a long time and create a dedicated loyalist-consumer base.

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Secret 1: Industry Awareness (2/2) Special Services for Special Customers: According to the types and

requirements of customers, having a well-defined strategy is important for success. For example, your strategy will vary if you wish to cater to only B2B clients or B2C clients as well. Similarly, needs of the customers in the academic field will be different than those in the nonacademic field.

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Secret 2: Translation Tools Two types of translation tools are available to the translation

experts worldwide: Computer-aided tools Self-aided tools

Computer-aided tools: These include Google Translate, Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, TRADOS, and several free websites that offer machine translations.

Self-aided tools: These include bilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias, and dictionaries of idioms and jargonisms.

It is important to understand that every good translation output requires human intervention and cannot stand solely on machine translation.

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Secret 3: Innovative Services Customized Services: The world is a global

village where no consumer thinks or desires services identical to another.

Therefore, the key to successful translation services is to create innovative and customized services for consumers worldwide.

For example, depending on the level of intervention required in a translation document, you can choose how many stake holders should be involved, whether a translator, translator–translation checker duo, or translator–translation checker–target language expert trio should be involved.

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Secret 4: Defined USP: Competitive Prices To create a loyal customer base and be

the preferred translation service provider every time, it is important for any company to be competitive in pricing while maintaining the quality of the offered service. To do this, it is imperative to understand the target market, competitors, and price points. Also, it is important to come up with innovative techniques to distinguish your services from those offered by others.

You cannot forget that many other translation companies offer the same service, so your prices have to be competitive, unless you have a very strong and unique USP that can command a premium.

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Secret 6 : Quality Translation OutputThe translation output that you offer is of utmost importance. To ensure that your translation services fall in your consumer base’s most preferred list, try and stick to the following:

While translating, ensure that the central idea is translated well from the source language to the target language.

Check with the client whether the ideal translation output should be literal, true to the original text, or paraphrased; hence, convey the meaning while focusing on target language fluency.

Reread the final translation output from a third person perspective to gauge it from the readers’ perspective.This is the most crucial secret without which your chances of 100% success will be significantly diminished.

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Last WordThe key to success in the translation industry is to follow these simple yet important seven secrets.

You can add your own business-specific secrets to the list, but following these seven tips will help you achieve a smooth and controlled experience in the dynamic translation industry.