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Shortcut Arithmetic

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2. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com + Plus / add [ Sum / Total ] Minus / Subtract /Deduct [ Difference ] Times / Into/ dot /of /Multiply [Product / Multiplication ] , /, Division , Divisible , Remainder a(dividend-) b(Divisor-) = c(Quotient-) Plus or Minus = Equal / Is Approximately Equal Is not Equal < Is Less then {5 < 10} Is not less then { 10} Is less than or equal to { x X } > Is greater then {5> 2} Is not greater then {5 20} Is greater than or equal to ( / ) % Percentage( 100 ) Infinity / Varies as / is Proportional Implies/or If and only if Pi 1,2,3...n [,,] Constant / x,y,z Variable / 3. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 2x x + x = a +bx+c Expression [a , bx,c Term] 0 n0 =n , n0 =0 , 0/n =0 , n/o = (anything 0) = Undefined () |x| [x] Absolute Value ( ) Negative Positive Square Root , =2, =3 Cube Root , =3, =4 n Root n x 1/n X y = Summation ,X n ,*( )+- Bracket Logarithmsa x ( n= ) [ + , ] 10 n! n Factorial n n (n-1) (n-2)1 [ 5!=54321] n pr Permutation [ n n pr , n pr= n(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) ..(n-r+1) Ex:- 6 p3=654 ] n cr Combination / / , n cr = ( ) 4. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com A=*, , , + A , a,b,c,d Intersection /cap [ / ] [AB={x:xA xB}] Union/cup [ ]=> ( ) [AB={x:xA xB}] Element of / Belongs to / [Ex: bA] Is not an Element of/not Belongs to / Subset of [A / B / ] / Superset Empty Set AB [B A , A / A ] A-B={x:xA xB} A Complementary set [UA=U-A={xU : xA } P(A) Power Set [A n P(A) 2 n ] NZQR N( / +n), Z( +n,0,+n) Q(0,+n, ), R ( ), ( ) Q=R-Q Straight line ( ) Ray ( ) Line Segment ( ) Similar to Almost Equal to Is Equivalent to / Congruent 5. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Angle / Right Angle Measured Angle Perpendicular To Is Parallel to Therefore / Hence Since / Because / Triangle Rectangle/Square Circle (Unit) () 3 (Digits) / 3 Ex:- 318 3+1+8=12 , (Unit) (tens) 4 Ex:- 544 , 4 44 4 (Unit) () 5 3 2 (Unit) , (tens) (Hundredth) 8 Ex:- 77 264 , 264 8 , 77264 8 (Digits) / 9 Ex:- 288 2+8+8=18 , 9 , 288 9 (Unit) () 2, 5, 10 (oo ) , 4, 25, 100 (000) , 8, 125, 1000 6. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 1 100 0 11 2 9 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 20 1 21 87654321 8(Crores) 7(Nijut) 6(lacs) 5(Ajut) 4(Thousands) 3(Hundreds) 2(Tens) 1(Units) 4321=41000+3100+210+1 7. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com { -n.-5,-4,-3,-2,-1, 0, +1,+2,+3,+4,+..+n} 2 {0, 2, 4, 6, 8,.2n} 2 {1, 3, 5, 7, 9.(2n+1)} Even Even= Even , Odd Odd=Odd , Even Odd=Even Even + Even=Even , Odd + Odd=Even , Even Odd=Odd Even / Even= Even , Even /Odd=Odd , Odd/Even= Odd Odd Odd =Odd , Odd Even =Odd , Even Even =Even , Even Odd =Even (2,4,6.) (3,5,7..) { n,n+1,n+2,n+3,.} ( even prime number) (Odd Prime number) 1 100 25 1060 1 200 46 1 500 95 1 1000 168 ( 2 ,3 3 , ) 8. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 1 100 1-10 2,3,5,7 4 11-20 11,13,17,19 4 21-30 23,29 2 31-40 31,37 2 41-50 41,43,47 3 51-60 53,59 2 61-70 61,67 2 71-80 71,73,79 3 81-90 83,87 2 91-100 97 1 (4422322321) (1232232244) / Fraction ()= ( ) () ( , x y ) , = Rules of fractions + = - = + = = + - = = - = = = 9. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com = a c = b 2 > ( Ex:- , ) < ( Ex:- , ) 10. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 11. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com , , , , , , , , 12. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com - , - (0,1,2,3.n ), ()-16 , ( a/b - a b ) , - a/b - a b ) , ( ) , ( ) , , , , , e Ex:- , , , , , I1, V5, X10, L50, C100, O500, M1000 Greek Alphabet Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Kai Psi Omega , , 20 =5221 , Ex:- 35/5=7 , 35/7=5 5 7 35 35 7 5 , 13. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com , - .. 14. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 2304 (Square Root ) 74 28 1) 2) , 3) 74 64 , = 8 : 4) 8 74 64 5) 74 64 10 28 1028 ( ) 6) 8 82 = 16 ( ) 7) 16 1028 1028 8) 6 16 6 6 =996 7 ( 16 7 7 = 1169) 1028 9) 1028 996 32 862 = 172 32 10) , 86 11) 74 28 32 7396 86 15. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 16. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com BODMAS [{(Braket)}]of / Division() Multiplication () Addition (+) Subtraction(-) =x , x-a =b-x => x= Formula:-- = 1008 = 2222337=243271 = (4+1)(2+1)(1+1)=30 Formula:-- x =am bn cl =(m+1)(n+1)(l+1) 21008 2504 2252 2126 363 321 7 17. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com n Let the Numbers =x and (x+1) According to the Question, (x+1) 2 x 2 = n x = , = + = ( a , b , c d) .. = ( a , b , c d) .. + = ( a , b , c d) .. + / = .. .. .. = .. .. = .. = 18. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com - (a) 2 (b) 3 = 6 1 = 6 10 =(610) = .. = = - M A , M = M A [ A = ] N B , N = N B = M + N = AM +BN = 19. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Varies as / is Proportional - ( , , , ) , = = , = a, b, c , a:b =b:c a+b+c = S () a = S a:b = x:y = (xl): (yl) = xl : yl b:c =l:m = (ly): (my)= yl : my a:b:c = xl : yl : my Formula:-- = a + b + c = n ( ) 20. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:- Required Amount: = Required ratio Water = 3 =6 Formula:-- = 7 + 3 = 10 30 = 30 ( ) ( ) = 21 30 = 30 ( ) ( ) = 9 , = 3 : 7 x 3 : 7 21 : (9 + x) = 3 : 7 x = 40 7 : 5 10 = 30 0/ 0 3 = 7 : (3+2) = 7 :5 1 = 3 6 21. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 100 (100) x % = N (90) P % (75% ) Formula:-- Let the Number be = x X P% = N X 75% = 90 What Percentage % is R(90) of N(120)? N X% =R 120 x% =90 : 100 100 , 100 , , 100 - 25% = (100 + 25 ) = 125 125 = 100 ,, 100 ,, ,, ,, = = 80 = ( 00 80)% =20% 22. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:- [ % = ] [ % = ]] (Increase ) + (Decrease ) , % % 25% , % 25% % , 25% Formula:- % Change = 100% Result + Increase Result Decrease = 0 0 0 100% =100% [ ] 23. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:-- 5% , 100 + 5 =105 100 = 105 ,, 1000 ,, ,, ,, = = 1050 5 = 1050 1000 = 50 1 ,, ,, ,, = 50/5 = 10 Formula:- = 10 Solution: = 100x = 100y = = 10000 xy 20% = (100+20)x =120x 10% = (100-10) = 90y = 120x 90y = 10800xy = 10800xy 10000xy = 800xy 10000xy = 800xy ,, ,, 100 ,, ,, ,, = =8% Formula:- x First Value ( ) % y Second Value ( ) % , / (Increase) + / (Decrease) (Answer) + , (Answer) , 24. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:-- + C% = (+5) + (+5) + ( ) ( ) Formula:-- , F = S = 10 C% = (10) + (10) + ( ) ( ) Formula:-- , F = S = 5 , + C% = (+5) + (+5) + ( ) ( ) F= + 25% S = 5% C% = (+25) + (5) + ( ) ( ) C% = (-20) + (+20) + ( ) ( ) 25. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com C% = (+20) + (+20) + ( ) ( ) C% = (+10) + (+20) + ( ) ( ) Formula:- Mix % = Formula:- - Rest (n) = 100x (f% + s% + t% )x Formula:- -pass = n x% (a/b) , = 100 = (100+25 ) 125 125 =100 ,, ,, 100 ,, ,, ,, ,, 80 = (100 80 ) = 20 26. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com , 100 =25 ,, 64 ,, ,, ,, ,, = , = (6416) 48 , 40 = 100 ,, 48 ,, ,, ,, ,, = 120 = (12048) 72 , = (72 16) 56 , , Formula:-- = (100 70 10)% = 20% = (100 80 10)% = 10% = (20 + 10 + 10)% = 40% = (100 40)% = 60% 60 , = 100 ,, ,, 360 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, = 27. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com = (60 40)% = 20% = (70 40)% = 30% = (40 + 30 + 20)% = 90% = (100 90)% = 10% [1 10% ] 100 = 10 ,, 200 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, = , , , , , () [ , ] X = Y 1 = (X Y) [ , ] Z = ( ) [ , ] 28. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 1 1 2 , Formula:- M1 D1 = M2 D2 1) M2 = 2) D2 = Solution : 100 =(500 100) = 400 5 , 500 = (20 5) 15 1 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, = (15 500) 400 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, = ( ) 00 [ 500 , , ] Formula:-- X m = 1 1 ,, ,, = Y 1 = X Y 1 = ( + ) = = 1 ,, 1 ,, ,, ,, = Formula:- T = 29. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:- T = Formula:- T = Formula:- T = Formula:- T = [ ] Solution X 20 = 1 X 1 = Y 1 = Z 1 = X , Y Z 1 = ( ) = 1 ,, 1 ,, ,, ,, = 8 30. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:-- 1 = 1/8 ,, 6 ,, ,, ,, = 6/8 = (1 ) = X 1 = 20 ,, ,, ,, = (20 ) =20/4 = 5 Formula:-- X 1 = 1/ 20 5 ,, ,, = 0 X 5 X , Y Z = (1 ) = X , Y Z 1/8 = 1 ,, 1 ,, ,, ,, = 8 ,, ,, ,, ,, = = 6 = X , Y Z + X 5 = 6 + 5 = 11 31. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 1 1 1 2 2 2 Formula:-- 3 20 = 1 3 ,, ,, 1 ,, ,, = 0 1 ,, ,, 1 ,, ,, = 0 4 ,, ,, 1 ,, ,, = 0 = [ , , ] , 5 20 = 1 1 ,, ,, 1 ,, ,, = 0 10 ,, ,, 1 ,, ,, = 0 0 = 0 4 10 , 1 = ( + 0 ) = = 1 1 ,, ,, ,, = 6 Formula : T2 = ( ) ( ) 32. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:- T = ( ) t U = Up , D = Down T = ( ) ( ) 1= 77Min Formula:-- ( ) n = 1 ( ) = = = + = , U V [ U > V ] , (Relative Speed) = U +V , (Relative Speed) = U V / / X T T X ,, 1 ,, ,, ,, = = 33. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com p Lt T =( Lp + Lt) ,, 1 ,, ,, ,, = ( ) = ( ) Formula:-- , 1 (60 60) = 45 = (45 1000) 60 ,, ,, = 0 0 750 60 , = + 750 = + 100 = 650 Formula:- = ( ) 45 = ( ) [ T C nver S eed in km/hr to m/sec multiply speed by ] =650 x T = , (Relative Speed) = , (Relative Speed) = T = ( ) = 11 Second [1 km/hr = meter/second ] 34. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:- T = = 0 T = 0 0 ( ) = 9 Second [1 km/hr = meter/second ] Formula:- T = T = 0 0 0 (Principal / Capital / Sum )[ Invested] / / ( Interest / Extra money for Interest) [ ] / [ Per-annum ] (Rate of Interest) [ , 100 1 ] /-/ (Amount/ Interest-principal/Increased Principal) = + P t = p t 1 35. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com r , 100 1 r 1 1 P 1 P t n I = I = npr [r = r% = r/100] [ ] A = P + I A = P + nPr = P (1 + nr) P = [r = r% = r/100] P = [ , , ] 36. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com P r n C = p ( ) = (C) (P) = P ( ) P = ( ) = ( ) Solution- 700 5 = 105 100 ,, 1 ,, ,, = Formula:- I = 105 = r = , X 5 - = 2X = - = 2X X = X X 5 = X 100 ,, 1 ,, ,, = = 20 = 20% 37. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:- ( ) = = r 0 1 2 Formula:-- 100 1 = (10 8 ) = 2 100 ,, ,,, ,, 5 ,, ,, ,, = (5 2 ) = 10 10 = 100 ,, 200 ,, ,, ,, = 00 00 0 Formula:- I = 200 = p =2000 Formula:-- 5% , 100 10 = ( 5 10) = 50 100 10 = ( 100 + 50 ) = 150 150 = 100 ,, 5000 ,, ,, ,, = 00 000 0 Formula:- P = ( ) P = ( ) 38. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com ) Formula:-- 300 4 = 1200 1 500 5 = 2500 1 (1200 + 2500 ) = 3700 1 3700 1 148 100 ,, ,, 1 ,, ,, = 00 00 = x % = x/100 , I1 = 00 00 , I2 = 00 00 , I1 + I2 =148 00 00 + 00 00 = 148 x = 4% Formula:- I = ( ) r = r = 00 ( 00 ) ( 00 ) = 4% 39. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com + 5 = 500 + 5 = 460 [ ] 2 = 40 1 ~ ~ = = 20 3 ~ ~ = 203 = 60 = (46060) = 400 400 1 20 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 20/400 100 ~ 1 ~ ~ 20 400 00 Formula:- C = p ( ) C = 600 ( ) C = 726 40. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com (Cost Price ) CP :- / (Selling Price )SP:- (Profit) = (SP) - (CP)/ (Profit /Gain) P:- (loss) = (CP) - (SP)/ (Loss)L:- , - X % x % x C x % , = X % c = ( C + ) X % C = ( C ) C P , = Furmula: 1 (Profit %) = 00 ( ) Profit % = 00 % 41. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Furmula: 1 (Loss %) = ( ) loss % = 00 0 Furmula: (n) , (n+1) (n+2) , , ? (loss) = ( , / -) loss % = 00 ( 0) Formula:- =n , First Value=F%, Second Value=S% = n [ + , ] = 12 Formula:- = ( ) ( ) = 00 00 0 42. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution = (150 + 20 ) =170 170 = 20 ,, 100 ,, ,, ,, = 0 00 0 Formula:- = + [ = ] = Cost = 150 +20 =170 % = 0 00 0 Formula:- = Cost = 00 00 00 0 Formula:- = ( ) ( ) Cost = 00 00 00 0 Solution: 100 , 100 P% , 100 = (100 + P ) ,, n ,, ,, ,, = ( 00 ) 00 L% , 100 = (100 - L ) ( 00 ) 00 ,, ,, ,, = ( 00 ) 00 ( 00 ) 00 [ P% , L% p% 5%(L%) ] 43. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formula:-- 15% , 100 = (100 +15 ) =115 ,, 280 ,, ,, ,, = = 322 8% , (100 - 8 ) 92 = 100 ,, 322 ,, ,, ,, ,, = = 350 Formula : ( ) = 30 30 20% =24 (Profit) =( ) Profit = ( 0) Formula:- = R% ( ) Cost= 00 0 0 44. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution % 10% = (100 10) = 90 20% = (100 + 20 ) = 120 (120 90) = 30 30 100 ,, ,, 40 ,, ,, ,, ,, Formula:- = 40 10% 20% , 10% + 20% =40 15% = 40 1% = 0 100% = 0 00 Formula:- = = 00 0 0 45. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution: 3 % 20% = (100 20) = 80 40% = (100 + 40 ) = 140 40% 100 = 140 ,, 80 ,, ,, ,, 0 0 00 = 112 10% , = (100 10 ) =90 = (112 -90) = 22 22 = 100 ,, 50 ,, ,, ,, = 00 0 Formula: 10% , Sells1 = (100 10) = 90 20% = (100 20 ) = 80 , profit , 80 40% =32 ,Sells2 = + = 80 + 32 = 112 = [ Absolute Value Negative Positive ] Cost = 00 0 46. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution: 5 = 4 1 ,, ,, = , 4 = 5 1 ,, ,, = = - = = 0 [ ] = 0 ,, ,, 100 ,, ,, ,, = Formula 47. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution: X = 1 1 ,, ,, = Y = 1 1 ,, ,, = = = = ,, ,, 100 ,, ,, ,, = ( ) 00 Formula = ( ) = ( ) 00 Solution: = (380+20) 400 400 =20 ,, 100 ,, ,, ,, Solution: 10% = (100-10) 90 5% = (100+5) 105 = (105 90) 15 15 100 ,, 45 ,, ,, ,, ,, 300 48. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution: 20% = (100+20) 120 10% = (100-10) 90 20% , 100 = 120 ,, 90 ,, ,, ,, = ( ) =108 % , = (100 ) = (100 ) 31 2 =100 ,, 31 ,, ,, ,, ,, = 200 Solution: x % , = 00 ( 00 ) = 100 ,, n ,, ,, ,, = y % , = 00 100 = ( 00 ) ,, ,, ,, ,,= ( ) ( ) = n ( ) ( ) 49. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution: 36 =12 100 ,, ,, ,, 20% , 100 = (100 + 20) 120 20% , = 120 20 ,, ,, ,, Solution: 15% 1200 + 1200 15% (1200 15 100 ) 1200+180 = 1380 5% 1380 1380 5% 1380 69 = 1311 Solution: 5 = 2 100 ,, ,, = 40 40% , 100 (100+40) 140 140 =40 35 ,, ,, ,, ,, = 10 50. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution: 12 =20 1 ,, ,, ,, = 5 3 1 = = 2 5 3 = 1 3 5 3 = 1 3 ,, 100 ,, ,, 20 [ ] Solution: 3 = 1 1 ,, ,, ,, = 2 = 1 1 ,, ,, ,, = 2 1 = = 1 2 1 3 = 1 6 [ ] 1 3 = 1 6 ,, 100 ,, ,, 50 51. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Solution: , 5 = x 1 ,, ,, ,, = 4 = x 1 ,, ,, ,, = 1 = = = = ,, 100 ,, ,, 25 52. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 1 Lac = 105 1 Million = 10 6 = 10 lac 1 Crore =10 7 =10 million 1 Billion = 10 9 (USA) =10 12 (Eu) 1 Trillion = 10 12 (USA) = 10 18 (Eu) 1 kilogram= 2.2 (lbs) pounds 1 Seer = .93 kg 1 mound = 40 seer = 37.2 kg 1 quintal = 100 kg 1 ton = 1000 kg S.I International Systems of Units 1960 CGS Centimeter . Gram .Second M.K.S Meter . Kilogram . Second F.P.S Foot .Pound .Second 12 Inch = 1 foot , 3 foot = 1 Yard , 1760 Yard = 1 mile Relationship Distance Area Volume 1 Inch = 2.54 Centimeter 1 Inchs2= 6.45 cm 2 1 liter = 1000 Cubic Centimeter 1 Meter = 39.37 Inch 1 Hectare = 10000 meter 2 1 Cubic meter = 1000 liters 1 mile = 1.61 kilometer 1 Katha = 720 feet 2 1 Cubic foot = 28.31 liters 1 Nautical Mile = 1.853km 1 Acre = 4047 meter 2 1 gallon = 3.78 liters(us) = 4.54 liters(uk) 1 km2 = 247 Acres 1 Cubic Centimeter= 1 gram 1 m_t_r = 100 C_ntim_t_r = 39.37 In]hs = 3.28 `__t = 1.0936 Y[r^s = 0.00062 mil_s 1 kilogram = 1000 grams = 2.2 pounds = 35.27 Ounces = 0.157 Stone(uk) 1 meter 2 = 10.76 feet 2 =1550 Inchs 2 = 10000 centimeter 2 1 Square kilometer = .3861 mile2 = 100 hectares = 247 acres 1 mile 2 = 2.589 kilometers 2 = 259 hectare = 640 acres 1 Celsius = 33.8 Fahrenheit = 274.15 kelvin 53. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 54. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com F S F + S ( F S) F S = F S = 30 = 20 + 15 (F S ) (F S ) 1 12 12 = 3600 ,, ,, ,, ,, = 0 N = n 0 1 0 ( ) H M = ( ) ( ) HM = [ () ] 0 / 0 Examples: ( ) ( ) = ( ) ( ) = [ > 0 ] = 0 ( ) ( ) = 0 55. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com : ( ) ( ) ( x ) x ( ) ( ) () x : , A= q n , q = n = ( , , W = q x n , q = , n = x = w = n x , d = v t. , v = t= , Q(t) = Q0 q t , Q0= q = t= Q(t) = t ( + ) P = b r , b = r = = = S% P= = b S% 56. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 57. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 58. 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