Skills to Land Top Big Data for IT Sector

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Skills to Land Top Big

Data for IT Sector

OverviewA number of tools are available for working with Big Data. Many of the tools are open source and Linux distribution based. This course covers the fundamentals of big data, including positioning it in a historical IT context, the tools available for working with big data, the big data stack, and finally, an in-depth look at apache Hadoop.

Target Audience And Expected Duration

IT engineers, programmers, and DBAs working with or interested in Big Data, as well as business decision makers interested in implementing or managing Big data systems.

The flexible expected duration to work with big data is 1.5 hours.

What we will cover?

Big Data in Perspective

Global Data

The Key Contributors

The Apache Software Foundation Big Data Stack

Hadoop in Detail

Big Data In Perspective

Put in big data into perspective of supercomputing.

Describe big data in context of technology waves and put it into the perspective by comparing to previous technology waves.

List the six emerging technologies and relate them to big data.

Global Data Define big data and describe Gartner's Vectors.

Define structured and unstructured data in terms of Gartner's model.

List the standard sizes used in big data to determine sizes of data sets.

The Key Contributors

List the three primary key contributors to the origins of big data.

List the primary big data distro companies.

The Apache Software Foundation

Describe the apache software foundation.

List projects attributable to the apache software foundation.

Describe cascading and mongo DB.

Big Data Stack

List the layers of the big data stack.

List the common big data components.

Describe columnar databases and hbase.

Hadoop In DetailDescribe solutions for scaling computing.Describe the design principles of hadoop. Map out the functional view of hadoop. Describe the architecture of hdfs. Describe the architecture of yarn. Describe the attributes and processes of map reduce.Describe the architecture of spark.

To know more about the big data technology wave course, Visit this link: http://www.trackls.com/trackls-Complimentary-Access

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