West Coast American Leadership Academy Political Science 1 – US Government Fall 2015 / Spring 2016 – Power Point 4

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West Coast American Leadership Academy Political Science 1 – US Government

Fall 2015 / Spring 2016 – Power Point 4

Page 2: Slide 4 WestCal Political Science 1 - US Government 2015-2016

Course Lecture Topics 1. Condition Of America’s Masses

2. Attitudes Of America’s Masses

3. Intolerance Toward Unpopular Groups

4. Elite – Mass Communication

5. Political Functions Of Mass Media

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Masses In America

Condition Of America’s Masses Is Increasingly Unequal

• Growth in international trade is the principle cause of increasing inequality in America.

• Deunionization contributes to the mass condition of inequality.

• Wealth is even more unequally distributed than income.

• Even though family income has been rising, real wages in America have been declining.

• Unskilled and semiskilled workers are suffering most.

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Distrust & Cynicism

American masses are increasingly distrusting and cynical.

1. Caused by disrespect of governmental and political authority.

2. The global economy has disrupted lives of many people.

There are changes in the political process.

1. Dealignment shows a decline in party loyalty.

2. Television has replaced parties in politics.

3. There is increasingly professional politics.

4. There is negative media reporting.

Mass distrust & cynicism diminished after terrorist attacks.

1. There is mass confidence in the military.

2. There is mass confidence in the non elected Supreme Court.

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Intolerance Towards Unpopular Groups

There is an Increase in Intolerance toward unpopular groups.

1. This is a reason why right and left counterelites have arisen in American politics.

2. Mass support for legal immigration has declined over the years.

3. Elite support for legal and illegal immigration has increased over the years.

4. Opinion Differences are explained by variations in level of education.

• The masses are ignorant. • The masses are politically inactive and apathetic. • These are the reasons why democracy survives.

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Political Message This is the famous “This Land” cartoon. It is seen as a strong influential message during the 2004 Presidential Election. What is the message behind this cartoon? Was it the motivation of those behind its creation to influence our political system or was the primary purpose to produce publicity for their company?

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Political Message Snide TV produced a funny political cartoon during the Presidential Primary Election of 2008. “Obama On the Run” Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama musically argue it out over who is the better candidate in this song satirizing "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better." The cartoon focuses on the narcissistic characteristics of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. All candidates are narcissists at heart.

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Political Message The Republican National Committee produced “John Kerry: International Man Of Mystery” during the 2004 presidential election. This campaign advertisement pokes fun at John Kerry’s assertion that he is in contact with world leaders who are not comfortable with President George W. Bush. The theme is set to “Austin Powers”. Enjoy the video.

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Elite To Mass Communication

1. Mass Media are the Primary Channels of Communication between Elites and Masses.

2. Means of Communication • Television communicates emotions and


• News executives, reporters, editors, anchors, and producers decide what will be news.

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Elite Information Flow

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Media Political Functions

Mass Media have Political Functions in Society.

1. They have the power to set the agenda of issues.

2. Their liberal bias is toward bad-news.

3. Supreme Court decisions support mass media on no prior restraint and absence of malice issues.

4. The Federal Communications Commission supports mass media on fairness issues.

Mass media is the link between politicians and voters.

1. Mass media emphasize the personal image of candidates.

2. Political campaigning through mass media is very costly.

3. Mass Media influence what people know and think.

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Selling Issues To Society

The mass media’s greatest power is the ability to decide what will be decided. How do interest groups direct mass opinion today? We will examine a marketing campaign led by the “Consumers Union” that addresses the issue of prescription cost. Humor very effective in pulling on emotional heartstrings. The ending directs viewers to a website that states the primary purpose of this clip.

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Selling Issues To Society

President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton proposed comprehensive healthcare legislation to provide health insurance to millions of uninsured citizens. The Health Insurance Association of American (HIAA), a health insurance lobbying group produced “Harry and Louise”