AS Media Studies Unit G321 Sound

Sound - AS Media

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  • 1. AS Media Studies Unit G321

2. Diegetic Sound Sound that has an onscreen source and belongs to the world of the film e.g. Dialogue Sound effects Ambient sound Non-diegetic Sound Sound that does not have an onscreen source & characters onscreen do NOT hear it e.g. Added music Contrapuntal sound Voice over Sound can be divided into two main categories: 3. Audio and video are of equal importance in terms of creating meaning. 4. Sound can help create meaning by Enhancing the audience's emotional experience / providing emotional focus (imagine Jaws without the music). Underlining psychological refinements - the unspoken thoughts of a character, or the unseen implications of a situation. Identifying characters/character types (e.g. good Vs evil in Star Wars). 5. Sound can help create meaning by Setting the location, e.g. Setting the period. Paralleling the action and creating a more convincing atmosphere of space and time. Building a sense of continuity (moving in, out and Bridging scenes). Underpinning the theatrical build-up of a scene and rounding it off with a sense of finality. 6. KEY SOUND TERMINOLOGY Soundtrack - the recorded sound element of a film. Theme music/tune - a recurrent melody in the film. Sound effects - sounds other than dialogue or music made artificially (Often referred to as Foley Sound) Ambient sound - buzz and/or surrounding sounds. Dialogue - speech. 7. KEY SOUND TERMINOLOGY Voiceover - narration in a film not accompanied by a synchronised image of the speaker forming the words. Direct address - when characters speak directly to the camera i.e. the audience. Diegetic sound any sound that has an onscreen source and belongs to the world of the film. Non-diegetic sound any sound that does not have an onscreen source & characters onscreen do NOT hear it e.g. some voiceovers, music. 8. KEY SOUND TERMINOLOGY Sound bridges sound that continues from one scene to another. This helps create a smooth transition between scenes. In this way, the sound is said to be enhancing the continuity of the film. Parallel sound sound that complements the image track. Sound & image seem to reflect each other. Contrapuntal sound sound that does not complement or fit with the image track.