Space Research Project An Obama Secretary Production

Space Research Presentation

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Space Research Project

An Obama Secretary Production

Page 2: Space Research Presentation

Guiding Question

•How can NASA fortify their rockets to travel further into space?

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Big Problem

Fuel is a big problem in rockets because it has prevented NASA from gathering enough information to sustain a fantastic propellant that is easy and can change rocket travel forever.

Dictionary Definition For Problem Word• Fuel: a substance that can be consumed to

produce energy

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• attempt to have a mother rocket nursing the rocket as it sets on a journey

• A universal fuel station

• a solar panel

• Combine all the administrators of fantastic space programs all over the world

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A Rocket Diagram

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Variations of Fuel Capable of Powering a Rocket

Section 1

• Solar sail: a form of fuel that operates on radiation from a star

• Ice and metal (environmentallyfriendly and will encourage further distances)

Add a grinder to the rocket and grind up plutonic rocks for fuel

Result-More fuel possibilities enhances opportunity of better fuel

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A More Superb Main EngineSection 2

• Additional overhauls to improve safety

• High tech opticals and vibration sensors will recognize danger before it occurs

• Combustion chamber will enlarge to reduce on internal components without reducing the thrust

Result-Safer main engines will subtract worry in that aspect and

have more time to focus on other problems like further distances

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Smaller Fuel TankSection 3

• More than 17,500 pounds lighter than the original tank

• 30% stronger

• Able to maintain same amount of fuel

Result-Less pressure on rocket during long travel

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Solid Rocket and External Tank UpgradesSection 4

• Redesign valves, filters, and seals in steering section

• Changes to rocket propellant make technician work safer

• External tank will grasp a new friction-stir

Result- a terrific lift off can start the long journey greatly and

construct the aircraft well so the rocket may travel a LONG DISTANCE

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Dream TeamIdea Section

• NASA administrator, Frank Bolden, CNSA administrator, Sun Laiyan, and POCOCMOC administrator, Anatoly Perminov should combine their minds and create something


Tons of great minds can construct something that everyone else thought was only a dream (research shows more people can create better ideas and also there is a saying “The more the merrier.”)

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Lighter Metal for RocketsIdea Section

• NASA should use lighter metal

• If rockets have less mass then they would accelerate faster

• Newton’s Second Law says an object with less mass will accelerate faster than an object with more mass

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Pros and Cons of Solution

ProsUpgraded rocket technologyBranched out; more than oneSolution results strictly relate to guiding questionPart of it is new and unknown

ConsCosts a ton of moneyChance it won’t workNew to astronautsSmaller rocket; more risk to damage if colliding with space dangers

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Constructive Solution

• In this project the solution found was between the lines

• All four sections (not including the idea section) create a solution in themselves

• The more high tech the rocket is the better it will travel in space

• This solution was like bricks. You can’t build a house without them