Spain: Brief Geography and History

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Geography and History


Relief. Mountainous Country

Weather. Several ones.

Result: Varied Landscape



Cliffs and beaches

Plantations. Olive-trees


Cultural diversity and mix of population (crossroad)

Prehistory. There is no scripture; only material remains. Paintings, Monuments.PREHISTORIA

There is no scripture; only material remains

only material remains:

* Paintings * Monuments

Prehistoric Cultures

Painting. Cave of Altamira.

Monuments. (Architecture).

History: Colonizer, native and invader peoples:

Celts (Gallics) ( VIII BC)

Greeks (VII BC)

Carthaginians (V BC)

Iberians (III BC)

Romans (II BC)

Visigoths (Germans) ( V AC)

Muslims (VIII AC).

Phoenicians ( X BC Century)


Celts (Gallics)




Romans II

German Peoples (or Barbarians) Visigoths

German Peoples (or Barbarians) Visigoths

Muslims (800 years)

Muslims I

Muslims II

Middle Age: Christian vs. Muslims fights

Modern Age:

Discovery of America

Spanish Empire

Spanish Hegemony (1500 1650)

Golden Age (of Culture).

Discovery of America

Arrival to America

Products brought from America




Products and animals taken to America


Olive tree

Sugar cane


Spanish Empire (XVI Century)

Spanish Golden Age (Culture)

Velzquez: Las Meninas

Spanish Decay: Succession War

Spanish Losses.

XIX Century. Independence War (1808 1814)

I Spanish Republic (1868 1874)

Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930)

II Republic (1931-1936)

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Dictatorship of Franco (1939-1975)

Flag during the Dictatorship

Democracy (1977-...)

Flag of the Democracy

Spanish Entrance in the European Union (1986)

Current Spain

Population: 46 millions of inhabitants.

29 th in the popultion scale made up of 196 countries.

First fishing power in the EU.

Second touristic power in the World.

Origin of tourists

English personages in the Spanish History I: The Black Prince

English personages in the Spanish History II: Catherine of Lancaster

English personages in the Spanish History III: Duke of Wellington

English personages in the Spanish History IV: Queen Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg

Victoria Eugenia (II): Royal consort of Alfonso XIII of Spain

George Orwell
(writer and journalist) took part in the Spanish Civil War in support of the II Republic

Spanish personages in the Great Britain History I: Catalina de

Spanish personages in the Great Britain History II: Philippe II

Varied tourism



Green tourism (trekking)

Jacobean Way

Jacobean Way II

Festivities I: Sanfermines

Festivities II: Fallas of Valencia

Festivities III: Seville Fair

Gastronomy I: paella

Gastronomy II: (sardines)

Gastronomy III: salmorejo

Gastronomy IV: ham

Spain: An alluring country full of contrasts and diversity.

Many thanks.

Text, photo selection and design: Translation: Alberto RubioRafael Jimnez