Spanish Session golabki 27/01/14

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  • 1. Medium cabbage head kg ground beef/pork meat. 1 cup cooked rice. 2 Eggs. chopped onion. 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic. 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 Tomato sauce

2. PREPARE THE CABBAGE First we remove the core from the cabbage head. Put the cabbage in a large pot filled with boiling, salted water. (cover and cook) Let it boil for 5-10 minutes. Until softened enough to pull off individual leaves. What we want to do is separate the leaves. Let it cool. Separate the leaves and cut off the thick part of the main vein. 3. COOKING THE FILLING We just saut the vegetables: chopped onion, garlic and we can add mushrooms. You can add more things: parsley, paprika. This is really flexible. You can use butter or any kind of oil, we use Spanish olive oil. Remove from the heat and let it cool. 4. In a large mixing bowl place the ground beef, pork , cooled rice, onion, garlic, mushrooms and eggs, add salt and pepper. Mix it well. 5. Stuff the cabbage! Place a small amount of meat mixture to the middle of the leaf. Then fold the sides of the leaf in and roll it up into a little package. 6. Put the cabbage rolls into a casserole dish Repeat the process until you have run out of cabbage or filling. Then pour the tomato sauce over the cabbage rolls. Cover with foil and bake at 220 C for 1 hour. 7. LUCYNA WIDAWSKA GEMA RAMOS SNCHEZ ELENA DEL VALLE MORALES ENJOY OUR RECIPE!!