Sub Genre Explanation

sub genre explanation

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Sub Genre Explanation

Out of all the sub genres we could have chose, we are going to base our promotional package on a slasher. We chose slasher because it is our favourite sub genre and we all watch slashers more in comparison to other genres. Due to this we believe we have a better knowledge and understanding of the conventions in slasher films. By knowing this, hopefully we will be able to portray our knowledge of slasher conventions through our work.

As a group we are inspired by classic slashers such as ‘House of Wax’, whereby a bunch of teenagers are camping in the woods and eventually all get slaughtered by a killer, other than the final girl. This our initial idea without our horror, however, we are going to change some of the conventions in order to make it original.

From watching House of Wax, certain things inspired us and enticed us to want to do a slasher trailer. The location of the film is set in a woodland area. This idea was attractive to us, as you never know what to expect. Also, horror films are based on things the audience fear. No one can walk through a woods alone during the day, without a little bit of fear, it is inevitable. So by playing on our audience's fear it may entice them further to watch the film.

Stereotypical roles are taken on, for example, Paris Hilton plays the role of the “dumb blonde” as well as the “sacrificial lamb”, she does everything wrong so it is not surprising that she dies, she does not have the intelligence to escape the killer. Additionally, it could be said that she dies first as she is a transgressor. Pictured below, you can see that she is half naked her death may be a punishment for this.

‘House of Wax’

Paris Hilton’s Death

‘House of Wax’

Another thing that attracted us to the house of wax was the antagonist. He seems very strange, making him even more frightening. He seems to be such a proactive killer and is increasing mysterious throughout the movie. Because of this, it could be said that the audience are more engaged with him as they may want to know the reasons behind his ways and why he does what he does. This is something we hope to achieve with our own antagonist; fear as well as mystery.