SURAH HUD ود ه ورة س

Surah hud

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SURAH HUDهود سورة

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Importance of this Surah ---- Inquisition of Abu-Bakr about Rasolallah’s gray hairs and his answer.

• Quranic Ayahs are firm ---- elaborated and full of wisdom --- no contradiction or defect

• The solution for corruption in the world is to invite them towards Tauheed.

• Benefits of Istighfar ----- Forgiveness from Allah(SWT) and good provisions of life.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Contentment on what you have and no grief on what you don’t have = peacefulness = One’s

attention moved towards the creator rather than His creations.

• Sustenance is from Allah(SWT) , Al Razzaq ------ Rizq for all ---- Tawakul Ilallah

• Purpose of creation of Adam( AS) and this world ---- This world is just moral trial of man and his

consequent accountability to the creator.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• Ungratefulness and narrow mindedness of human being ---- Fickle minded and haste prone

• Thankfulness for the blessings from Allah opens the way of good deeds.

• Patience = stability of temperament -- Avoid pessimism during hardships and arrogance during


• Meaning of salutation --- There is no deity but God --- Surrender /submit to Him completely


ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Those who intend to achieve worldly life and its beauty, they might get it but no share in Hereafter.

• Intention --- Sincerity --- Hadith regarding Insincere scholar, martyr and munificent

• One who obey wrongfully suffer more ---- Punishment + hardships of obedience

• Comparison of blind unbeliever and seeing believer.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3:• Style of Nuh (AS) Tableegh --- Selection of words

• People of Nuh worship idols of their deceased ancestors -- Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Yauq & Nasr

• Poor & weak are always first among the society to accept the teachings of a Prophet.

• Prophet never ask for any compensation for His duties as messenger.

• A Daee talks with rationale & do not lose patience even in reply of improper and immoral behavior.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 4:• Boat making ----- The education of a Prophet.

• Ridiculing the boat making process of Nuh(AS) ---- response of disbelievers

• Supplication when boarding on boats --- Ayah 41

• Drowning of Nuh’s son ---- One can admonish their kids but if they do not accept the guidance

even Prophets cannot save His own disbelieving son.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Supplication Ayah 47 ---- Taking refuge with Allah against that we ask Him

something which we have no knowledge.

• Purpose of Prophetic stories in Quran --- Warnings, consolation and glad tidings.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 5:• People of Aad --- Hud(AS) --- Teaching and method of teaching of all Prophets were

always same.

• No payment for Dawah work.

• Moral values determine the rise and fall of nations in this world also.

• Repentance and Istaghfar brings blessings and provisions Here and Hereafter.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Casting fear of madness and abuse of idols ---- Trust Allah(SWT)

• Allah protect those who are on right way ---- He is with truth and justice.

• The crimes of people of Aad --- rejected the signs of their Lord, disobeyed His

Messengers, and followed the bidding of every tyrannical enemy of the truth.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 6:• People of Thamud ---- Salih(AS)

• Allah listens to the prayers and supplication of sinful people and forgive them.

• People of Thamud had high expectation from Salih(AS) due to his intelligence, wisdom, foresight,

serious behavior and dignified personality to become a great and prosperous man in society.

• When he admonish them for Deen , they got irritated.

• Miracle of camel, Killing it and finally Allah’s torment.

• د�ا ع� ب� ------ Destroyed, cursed, thrown away, disgraced ---- Allah’s wrath

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 7:• Hospitality of Ibrahim(AS)

• Pleading of Ibrahim(AS) for the people of Lut.

• The Moral decay of people of Lut ---- No interest in what is lawful; only like what is

forbidden, unclean, filthy and against nature ; proud of their doings; lowest depth of


ICNA Sisters' Wing

• The dialogues between Lut(AS) and his people.

• Current situation -- Act of people of Lut -- decrease of loathful feeling /sensitivity among youth.

• What should we do? Can we adopt don’t tell don’t talk policy?

• Glad tidings of Ishaq(AS) to Ibrahim(AS)

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 8:• Shuaib(AS) and people of Madyan --- Shirk and lessening the measure and weight.

• Taqwa(fear of God) save a human being from indulging into moral and social evils.

• Effects of performing Salah correctly --- Taqwa and fairness in dealings

• Is Salah a private matter between a man and God ? --- Sarcasm from people of Madyan

What modern ignorance say about this?

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Prophets act upon His own preaching's ---- Tawakul Ilallah and total submission

• Its very hard for a person who has unlawful earning to start earning what’s lawful.

• The soft and rationale speech of Shuaib(AS) ---- Personal attacks on Him, insulting him ,

• stubbornness --- Shauib(AS) never losses his coolness.

• ع� د� ع� د� ---- Punishment, disgrace, curse, thrown away.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 9:• Invitation of Musa(AS) to Pharaoh and his people and their rejection.

• Punishments in Hereafter will be similar to the deeds here -- Leader here will be leader Hereafter

• Pharaoh will lead his followers to Hell and a pious leader will lead his followers to heaven.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• The people who have fear of Allah in their heart learn lessons from the stories of down and fall of

nations , fear of accountability in Hereafter and law of retribution in History prevents them from


• Crying and howling, sigh and groan in Hell will be useless.

• Polytheist beliefs --- blind pursuance --- forefathers/ culture -- against logic, wisdom & rationale

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 10:• Ayah 112 --- An ayah which made Prophet(SAW) old.

• ع� ع� د ع� د�ا ----- Steadfastness

• ع�ا د� ع� د� د�ا د� ----- Follow the boundries set by Allah(SWT) and do not exceed them.

• وع�ا ب� د� ع� د� د�ا د� ---- No tilt and inclination towards the unbelievers.

• Erasing bad deeds through good deeds ----- Remedy for eradicating evils of this world ---Sin will be

forgiven, getting rid of bad habits and cleansing of society.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Salah --- Remembrance of Allah ---- It produce good characteristics to fight against systematic and

united front of evil --- enable you to establish practically the system of virtue and reform.

• Patience ----- A key to make you stand firm.

• Consequences of not fulfilling the obligations of “Enjoining what is Good and forbidding what is

evil” ---- Allah’s punishment and chastisement.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Three purposes/advantages of narrating prophetic stories repeatedly

1. Daee has to face conditions of opposition, he has to be patient & firm in his conations. Strengthen

their hearts.

2. True knowledge of Prophetic stories.

3. Admonition through stories of obedient and disobedient ---- exhortation and reminder