My survey analysis

Survey Analysis for a Music Magazine

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My survey analysis

Page 2: Survey Analysis for a Music Magazine

Question 1:This question was used to identify my target audiences age and to make sure that my target audience was reached. I wanted to base my magazine on 16-18 year olds as I believe these are the ages that I have the most knowledge about, however it would still suit the audience with ages up to 20. I've also thought that my music magazine will reach audiences with ages up to 22 however I haven’t gotten any results from these ages so I just decided to keep it from ages16 to 20.

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Question 2:This question was used to identify the music genre that my target audience is into so that if they will be my target audience I will make sure that my magazine will include the music genre that they enjoy. From this I have made my choice to base my magazine mainly on the rap genre specially on my front cover to grab my target audiences attention. Although I will also try to include a variety of music types by including music genres like ‘Pop’ and ‘Dub step’ in my contents page with images as well as on the double page spread.

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Question 3:Although researching music magazines gave me some knowledge on how musicians are portrayed I’m still not entirely sure how I would present them within the pictures of my music magazine, therefore this question will allow me to identify how my target audiences sees or believes musicians look like. I really feel like this question is very vital for my research when creating a music magazine because it is a part of my front cover which I believe is very important and gives an image of the music magazine, if the audience does not get attracted by the front cover then its very likely that they will not buy the magazine. This will also help me build up and structure my images within the music magazine.

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Question 4:

This question was used to categorize my contents page towards my target audience. From my results from this questions I have learned that my target audience would mostly prefer content of a top 10 list which ill keep in mind, I will also try to make a picture just for the top 10 list for people to identify it if they do not find it in the contents page, the picture will be eye catching for them to know that possibly their favorite content is in this magazine. Also because the results from this questions were fairly similar I might think about adding these pictures from the other contents as well, if I choose so.

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Question 5:

This question will simply give me a better understanding of how much my target audience is willing to pay for a music magazine. It will also help me decide a more sensible price when declaring it in the front cover of my music magazine. Therefore from these results I have noticed that most people are willing to pay 2-3 pounds which gives me the indication to list my magazine for about 3 pounds.

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Question 6:

This question helped me to figure out the structure and length of my contents page, now that I know my target audience prefers for the magazine to stay fairly short I may be able to fit the contents onto one page and on the other give some additional information as well as a huge image. Also because I wont have to include as much contents I may think about giving the contents some additional description.

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Question 7:

This question helped me again to understand the structure of my magazine a bit more towards the mast head, titles and subheadings. 90% of the people that took this survey believe that changing up the font within each different page/content makes it more interesting which gives me a hint that I might need a wide variety of fonts to choose from as well as coloring and designs.