Surviving College 5 Things I wish I was Better Prepared For

Surviving college

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Surviving College: 5 Things I wish I was Better Prepared For is an article that discusses the things that change when you start college and how to handle them.

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Page 1: Surviving college

Surviving College 5 Things I wish I was Better

Prepared For

Page 2: Surviving college

1. Suddenly, You're an AdultMy advice: Manage your time. Sit down and account for all of your responsibilities and plan out your week. Plan out your class time, your work time, and give yourself time for friends. If you budget out your time like you do (or should do) with your cash (and stick to it) you will find that everything seems a little less crazy. Freedigitalphotos.net 

Page 3: Surviving college

2. You're in a New Place My advice: Make friends. Making friends with roommates or fellow classmates can relive tons of stress and fear. If you have someone to discover the campus with you won't feel so alone and insignificant. You're new friend is probably coping with the same things and you can help each other. Better yet, find a friend that is further along in their college year to help you out. You can also utilize services that the school offers like tours and counselors.Freedigitalphotos.net 

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3. You Have to Work Twice as Hard

My advice: Start small. Don't load the credits on your first semester. Try taking 4-6 credits instead of 12-14 and work your way up. Give yourself time to get used to the routine and work load of college and gradually increase to full time studying. If possible find a job working for your school. Universities offer many jobs for students and are very flexible with your class schedule and you won't have to commute.  Freedigitalphotos.net

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4. Your Learning Environment has Changed

My advice: Make sure you go to your classes. Seems pretty obvious right? That you would go to your classes in college? Yeah, just wait until you get going. Most professors don't implement a strict attendance policy so it can be easy to stay home from class now and again. (This goes back to the whole responsibility thing.) Get your butt to class and you will find that you catch on and get used to your new learning environment quick.  Freedigitalphotos.net