ISIS-SWIS User Training Collecting & Analyzing Data for Individualized Supports

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ISIS-SWIS User Training

Collecting & Analyzing Data for Individualized Supports

Training Intentions• Purpose: Prepare a small number of staff members

to implement and maintain ISIS-SWIS.

• Target Audience: Individuals preparing to use ISIS-SWIS to collect and analyze individual support plan data

• Objectives:• Introduce basic principles of tertiary (Tier III) supports• Demonstrate ISIS-SWIS navigation & functionality• Build fluency using the ISIS-SWIS application


Tertiary—intensive, individualized5% of student population

Secondary—targeted, small group15% of student population

Universal—primary prevention provided to all students, effective for approximately 80%

Continuum of Decision Making

All specialized interventions are more effective and more durable with universal, school-wide behavioral expectations as a foundation.

Person-First SupportsEssential Question:Is the student successful at this level of support?

Students themselves do not fit into a tier of supports; instead, their needs are addressed at the tiers provided.

Intensity is a two-way street.

Improved student outcomes are the result of continually monitoring and modifying (as needed) instructional programs and methods.





Essential Components of Tertiary Systems

• Focus = Few students, 5% of overall population

• Setting = Small group, 1 – 3 students, general environment or other appropriate settings within the school/facility

• Instruction = Individualized, explicit, and focused on remediation of skills, matched to student need, intervention duration: 20+ weeks

• Assessments = Individual diagnostic assessment, weekly or twice weekly progress monitoring

Essential Systems ElementsCoordinating Team

Tier III systems planning team exists and meets regularly.

Team has a defined leader.

Membership represents behavioral expertise, administrative authority, intensive support expertise, knowledge about students, and knowledge about school operations.

Student Support Team

A uniquely constructed team exists for each individual student support plan.

Student support team is comprised of relevant stakeholders.

Student support team exists to design, implement, monitor, and adapt the student-specific support plan.

Data-based Decision Making

Outcome and fidelity data are reviewed by a student’s support team at least monthly.

Data are used to modify the support plan to improve behavior outcomes and improve fidelity of implementation.

Systematic Evaluation

Hypothesis Statement Comprehensive Support Strategies

Systematic Evaluation

o Operational description of problem behavior

o Identification of context where problem behavior is most likely occurring

o Maintaining reinforcers (e.g., behavioral function) in the identified context

o Teaching strategies

o Specific recognition for desired behavior

o Strategies for removing rewards for problem behavior

o Safety elements, as needed

o Clear, measureable goals

o Process for assessing implementation fidelity

o Process for assessing student outcomes

o Action plan for implementation

Comprehensive Assessment(e.g., observations, interviews, academic data, attendance)

Success, teacher acknowledgment

Sent to hall to ‘calm down’ Function:

escape task

Complete math assignment

Crying, pushing papers off desk

Raise hand & ask for break

Given double-digit addition


Routine: Math Class


Prior instructional


Setting Event Strategies

Antecedent Strategies

Teaching Behavior Alternative Consequence

Eliminate/Neutralize Setting Events

Eliminate/Modify Antecedent

Teach Alternative Behavior Reinforce Alternative/ Desired Behavior

Prompt Alternative/ Desired Behavior

Teach Desired Behavior/Skill Respond to Problem Behavior/ Redirect / Extinguish

Make the problem behavior ineffective-------------------------Elevate reward for

alternative and desired behavior

Eliminate rewards for problem behavior

Make the problem behavior inefficient

-----------------Teach a better


Teach desired behavior

Make the problem behavior irrelevant----------------------------------

Remove antecedents that trigger the problem behavior,

Change schedule, tasks, transitions

Goal = Enhanced Social Competence & Academic Achievement

DataDecision Making Supports

SystemsStaff Behavior Supports

PracticesStudent Behavior Supports

Fidelity Outcomes

Types of Data

Continuous Quality Improvement


Identify current status and precise problems

Establish goal(s)

Develop solution(s)Implement

solution(s) with integrity

Monitor progresstoward goal(s)

Adjust plan as needed

Advantages of ISIS-SWISEfficiency

Structured creation and maintenance of student files

One home for progress monitoring, goal setting, and decision making

Instantaneous access to data


Equal access to quality support plan management

Enabling of clear roles, responsibilities, and predictability


Supports compliance with federal procedures for Tier III support

Comprehensive student file for quality decision makingDocumentation of progress and intervention history


Files and measures tailored to a student’s needs


TOOLSSchool Settings, Account Settings, Person Management, Data Integrity

What are School Settings? School Settings allow schools/facilities to customize a set of features within the SWIS Suite to address local decision-making needs such as:

School Profile & Contact Information

Core Data: Days, Enrollment & Ethnicity

Application Settings

Data Integrity

What are (User) Account Settings? Account Settings allow an individual user to update their profile information as well as personalize application settings to accommodate data entry or their reporting preferences.

Account Settings are unique to each school user and can be modified at any time the user decides to make a change.

What is Person Management?

Person Management allows schools/facilities to organize and manage student, staff, and non-staff person records that are associated with SWIS Suite data.

Data Integrity

The Data Integrity tool assists school users in maintaining accurate account information by monitoring specific “common” errors such as duplicate or missing information.

Activity: Tools


Creating a New Student Case File

What? The electronic version of the student’s physical file which often includes the documents, support plans, and data associated with the student’s individualized support.

When? When individualized data will be collected for the student

Creating a New Student Case FileWho? ISIS-SWIS coordinators or facilitators can set up new student case files

What Information is needed? Student Information

(name, ID, gender, ethnicity, race, IEP/504 status)

Plan Information(Coordinator, Plan start date, Implementation Status, next review/assessment dates)

Carly Johnson

Carly Johnson 56744Female Non-Hispanic No4th Black Yes/Intel. Dis.

April Stone03/15/201503/2016

[email protected]/2016

Brian Bender

Brian Bender 75262Male Non-Hispanic No8th White Yes/Spec. LD

Margie Rose01/09/20151/2016

[email protected]/2015

Team MembersWho? All stakeholders and student support team

membersWhat Access? Access and training varies based on

assigned tasksWhat Information is needed?

Person Information Adults: name, ID, email addressStudents: name, ID, gender, ethnicity/race, 504/IEP status

Team Member InformationRole (relationship to student/team), access level


What to include? The “living” documents teams need to regularly review, use, or modify What not to include? Highly sensitive documents or documents that are not useful for decision makingDocument Types


Minimum DocumentationTo take full advantage of the School-Wide Reports in ISIS-SWIS each student case file should include a minimum of two documents:

1. AssessmentCurrent assessment summary

2. PlanCurrent support strategies/plan


What? The data that will drive implementation decisions

Who? Coordinators or Facilitators

What will be measured? Fidelity

Adults: How will we know the staff are accurately and consistently implementing the strategies?

OutcomesStudents: How will we know the student is benefiting from supports and making progress toward goals?

Discuss: Data Collection Strategies

Activity: Student File—Team

Together: Carly Johnson (yellow materials)

Independent Practice: Brian Bender (blue materials)


To avoid duplicates in the Facilitator Training Account and general confusion, you’ll need to personalize your case files:• Student Names • Team Member Email Addresses

WARNINGExperience has shown that using your initials and training date is effective to reduce confusion.o Trainee = Doug Fitzgerald Ross (DRF)o Training Date = April 23 (423)• Student Case File Name =

DFRCarly Johnson & DFRBrian Bender• Team Member = DFRJoe Binder• Fake Email = [email protected]

ISIS-SWIS Exploration

Log into the account and locate the electronic case file documents for Carly & Brian.

Facilitator Training Account

Username: facilitatorPassword:


Data EntryWhat? The data that will drive implementation


Who? Data Entry, Full Access, Coordinators

Data Collection SourcesPhysical data sheetsElectronic data sheetsPermanent productsVerbal reports

Develop Standard Data Entry & Report Generation Procedures

ISIS-SWIS Exploration

Facilitator Account


Student File Reports• What?

oMeasure o Time Segmento Single Time Segment Reports

• Who? All users with access can see reports

• Organization ToolData Entry & Report Generation ScheduleStudent Progress Report

• How are the Tier III systems working? • How many students are receiving tertiary tiers of

support? • Are interventions and supports being implemented

with fidelity? • Are students making progress toward goals? • Are there specific barriers or problems that need to be

addressed? • How are Tier I and Tier II systems working? • What information needs to be communicated?

School-Wide Questions

ISIS-SWIS Exploration

Facilitator Account


Discuss: Setting Up Teams & Users



Team Member

Team Member

Team Member

Coordinator School-Wide Read Only

Discuss: RoutinesHow will routines and procedures be organized to support best practices for data collection and use?

Student-Level School-Wide (Systems)Teaming

Case File Set-Up

Data Entry



SupportTechnical Assistance• Please utilize the resources provided and the

pbisapps.org website. Spend about 15 minutes looking for the relevant information, then stop and contact your facilitator (me).

New User Requests (Staff turnover)• If a new coordinator or school-wide read only user

needs to be given access, please contact your facilitator (me) to schedule a new user training.

Facilitator Contact Information

• Name: • Email: • Phone:

My role is to provide training, coaching, support, technical assistance and to annually complete readiness ‘checks’ for ISIS-SWIS implementation.