Tài liệu lập trình game mobile với unity3d AUTHOR: PHẠM QUỐC CHINH SKYPE: PHAMQUOCCHINH90 NGUỒN: BLOGS.MSDN.COM/

Tai lieu lap trinh game mobile voi unity3d

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Giới thiệu Tài liệu lập trình game mobile với unity3d, tổng hợp các 4rum các bài viết hay về lập trình game mobile với unity3d

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Tài liệu lập trình game mobile với unity3dAUTHOR: PHẠM QUỐC CHINH


Beginning Tutorilas

Best starting place for newbies – Unity3D’s own live training catalogue – http://unity3d.com/learn/live-training/archive

Unity basics video series by Infinite Ammo – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEEAEA1E6B11B4DAE

UnityCG’s Unity3D crash course video series – http://cgcookie.com/unity/cgc-courses/crash-course-learn-unity/

Another guide similar to this one – http://www.alabsoft.com/unity3d.shtml

Now you’re thinking with components – http://gamedev.tutsplus.com/articles/glossary/unity-thinking-with-components

Twexa have a new slow into for brand new Unity3D devs – http://twexa.com/

Intermediate tutorials

Unity Gem’s breakdown series – http://unitygems.com/

Make a 2D platformer in Unity3D (pre 4.3) – http://www.rocket5studios.com/tutorials/make-a-2d-game-in-unity3d-using-only-free-tools-part-1/

Project based training – learn by doing

Unities own Project tutorials from beginner to advanced – http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects

Walker boys studio projects – http://walkerboystudio.com/html/unity_training___free__.html

Unity3D platformer starter kit (must read) – http://digitalerr0r.wordpress.com/2013/09/30/unity-game-starter-kit-for-windows-store-and-windows-phone-store-games/

Catlike coding’s side scrolling runner tutorial – http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/runner/

Video based tutorials

Introduction to building games with Unity – http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Windows-Camp/Building-Windows-Games-with-Unity/Introduction-to-building-games-with-Unity

Quill18’s game based video tutorials – http://quill18.com/unity_tutorials/

CGVillage Unity3D tutorial videos – http://www.cg-village.com/unity-3d-game-engine-tutorials

Making Mecanim compatible rigs in blender – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9iUm2llVPc&feature=youtu.be

Mouse and touch behaviours plus more video tutorials – http://www.devination.com/

How to Build games video series (recommended)  - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIR4PYHfjys

Unity 2D (in 3D, pre 4.3) game tutorial (beginner) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZucUpZtg2U

Unity3D component tutorials

Unity3d’s own component tutorial videos – http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules

Jesse Etzlers awesome Unity 101 series (1-100) – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxLNqnnCshwlE0UebbpV_v8M4kcLhXEz9

Jesse Etzlers awesome Unity 101 series (100-beyond) – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxLNqnnCshwm9ayxqMpeWH4P1SLzrN92-

Infinite Skills advanced series – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtNErhYMkHnEqGtygzs_1qW_VNR1i9oIp

Burgzergar arcades Hack and Slash series – http://www.burgzergarcade.com/hack-slash-rpg-unity3d-game-engine-tutorial

Unity 101 series by Cracked Spoon – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_N_IEJ7SLOr3k_cd2Zcx07NOTjd-OnCP

Unity3D coroutines in detail – http://www.altdevblogaday.com/2011/07/07/unity3d-coroutines-in-detail/

Unity3D master sites – Unity training is just their thing

Unity3D’s Unite conference recordings, a goldmine of beginner / intermediate / advanced stuff –http://unity3d.com/unite

CGCookies Unity section – http://cgcookie.com/unity/

Armed Unity forum, full of examples tutorials and q&A – http://armedunity.com/

Unity3D student, full of help and challenges – http://www.unity3dstudent.com/

Unity tutorials on the Tuts+ network – http://hub.tutsplus.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search%5Bkeywords%5D=unity&button=

Unity3D paid for training

Unity Magic, training and assets for Unity3D – http://www.unitymagic.com/shop/en/

Udemy’s Unity3D master class – https://www.udemy.com/unity-3d-master-class-game-development-for-beginners

GameDev Academys Unity training offer – http://www.gamedevacademy.org/unity-training-anyone-can-learn-how-to-make-a-game/

Design 3’s profession training services and videos – http://www.design3.com/

Performance and architecture

Richard Fine on best practice – http://video.unity3d.com/video/4929984/luug-11-pt-2-of-4-

C# Memory management by Wendelin Reich –http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/WendelinReich/20131109/203841/C_Memory_Management_for_Unity_Developers_part_1_of_3.php

4 ways to improve performance by Yorick – http://www.paladinstudios.com/2012/07/30/4-ways-to-increase-performance-of-your-unity-game/

IOC containers in Unity3D – http://blog.sebaslab.com/ioc-container-for-unity3d-part-1/

Top 5 tips for Unity3D development (must read) –http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JohnWarner/20130910/194559/The_top_5_things_Ive_learned_as_a_Unity_developer.php

A* the efficient way – http://unitygems.com/astar-1-journeys-start-single-step/

Create a responsive UI with Unity3D – http://blog.sergeymohov.com/fully-responsive-user-interface-with-unity-gui/

UNITY3D: IOS PERFORMANCE TIPS by @MVINetwork – http://www.kwalee.com/2012/11/23/unity-3d-ios-performance-tips/

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