By: Stephen, Jordan, Sydney, Austin, and Maggie

Tarantula (Group 2)

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Page 1: Tarantula (Group 2)

By: Stephen, Jordan, Sydney, Austin, and Maggie

Page 2: Tarantula (Group 2)

Information Found North America,

S. America Europe Australia

800 species

Page 3: Tarantula (Group 2)

Pet Tarantulas Noiseless


Very little space

Easy to care for

Pet stores

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Supplies Five or ten gallon screen

top terrarium

1 to 3 inches of sterilized potting soil

A hide area

shallow water dish

Heating pad

Gut loaded crickets

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Food and diet Diet of insects


One or two cricket to be fed to them per week

Gut loaded

Do not have to worry about over feeding

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Cage and Habitat Fish tank or terrarium

locking mesh screen top

Don’t need a lot of space

A heating pad 70 to 80 degrees

No lighting

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Handling Very careful

Better off not being held

Pick up between the second and third pair of legs

Gently nudge it in to your hand

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Molting A process tarantulas go

through as they grow

Shed their old skin

Refuse to eat

Bald spot