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Task Six - Summary of Research into Similar Products

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Task Six

Summary of Research into Similar Products

Page 2: Task Six - Summary of Research into Similar Products

Conventions on the cover

The front cover of every issue of Top of the Pops magazine follows particular conventions. For example the layout is very cluttered and busy which makes the magazine feel exciting and attracts younger readers. The colours used are also very bright and vibrant which grab attention but more specifically girly colours are used such as pink, white and yellow which connote positivity and making it more appealing also. Using these types of colours are conventional for a pop magazine as this is what will attract the teenage audience. The images always include a pop artist or band which all appeal to the specific target audience. The image are also very pleasing and not harsh in any way as the artists themselves look happy and friendly due to they way they are standing and the shot type. The language that is commonly used on the covers is very positive and sometimes a little strange which makes it stand out and therefore more likely to be purchased as it seems more interesting. Words such as “love” and “gossip” are used many times as this is what teenage girls are interested in and therefore will engage them into the magazine. The text is also normally in bold text which stands out and a mixture of serif and sans serif fonts are used to add variation to the magazine, making it look busy and exciting.

Page 3: Task Six - Summary of Research into Similar Products

Conventions on the contents

The contents page has the same layout with every issue, it includes the masthead reading “inside the mag...” in a serif font at the top which distinguishes this magazine. This text is in white with fuchsia pink background which automatically draws you to it. This is conventional as bright pink typically attracts young girls. Images that are used on the contents page are always aimed at young girls as they often include things such as make-up or fashion accessories. The magazine is always represented as girly through the use of bright colours such as pink and yellow and also connote positivity and excitement which will attract young female readers.

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Conventions on the spread

The double page spread in a Top of the Pops magazine usually consists of one big, main image and then text surrounding it. This is to make the spread seem more interesting and also by having not too much text it will appeal to younger people as they will not find two whole pages of text tempting to read. The colours used on these spreads usually follow the colour schemes found on the front cover and are usually bright colours such as pink and red.