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Task Two - Detailed Analysis of Music Magazine

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Louis Angus – AS Media Coursework Task Two – Detailed Analysis of Music Magazine

Typography – A mixture of serif fonts and

sans serif fonts are used on the cover of this

magazine. The serif fonts make some of the

text look like handwriting which makes it

more appealing to young teenage girls. This

gives a more relaxed feel to the front cover,

appealing to a younger audience. The range

of different fonts also give variation to the

magazine rather than using the same font

and the cover being very uninteresting and

plain. The bold text draws the reader’s

attention to the cover story, making it

stand out compared cover lines that

surround it. The colour theme of the text is

pink and white which will again appeal to

young girls. The celebrity names such as

“Aston”, “Justin” and “One Direction” all

help to appeal to young girls as these are

the people they look up to. The main cover

line is in bold sans serif fonts which make it stand out.

Layout – The layout of the cover of this magazine follows usual magazine conventions as the

‘route of the eye’ is used. In the primary optical area is the mast head which tells you what

the magazine is called, the route then crosses over the main image, down to a picture of Aston

Merrygold and then the terminal area is a picture of well-known band, The Wanted. All the

text and images have been crammed into whatever space they can to, without putting them

on top of the cover image, fill as much of the front cover as possible. This gives it a

disorganised and incoherent look which will appeal to a younger audience. The crowded text

gives it a very informal feel and therefore follows conventions related to appealing to its

target audience. The button in the middle of the cover will draw attention as it’s the only one

on the cover. By the button in the centre of the magazine, it will draw attention as it’s the

only circle on the cover and the use of an individual shape tells you that it’s the cover story.

This cover also uses the rule of thirds with the images and text on the page. The cover lines

are on either side of the page while the main image of Justin Bieber and his cover story are in

the centre with his face positioned on the intersecting points. The contrast between the white

writing and pink background makes the text stand out even more, making it clear it’s the main

story. The main image is Justin Bieber who is instantly recognisable to the younger generation.

Bieber is smiling in a medium close up shot.

Colour – The entire colour scheme is pink and white which is conventional as this magazine is

targeted at young girls. The masthead is pink with a white bold outline which makes it stand

out prominently against the pink background. All of the cover lines are all white or a different

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Louis Angus – AS Media Coursework Task Two – Detailed Analysis of Music Magazine

shade of pink which makes them stand out but still carries through with the colour scheme.

Bieber is wearing a light blue shirt in his picture which makes him stand out compared to the

rest of the images. This is conventional as he is the main image of the magazine so he will

need to be the most eye-catching figure on the cover. His lips are also a pale pink colour which

ties in with the whole look of a pink-themed magazine, aimed at young females.

Images – The main image is a picture of Justin Bieber which will attract the target audience

of teenage girls as these are the people who listen to his music. This will make this magazine

stand out to them compared to other music magazines with artists on the cover who they do

not know. This image is a medium-shot which enables you to see the top half of his body

where he is smiling which is connoting a positive message and making the magazine more

appealing for the target audience of teenage girls. Images of other well-known artists are

also on the cover such as boy-band One Direction. The image on them on the top left hand

corner shows them huddles together which shows their close friendship with one another.

The fact that they are smiling and laughing also shows their closeness with each other. The

small image of Selena Gomez is conveniently placed on top of Justin Bieber. This is because

of the continuous dating rumours that surround the couple which the young girls will be

familiar with.

Language – Alliteration is used when describing The Wanted. By calling members of The

Wanted “Romantic Romeos”, it makes it catchier and therefore stands out compared to

other cover lines on the front cover. The language used on the cover is very informal using

words such as “snuggle” and “naughty” which make it more appealing to a younger audience.

Conventions – The most obvious convention that is used on the cover of this magazine is the

prominent use of ‘girly’ colours such as pink and topics such as fashion which is typically found

in a magazine aimed at young females. This cover is also very crowded and busy with text

which is commonly found in this genre of magazine. A cluttered cover is seen as exciting by

teenagers and by doing this it looks interesting and they are more likely to want to read it.

This cover also features artists and groups who are popular with this age group. Bands such

as The Wanted and One Direction are current in the pop scene and are expected to be on the

cover of these types of magazines.

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Louis Angus – AS Media Coursework Task Two – Detailed Analysis of Music Magazine

Typography – Sans serif fonts are used on this spread which give it a contemporary feel,

making it appeal to young girls. The large fonts used make it easier to distinguish that it’s the

cover line and draw your eye automatically to this. The pink text makes the page more

appealing as well as fitting in with the continuous colour scheme of pink, white and black. This

choice of colours also again appeals to the target audience and fits with the image of Cher

Lloyd who is known for being a young a fun artist. By putting the cover line in speech marks

you know that it’s from the article and a sentence with impact is used so it makes you want

to read more into the article. By highlighting some of the text in the article it makes it stand

out, suggesting that they are key pieces of information that the reader will find most

interesting. The kicker at the beginning of the article also draws your attention to the start of

the feature and is in bold text to make it even more prominent.

Layout – This double page spread is split into two, with all the text on the left and an image

of Cher Lloyd on the right. The text is organised which gives the spread a more mature and

look, which is conventional due to the article being an interview. The route of the eye starts

with the primary optical area where the headline is, then it moves across o an image of Cher

Lloyd, back onto the left hand side and across a smaller image of the artist, hen back finishing

at the terminal area where the majority of the text is. The image is alone on the right hand

side which makes it look more ordered and not cluttered, making it seem a lighter read.

Colour – The colours used in this magazine follow the scheme that is carried through the

magazine. Yellow, pink and white are the main colours used which connote positivity, while

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Louis Angus – AS Media Coursework Task Two – Detailed Analysis of Music Magazine

appealing to a younger audience. The pink is also a more feminine colour which follows

conventions as it’s a magazine aimed at young teenage girls. The blue top that Cher Lloyd is

wearing also stands out as it does not follow the colour scheme.

Images – The main image on this spread is a picture of singer Cher Lloyd bending over, posing

with an old-style camera. Her unusual pose shows hoe different and quirky she is and

reflecting her music. She is dressed in clothes that young teenage girls would wear, again

appealing to the target audience. She is promoting positivity as she is pulling a funny face.

The smaller image on the left page which is surrounded by text shows Cher Lloyd being

photographed by what seem like her fans, which is suggesting that she has a celebrity status

and is very popular with young girls, which is the target audience for this magazine.

Language – The language that is used is very basic which makes it easy for the younger

audience to read and also more appropriate for a younger audience. Many abbreviations are

used in the article which is relatable to the reader and the target audience. The imperative in

the stand first, “read this interview now”, makes the reader more inclined to read it.

Conventions – The colours used for this cover fit in with the colour scheme chosen but at the

same time follows conventions of this magazine by being typically girly colours such as pink

and yellow. The image on this spread also follows conventions as a pop magazine usually has

an artists in an unusual pose, which is apparent in this particular one. This connotes a sense

of enjoyment and enthusiasm which will reflect onto the reader and make the article more

enjoyable to read.

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Louis Angus – AS Media Coursework Task Two – Detailed Analysis of Music Magazine

Typography – The masthead of the

contents page is bright pink with white

writing which automatically pulls you

to this primary optical area. The serif

font used gives it a more informal feel

and a handwritten look which will

appeal to younger readers. The fonts

for the titles of sections for contents

are in a feminine serif font with hearts

in some of the titles which obviously

appeal the magazines target audience

of young females. The text in the

different sections of content is in a

sans serif font which gives it a formal

and organised which is in a mixture of

normal and bold text to quickly point

out the key points. Also, the stories

that are considered most interesting

are highlighted to make these more

prominent and to also add colour

while at the same time keeping in with

the colour scheme.

Layout – The contents page of this magazine uses the rule of thirds. The columns which

contain the different sections of the magazine are all aligned and look organised which makes

it easier for the reader to navigate and locate the pages that they want to read. The images

on this cover are all placed strategically along the route of the eye. This is to ensure that the

reader is very likely to see them at first glance and by seeing artists that they enjoy listening

to, they will be more inclined to read it.

Colour – The consistent aspects of this contents page all tie in with the colour scheme of pink,

white and yellow. Whereas the images that are placed throughout the page are all different

colours to make sure that they stand out compared to the plain background.

Images – The images on thirds contents page also follow the rule of thirds as they are aligned

in columns down the page. This fits in with the whole organised feel of the contents page and

makes it easier to navigate through the magazine. The images are situated behind or in front

of the text boxes to give it a sense of depth. For example the image of One Direction is in front

of one text box but behind another which make it more interesting rather than all having the

images and text all in one layer. The image of the leopard print purse is made too big to fit in

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Louis Angus – AS Media Coursework Task Two – Detailed Analysis of Music Magazine

the box which gives the contents page a sense of informality, bearing in mind that this is still

a fun, pop magazine that is targeted at young teenage girls.