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Techniques vs style or The Science

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Dr. Paul W Dyer talks about the reason and a solution to this lasting debate over ego. the ego over reason and money in martial arts. Bridging the gap to unify all who want to learn.

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Techniques VS Style or  Science

I was just recently asked why I have not written an article or blog about styles or techniques. I often think I write about certain techniques but not many. In my thoughts of this question my response is that young students want or would like to learn a style without learning the science of the universal art of science and the art of healing. I have often said there are many writers with many many great stories of different genres. The one thing great writers have in common is the true art of writing. They have the science of formulation of words to paint a picture in the mind of the reader. So it is often difficult for me a person who have studied and trained and have been very accomplished in many styles to just talk about styles or techniques and not the art of the science. It’s like talking about the beautiful tree without knowing the roots.When I teach a new student I like to see the style come out of my students’ pores. It is up to me to bring or be able to guide them into the style that fits them whether it be internal or external systems like judo, jujitsu, karate, kenpo, Long Boxing, White Crane, Bagua Quan, Tai Chi (Wudang, Sun), Bokh, kali, Qi gong ,White swan just to name a few.

We know that brands were spread because of economical reason and yes just maybe because of a

good promotion for a certain group. From my own experience I have learned and practice styles that will never see any ink and is still taught from mouth to ear hand to hand. Most Americans read magazines see movies or watch the new version of TV call you tube to learn about an art. The traditions of techniques and style were passed along through line of connection whether it is family or oath. I have learned most of my education through both. Looking back on history of the technique or style debate has more to do with the transfer of money. So when I hear about the most dangerous system and or technique discussion what I really hear is what ad campaign is winning the hearts and minds. The circles I have had the privilege of being around I have or will never ever hear this conversation. The reason people separate styles is the same reason people separate beliefs in religions and separate the sexes.When we learn as true martial artist we learn to let go of the ego conversation and combine our gifts to make a difference in this universe to bring life, liberty, and justice for all. That is our collective path.

The Poem For What Binds UsThere are names for what binds us:Strong forces, weak forces. Look around, you can see them:The skin that forms in a half-empty cup, nails rusting into places they join,Joints dovetailed on their own weight.

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The way things stay so solidly whenever they’ve been set down and gravity, scientist say, is weak.

And see how the flesh grows back across the wound, with great vehemence, more strong than the simple, untested surface before. There’s a name for it on horses, when it comes back darker and raised: profound flesh,

As all flesh is proud of its wounds, wears them as honors given out after battle, small triumphs pinned to the chest

And when two people have loved each other see how it is like a scar between their bodies, stronger, darker, and proud: how the black cord makes of them a single fabric that nothing can tear or mend.

By: James Hieshfield



The Lessoned learned and education was because of geographical locations and means of survival. Since we don’t have that problem of travel we can learn were our heart takes us. We have so many ways of learning these days like video, skype, schools, one on one, and the written word. Training and passion is now just a choice. Ask yourself a question? What is my means of survival? I never say survive I say learn how to live. So I ask you. Are you learning how to live or do you want to learn a style or a bunch of techniques? Are you a love story or a tragedy? After you answer these questions then your way will be yours and learning will only be effort.

I will not be who and where I am in the art of life science if it was not for so many loving and passionate teachers who I am able to call teacher, friend and most above all family. The people taught me with love and sweat. This is also how I teach through love and sweat.It occurred to me a long time ago when I started teaching that I wanted more people to have the opportunity to train in the art and learn the science. I have travelled the world and trained for over 35 years to give my passion. There are so many techniques we could talk about like Unicorn spitting, white snake coiling on the grass, Crane exposing the wings, Dance of Death, Kansetu- Waza ,Shoute Uke, Shito Uke, Broken twig, and there is many others I will note continue to say. As more and more martial artists now cross-train I first must teach them the life science. My teachers has always said that martial arts training and the science is a very simple art, and that’s true, but unless you have been training a long time and had a very good education in the arts, it is hard to see what is meant by this statement. To help you a little in this answer it means way. To

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find the way one must travel through their own pain and development. This takes training and most of all passion.


What I have learned in the different session of many painful mistakes is self acceptance. Self acceptance is about freedom. The freedom to be the best you can be and be happy with who you are and not. Learning to not be a slave to the needs we’re taught to believe in. It’s the freedom to look at yourself in the mirror and love and accept the person you see looking back and the freedom to be happy to be in your own skin. True training in the martial arts and learning the science is one of the transformational moments in our lives. It doesn’t mean there aren’t things you’d like to change, or have new directions you’d like to grow. It means you’ve accepted yourself, with all your idea and now you can start moving in the positive directions needed for your life. These and techniques are what we learn when we practice the art and not a style or technique.

There is one technique I will try and give you lesson in. that is the root of all things grow and

strong. To be one with life is to have true power and strength and all action. This takes the connection of the body to the earth and the heavens. To learn this one must throw away the tittles and the names and develop a pure heart without ego. There are many rules each student follows from their school and I hope not to negate them. You have a

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duty to learn the rules of your school and instructor. I would like to share some thoughts on what I have learned. A martial artist should act is a courteous manner. During training one must concentrate to the limits of his mental endurance. And one must give his all mentally and physically as training without mental concentration prevents education advancement. The technical and mental training of a martial artist should be combined as one heart, mind and body. It should be in unison at all times of breath. The advance one must connect with the spirit of the universe of a martial artist. Last and not ever last but a martial artist has no limits.



In the science before technique learn this and techniques will come I promise you. Let aggression pass through. Practice balance of self and balance of emotional states. Harmonize yourself with love and the universe. Know what energies are available to you and how to use it. Blend rather than oppose. Be who you are.

Written by: Dr. Paul W Dyer GrandmasterDakotadragondefense.com

I am only a flame whom my light I give to the blindI am only a candle that was lit by the fires of teachersI am only a teacher who shall give but I am always a student

Most people will miss the universal gift of life because of lack of passion. We find love and truth in passion. So when I use my 6th senses in exploring (learning) it is fueled by passion. Don not learn a popular contest winner learn from what fuels your heart.