Homework helper By Thomas,Erin,Demi

Ted Presentation 'Homework Helper

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Homework helperBy Thomas,Erin,Demi

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Helps you revise, learn or do homework on the subjects you might study in school or college.

Helps the people who don’t always bring their homework in

Shows you who has done their homework and who hasn't.

What is the app about ?

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WHO- age 11+

WHAT-an app that helps students remember homework

WHERE-school or college

WHY-help more students get a better education

WHEN- only when help is needed


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How are we going to help students to do their homework ?

Why is are app different to others?


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The app would be solving a problems because it would make children's education better.

Helps teachers find out who is struggling and who knows what to do.

Is the app solving a problem?

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My team name is T.E.D and we are creating a mobile app to help students in their education and to help them . Also are app will help students revise for exams and make them a little bit more confident in their work

Elevator pitch

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User profiles

A student at Hillside High School

The user is 13 years old and regularly forgets her homework She is a student She lives in Bootle

Always forgets homework and gets a lot of detentions The most important outcome she wants to achieve is to stop

getting detentions She wants to improve her level in certain subjects Finish all her homework and hand it in on time

She wants to get good grades on her tests and start bringing her homework in

She is upset that she isn't getting good grades but with the app she will be pleased that she will be revising and will be

happy that she is trying her best

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These are our competitors, this app is similar to ours but we have made changes to our app to make it better and to improve the chances or creating a better app


This is the description of our competitor app, this app has most of the features we have included in our every own app. In my teams app we have added that the school will be able to set homework and also you can get reminders for when homework is due. Also there is a revision page for each subject for if you are struggling in school.

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The main points that we want our app to do is Help people bring in there homework Help them improve there levels/grades Help them make sure they understand a subject

81% percent of are user feedback was positive about our app. We sent out a questionnaire asking people if this would help them and if they though it would be useful. Richard said “it would be easy to use and would help teachers and students”

Thomas said “ bit helps people remember when homework is good , I think it is a good idea for an app”

Mvp flow

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In balsamiq if you get the answer wrong the square will turn red but if you get the answer right the box will turn blue

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Our app relies on data that schools will provide for revision and homework. We would need data such as the students targets and current levels so as the app would be able to give the students the best revision for them so as they can progress. As well as this we will need data on the type of work the student is going to be doing.


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We originally wanted for people to pay for the app however, people said that students who didn’t do homework probably wouldn’t pay for this app so we made it free. Instead of charging for the app we could use advertisements to generate money from the app.

Business model

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We researched other apps to see what they have done to attract people to there apps like colours, which is why we used orange to make it stand out and so as its gender neutral. Another way that we could make our app known is to use advertisements on websites , which is cheap and a fast way to let people know about the app. Also, we could target the schools directly and get teachers to give assembly's about the app.

Marketing strategy

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We showed our product to professional and got feedback and how to make our app better and how we would need to include or add more into the app.


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Thank you

