Polytechnic Institute “Santiago Mariño” Extension Porlamar Teacher : César Velásquez Made by: Areycar del Valle Cardona Marcano C.I: 26.243.288 Career: Electronic Engineering november; 2015

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Polytechnic Institute

“Santiago Mariño”

Extension Porlamar

Teacher:César Velásquez

Made by:Areycar del Valle Cardona Marcano

C.I: 26.243.288Career: Electronic Engineering

november; 2015

Electronic Engineering is dedicated to

the study of devices, circuits and systems,

including analysis, design, development and

operation, as well as the study of the principles

on which it is based. Such devices, circuits and

systems can be used in a varied range of

applications, including, among others, digital

systems, communication systems, automation

systems and control, transportation systems

and countless personal and household

appliances, which make easier and more

enjoyable our lives.

In 1884 Thomas Alva Edison in its work to improve the incandescent

lamp detected the thermionic phenomenon, a phenomenon that bears his name. This would lead to

the first electronic valve (or electronic bulb) and the birth of the new engineering. This was the first

valve diode

In 1893, Nikola Tesla made the first public demonstration of radio

communication. In 1912, Edwin Armstrong develops regenerative

circuit, the Armstrong oscillator and the superheterodyne


Experiments carried out by different scientists in

the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in

terms of electrical and electromagnetic

phenomena were laying the groundwork for

what would soon after a new specialty, first of

physics, and then engineering .

In 1907 Lee de Forest trying to perfect telegraph receiver added a grid between the cathode and anode of a

diode. This addition could control the current passing between the plates of primitive diode, the new element

was called triode and was the basis of modern electronics. Until the birth of the transistors, and even

much later, have been used thermionic valves for electronic circuits.

In 1947, William Bradford Shockley with John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain developed the transistor, at Bell Labs. This, more versatile,

economical and small device would eventually replace the valves in virtually all electronic

applications, except in audio applications of high power and high fidelity. The birth of the

transistor, in the late 50s of the twentieth century came to revolutionize electronics. In the third

phase of development we have the technology integrated circuit (chip), initially based on bipolar transistors and later in the MOSFET


The technology development materials and manufacturing processes of semiconductor devices (Microelectronics), allowed achieve high scales of integration and increase the

flexibility and versatility of electronic devices. This allowed expand the scale of production of electronic systems and the range of products,

while reducing the cost of equipment purchased by it.

it interferes in areas such tip

Telecommuni-cations, data networks or networking

It has direct contact with the world of technology excellence.

Develop-ment of

integrated circuits or


Nanotechnology, design of

analog and digital devices

Bioenginee-ring and

bioelectronics, process control

The electronic engineer has a wide range of possibilities for the exercise of

their profession. Among the companies that will require they include:

Public companies and privatecommunications; Telephones, television, data transmission, broadcasting, radar, satellites, mobile communications, etc.

Basic industry of the state, and / or production of goods and services; industrial automation and process


Financial institutions: Telematics. Medical supply


Oil Industry: Telematics, communication, control,

and instrumentation.

Technology Progress

