The advantages and disadvantages of video games for kids. Life’s not a video game, Felix- there aren’t a certain number of points that send you to the next level. There isn’t actually any next level. The bad news is that everybody dies at the end. Game Over.”

The advantages and disadvantages of video games

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Page 1: The advantages and disadvantages of video games

The advantages and disadvantages of video games

for kids.

Life’s not a video game, Felix- there aren’t a certain number of points that send you to the next level. There isn’t actually any

next level. The bad news is that everybody dies at the end. Game Over.”

Page 2: The advantages and disadvantages of video games

• Ask a child his favorite toy the answer will be XB360 or PS3. Mostly teenagers between the age of 7 to 18 and they are completely mad for it.

If compared to television, video games are much more interesting because they are interactive and these give a better form of entertainment to kids. It allows the mind to think and work.

Page 3: The advantages and disadvantages of video games

• Promote the coordination between eye and hand. Kids learn how to synchronise movements between the two.

Video games allow kids to think and use their imagination and improve visual perception.

Kids have the opportunity to share their entertainment with parents or friends as most of those games can be played alone as well as in pairs.

It can be a way to restrict them from bad friends relationship and keep them indoor. They are constantly under watch.

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• Too much of anything is also bad. If we look at the other side of it video games have also negative effect on kids if it used without control.

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• Parents should guide their kid in his choice of games. Violent games teach violent behavior. So they should encourage him to buy/rent sports, puzzle, maze, or adventure games rather than the violent ones

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• Another disadvantage I think is not good for you are staying up all night and not sleeping could hurt your health and even your lack of sleep.

• Most of the disadvantages about video games are hurtful for your health. Video games can cause seizures, sometimes failing of vision, or less thought processing.

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• Most video games can cause people to become obesity from not exercising often. The only reason you would become obese because some people eat junk food and drink soda while playing video games. When you do eat unhealthy and play video games non stop can cause you to become more obese from not exercising enough. I think video games can mainly hurt your health.

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• Even though lots of people have a good imagination in their heads. Video games can cause you to make you thought process go low and could cause your imagination to decrease. Imagination is a good thing to have, because most video game designers use their imagination for the video game.

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• Imagination is more found in children than adults because children have more thought in their imagination from television shows and sometimes video games. Some adults lose their imagination from work, their children, and maybe their bills for their car and house

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• Video games cause people to hate one another. With such a variety of gamers online, people are bound to find gamers that they don't like, which can cause animosity towards a fellow gamer.

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