The Campaign So Far 5AM Productions

The Campaign So Far

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Page 1: The Campaign So Far

The Campaign So Far5AM Productions

Page 2: The Campaign So Far

About Aaron Sullivan

• Aaron Sullivan is a young adult with autism who is passionate about getting the world to know more about the disorder and what it’s like to have. In order to achieve his dream, he has created his own campaign, going to local radio interviews, local newspaper reporters and local MP’s to get his voice heard and to get more people educated about autism.

Aaron Sullivan

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Just Giving


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Local MP Amber Rudd


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Hastings Observer Newspaper


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Arrow FM Radio Station


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Aaron’s Twitter Campaign


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Autism Daily Newscast


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Advertisement on PerelClothing


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These are just some of the online websites that Aaron has featured on and as the months go by, the more involved in the media he is getting. He has also been in local newspapers and is working hard on getting in touch with more prestigious MP’s and influential people. By us creating the documentary which is primarily focused around him, we are in turn helping him with his campaign as we will show our documentary at small Film Festivals and give the documentary to him after our A Level for him to use to help spread awareness about ASD.