Medieva Medieva l l Europe Europe (500 – (500 – 1500) 1500)

The Early Midle Ages

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Page 1: The Early Midle Ages

Medieval Medieval EuropeEurope

(500 – 1500)(500 – 1500)

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The Middle Ages or Medieval Europe is the

1,000 year period after the fall of Rome and before the


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I. Geography:A. Europe is on the western end of Eurasia.

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B. Natural Resources:

• Dense forests• Fertile soil• Rich minerals• Seas

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Fall of Rome

Dark Ages in W. Europe

Tribal Warfare

Money is no longer used

Cities disappeared

Advances made by Greece & Rome forgotten

Trade collapsed

No central gov’t

Weak local gov’ts

Literacy declined

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A. Farmers and herders1. No written laws 2. Divided W. Europe into small


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Not these Franks!

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B. The Franks

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1. The most powerful Germanic tribe in Gaul, or present-day France.

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2. Clovis

• King of the Franks

• He converted to Christianity

• The Roman Catholic Church becomes his ally (supporter)

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3. The Battle of Tours- In 732 CE, the Franks defeated the Muslims in


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• This stopped Muslims from advancing into W. Europe.


Christians did not want Islam to spread into Europe, even though they learned science and math from Arab Muslims.

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C. Charlemagne (Charles the Great)

1. In 800 CE, he became king of the Franks2. Pope Leo III named him emperor

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3. His empire united Europe.

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4. Legacy• He spread Christianity• He blended Christian, Roman and German

traditions• He formed an efficient gov’t

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• Charlemagne tried to revive learning

• He set up schools to educate officials and children.


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Curriculums, or formal courses of study, included reading, grammar, math, music, and astronomy.

Don’t write this!

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D. New Attacks1. After Charlemagne’s death in 814 CE, Muslims, Magyars and Vikings attacked.

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Peace Out, Charlemagne!

When Charlemagne died in 814, his empire fell apart as his heirs fought over it.

Don’t write this!

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2. 843 CE- The Treaty of Verdun divided the empire into three kingdoms.

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3. This became the Holy Roman Empire.

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Life in Medieval Life in Medieval EuropeEurope

(500 – 1500 CE)(500 – 1500 CE)

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I. Political A. Feudalism- A political system which exchanges land for military


– King gives lord (vassal) a fief (land). In exchange, the lord (vassal) gives the king his loyalty and protection when needed.

– Lords gradually became more powerful than kings as they acquired more land.

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King or lord

Required to give:

-Fief (land)


Vassal or lord

Required to give:


-military service

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B. Social• Kings and Lords were at the top of

the social hierarchy.

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• Knights- mounted warriors–Chivalry- code of conduct for knights –be brave, loyal, polite

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• Feudal lords battled constantly for power and land

• By the 1100’s, fighting declined so lords held tournaments (fake battles) to entertain people.

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• Serfs- peasants who worked the lord’s land –They could not leave without permission

–They paid the lord rent in food and labor (no $$) for use of the land and protection.

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• Role of Women

– Noblewomen managed the household and were in change when men were away.

– Rights:• Received a limited inheritance

• Arranged marriages, expected to have many kids

• Few knew how to read and write

• Chivalry raised women to a new status. They were protected and cherished.

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C. EconomicManorialism-

an economy where land, not money, is the basis of wealth

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Manor- the lord’s estate including the town, peasant houses, church, and fields- It was self-sufficient, which led to a decline

in trade

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• Three-field system- two fields planted, one left fallow fallow (empty) to regain fertility

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Europe was isolated BUT, there were advanced civilizations in the Middle East, South Asia, and China!