The Gulf Oil Spill and Animals By: Lauren Pate & Kristeny Pettey

The gulf oil spill and animals

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The Gulf Oil Spill and Animals

By: Lauren Pate


Kristeny Pettey

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When it occurred!

• On April 20, 2010 an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico.

• It has now spread all around that area reaching even to the shore.

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Number of Animals Death

• So far the count of animals that have been counted that have passed away is around 800 animals.

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Top Five Cutest Animals Affected

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The Oil

• The oil can stick to their fur making it hard for them to live. By it sticking to their fur it increases the weight they have to carry to swim. It makes it hard to take care of their young also.

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The Oil

• Unlike a lot of animals, dolphins are smooth and do not have fur for the oil to stick too. Also, being as intelligent as they are they realize not be around where the oil spill is. The reason the dolphins are in danger during this time is because they can inhale the fumes of the oil. This cause problems with their lungs, airways, and mucous membranes.

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The Oil

• The manatees are most in danger because the oil can mess up their eyes and mucous membranes. The young is the most at risk because they can get the oil in the while eating causing long term problems as they grow up.

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Young Heron

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The Oil

• The oil can stick to these birds eggs causing the chick to die when the egg finally hatches. Also, the oil sticks to the feathers making it hard for them to fly to get away from the oil.

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Sea Turtles

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The Oil

• If a turtle lays on the nest of the turtle eggs, the eggs can be damaged with the oil on the turtles.

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Everything that is going on in these innocent lives of these animals is all thanks to BP. Our animals and even our vacations spots at the beach our being ruined. Why do the animals and even us have to pay for their mistakes?

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• Dawn Dish Soap is used to wash off the animals. It is gentle and removes the oil in a painless and non harming way to the animals. Please make a donation to Dawn by going onto their website and making a donation to the animals. Or you can just go buy the dish soap and make a contribution that way.