The Guzman Monthly October 2015 | Volume 2, Issue 10

The Guzman Monthly, October 2015, v2 i10

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Page 1: The Guzman Monthly, October 2015, v2 i10

The Guzman Monthly

October 2015 | Volume 2, Issue 10

Page 2: The Guzman Monthly, October 2015, v2 i10


• Welcome

• About the author

• News (5 slides)

• Apps & Tools (4 slides)

• Online Learning (3 slides)


• Administration Issues (3 slides)

• Faculty Development (4 slides)

• Student Learning (2 slides)

• New Ways of Learning (2 slides)

• Upcoming Movie & TV Trailers

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Welcome to the next issue of “The Guzman Monthly”. In this publication I will collect and list some recent articles on higher education issues, online learning best practices, deliver some tools/app suggestions and links to interesting news/videos on the web published in the past month. Planned release schedule is between the last week of the past month and the first full week of the current month.

To view previous newsletters please visit my slideshare page: http://www.slideshare.net/TJtheTiger

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My name is Tony Guzman and I serve as the Director of Online Programs at the University at Buffalo (UB) School of Social Work (SSW).

I also oversee the UB SSW Podcast series: inSocialWork®, and the Technology in Social Work Resource Center. Feel free to listen to some of our podcasts and review our resources.

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tguzman/Scoop.it!: http://www.scoop.it/t/the-future-of-higher-education-by-tony-guzman-1Twitter: https://twitter.com/professor_tg

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Google is funding research on “deep learning”. I will be curious to see how this research develops since it seems very much an off shoot of big data.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/09/28/deep-learning-privacy-research-gets-google-go-ahead.aspx

This article lists the winners in the Campus Technology 2015 awards. Congratulations to all the winners!http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/09/30/campus-technology-2015-readers-choice-awards.aspx

UK university Middlesex U. is giving one free digital textbook per course to all their students. This is a good project to keep an eye on as time progresses. Thoughts?http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/02/middlesex-u-issues-free-digital-textbooks-for-every-course.aspx

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News (cont.)

Microsoft made some announcements of their new computing devices. The Surface Book might very well be my new computer in the next year. Thoughts?http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/06/microsoft-makes-surface-pro-tablet-faster-and-more-capable.aspx

This is an unexpected casualty of the gun debate.https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/10/08/u-texas-professor-emeritus-will-leave-teaching-job-over-campus-carry-law

A recent Pew survey shares that we have a lot of Americans using social media and there is a surge in 65 years old and older. Interesting.http://marketingland.com/pew-survey-nearly-two-thirds-of-all-americans-use-social-media-146026

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News (cont.)

This article shares some great tips for any graphic designer. Karla Elizabeth Herrera, pay attention to these, I am sure they will prove beneficial in your aspiring career :)https://higheredrevolution.com/10-things-every-design-student-should-know-to-succeed-bfc57d8c3356

This climb could be associated with the release of Windows 10 and updates in Mac OS over the past few months. Generally once a new OS is released some of the older systems no longer perform well so new purchases are done at that point in time. Thoughts?https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/13/mac-and-windows-pcs-climb-in-u.s.-as-worldwide-shipments-tank.aspx

This video shares how robots may soon become parts of our homes and businesses.http://www.technology-in-business.net/here-are-the-robots-that-may-be-coming-to-our-homes-businesses-soon/

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News (cont.)

Four for-profits recently changed status to nonprofit institutions and it has caught the attention of some of our senators.https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2015/10/26/senate-democrats-criticize-nonprofit-conversions

Race/ethnicity becomes part of a trio of factors for SAT scores in the state of California.https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/10/27/study-finds-race-growing-explanatory-factor-sat-scores-california

The California State University system is making ePortfolios available to its entire student body and 3 million alumni. WOW! that must cost them a pretty penny but it may very well be worth it. Thoughts?https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/19/cal-state-u-offers-eportfolios-to-students-alumni.aspx

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News (cont.)

OLC has received a 2.5 million dollar grant from the Gates Foundation to further their efforts in digital courseware solutions.https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/14/online-learning-consortium-to-expand-digital-courseware-initiatives.aspx

Seattle U’s law school to host a Social Justice Hackathon next month.https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/20/seattle-u-holds-social-justice-hackathon.aspx

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Apps & Tools

Will education bring 3D printing costs down? This article shares some astonishing estimates on the number of sales of 3D printers over the next few years and if the demand increases that much, it should bring costs down significantly. Anyone using this tool in the classroom already?http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/09/30/report-education-use-driving-low-cost-3d-printer-purchases.aspx

This infographic shares how Twitter is being used today around the world. Anything that stands out?http://www.marketingprofs.com/chirp/2015/28385/how-the-world-uses-twitter-infographic

This article shares some of the wearable devices starting to gain momentum in the marketplace today. Anyone have some of these already? How well do they work?https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/14/7-up-and-coming-wearable-technologies.aspx

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Apps & Tools (cont.)

This article shares about a search engine ideal for education: Bibblio.http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2015/10/bibblio-powerful-search-engine-for.html

This article shares six iPad apps that will help you make educational movie slideshows.http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2015/10/6-handy-ipad-apps-for-creating.html

This YouTube video shares some interesting things teens (and quite a few adults) should be considering with regards to their social media presence.https://youtu.be/sop5MN7Ilfw

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Apps & Tools (cont.)

This article shares some website tools to consider for use in your classrooms.http://blog.learn2earn.org/15-unusual-but-awesome-websites-to-use-in-the-classroom/

Dell wants to increase the interest in data analytics among students and is offering their tool for free in higher education settings.https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/27/dell-releases-statistica-free-to-higher-ed.aspx

Penn State is piloting a tool that allows faculty and students to build their own textbooks.https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/22/penn-state-technology-allows-faculty-and-students-to-build-their-own-textbooks-from-oer.aspx

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Apps & Tools (cont.)

New features in Bb Learn 9.1 help those institutions adding Competency-based education into their curriculums.


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Online Learning

This article shares something that I often preach, make your online courses more social. Online students (and faculty) want a community where they can learn together as a group. Have you found this to be true in your courses?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/taking-the-tech-out-of-technology/

This article shares how to implement the learning paradigm in your online courses.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/the-learning-paradigm-in-online-courses/

MIT introduces the MicroMaster’s degree. This is an interesting hybrid approach that I think can gain a lot of momentum in programs that would benefit of the mix of modalities. Thoughts?http://news.mit.edu/2015/online-supply-chain-management-masters-mitx-micromasters-1007

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Online Learning (cont.)

This article gives some ways to provide support for online students. Peer-to-peer connection is one of the best but can be one of the most challenging in this modality. Who has implemented these already? Any tips of your own?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/three-ways-to-efficiently-and-effectively-support-online-learners/

While this article addresses early childhood education, some of the points can be applied in other K12 and even higher education settings.http://www.edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2015/10/10-ways-integrate-screen-time-learning-time

This article takes the Mac vs. PC debate into the online classroom. Thanks Charles Syms for forwarding it to me.http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/managing-macs-pcs-in-online-courses

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Online Learning (cont.)

This article shares from an interview with Judith Boettcher (co-author of “The Online Teaching Survival Guide”) and shares that a revision of her book is forthcoming.https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/20/revising-a-popular-resource-guide-for-teaching-online.aspx

This article shares a few ideas on how to keep online learners motivated within your courses, specially when you have a large class size.http://www.talentlms.com/blog/4-motivation-strategies-for-elearning-environments-with-massive-learners/

This article shares some great tips on making sure your primary focus as an online instructor still is student learning not checking off task lists. Keep, or possibly even increase, your level of engagement with your online students.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/promoting-learning-the-instructors-main-mission-or-a-secondary-duty/

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U. Michigan joins edX, maintains Coursera ties and is also using a third MOOC platform, NovoEd. I would say they are covering all their bases in the MOOC arena.


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Administration Issues

This article shares about the new tool scheduled to launch in January 2016 that will help high school students apply to colleges for free. The first part of the tool will allow students to create an electronic portfolio of their work from high school. The next major release is scheduled for Summer 2016 and should include the application piece of the tool. I suspect more schools will look to join this effort.http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/09/30/444498625/the-big-new-effort-to-revamp-college-admissions-will-it-work

This blog article shares about the current ranking methods for higher education institutions and gives their opinion on how it could be improved. While I do not like speaking of ROI and higher education degrees as if that is the main factor, certainly cost should be a high factor in the decision process of anyone consider a college degree but that should not be the main focus while comparing colleges, just a piece to be considered.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-cowen/a-better-way-to-measure-t_b_8223182.html

Curious to see if the essay portion of the SAT will disappear in a couple of years. Glad my boys are done with taking SATs.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/05/sat-essay-losing-steam-among-admissions-officers.aspx

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Administration Issues (cont.)

“Publish or perish” needs to be “rethought” if faculty researchers are to be allowed to truly be innovative in today’s changing higher education landscape.https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/10/12/study-suggests-pressure-publish-impedes-innovation

This article shares from the recent ICDE World Conference on some of the uncertainties within higher education moving forward. One thing is certain, change will always be evident but what is the next major disruption within higher ed.?http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20151017074413405

CUNY seeks to improve their graduation rates with accelerated programs.https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/10/16/cuny-launches-plan-bring-community-college-graduation-rates-50

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Administration Issues (cont.)

This article shares some results from a recent Harris Poll which indicates (based on those surveyed) that 1/3 of Americans have dealt with student debt. Any surprises here?https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/15/a-third-of-all-americans-have-dealt-with-student-debt.aspx

This article shares tips from CIOs on how to lead change in higher education.https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/22/8-cio-tips-for-leading-change-in-higher-education.aspx

Further struggles for liberal arts colleges. Will Moody’s prediction from last year pan out to be true?https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/10/29/wartburg-college-and-other-liberal-arts-institutions-make-drastic-cuts-challenging

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Faculty Development

This article and infographic shares some of the reasons faculty do not use technology in their courses. Any surprises?http://dailygenius.com/10-reasons-teachers-do-not-use-education-technology/

This article poses the question: What is your teaching persona? Have you ever considered this question?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/philosophy-of-teaching/how-do-i-make-choices-about-who-i-am-as-a-teacher/

This article shares results from surveys conducted to address concerns of the professionals in the teaching profession. Which of these do you struggle with? How have you handled them?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/teaching-concerns-of-new-and-not-so-new-teachers/

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Faculty Development (cont.)

These tips work for before any type of conference presentation. Anyone use these already?http://blog.ed.ted.com/2015/10/08/a-ted-speaker-coach-shares-11-tips-for-right-before-you-give-a-talk/

This blog entry shares some thoughts from the recent “Deans for Impact” meeting held in Washington, DC. Any surprises?http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=bc04df008d4705e4e77c2eb35&id=f29a097959&e=9661866f31

This article tackles how to best handle student absences from your courses.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-and-learning/what-to-do-about-those-absent-students/

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Faculty Development (cont.)

In this op-ed piece we hear from the humanities side of faculty who see traditional lectures as essential as always to truly learn within these disciplines. Just as we strive to teach to the various learning styles, we should allow the type of discipline to inform us if lecture or discussions are more beneficial towards overall learning. Thoughts?http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/18/opinion/sunday/lecture-me-really.html

This article shares some excellent points for considering when/how to refresh your courses.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/instructional-design/refresh-your-course-without-too-much-pain-and-suffering/

This article asks you to question your policy on missed assignments. Thoughts?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/educational-assessment/calculating-final-course-grades-what-about-dropping-scores-or-offering-a-replacement/

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Faculty Development (cont.)

This is an excellent article that asks: What’s healthy thinking about teaching?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/thinking-about-teaching-and-learning/

This article is a follow-up to the missed assignment article from earlier. Interesting approach. Anyone doing this in their courses?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/educational-assessment/dropping-scores-the-case-for-hope/

This article shares a great way that peer assessment can help improve the weaker members in a group assignment. Anyone using this method in their courses?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/instructional-design/peer-assessment-that-improves-performance-in-groups/

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Student Learning

I have to admit, this is the first time I heard of the term feedforward but I already do that in my comments on my students work. Discuss what the did and how they can improve next time. Exemplars are interesting but as shared here, a struggle to come up with the right choices to share with students to avoid their tendency to mimic the exemplar and not provide enough of their own style. Thoughts?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/educational-assessment/provide-feedforward-with-exemplars/

I find this method to be a great way to be more learner-centered in your teaching the class. I find many similarities to them writing their research papers in our classes. I would love to try this, what about others?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/educational-assessment/student-written-exams-increase-student-involvement/

This article helps faculty teach students how to navigate through the myriad of information they are bombarded with every day and become content curators themselves.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/curriculum-development/more-content-doesnt-equal-more-learning/

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Student Learning (cont.)

This has been a heated debate among instructors for quite some time. My approach is helping the students see that the mobile device, like other potential distractions, if abused, will negatively impact their learning so they should avoid it being just that, a distraction. Where do you stand on this debate?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/how-concerned-should-we-be-about-cell-phones-in-class/

This 3rd blog post shares some ideas on how to best integrate technology into the classroom. Links for the first two parts are included.https://21centuryedtech.wordpress.com/2015/10/14/technology-integration-1-to-1-and-student-centered-learning-up-to-20-free-resources-and-tools/

This article shares on learning philosophy and how this is different than learning styles. Anyone having their students think/share their learning philosophies?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-and-learning/developing-students-learning-philosophies/

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New Ways of Learning

This university is including all course materials into their learning management system, MyPath.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/05/brandman-u-launches-new-online-learning-platform-with-no-textbooks-required.aspx

This sounds amazing and I hope to be able to experience this some day.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/07/virtual-reality-space-lets-students-experience-big-data.aspx

This article lists some great pieces of advice for anyone blogging out there.https://dougpete.wordpress.com/2015/10/10/advice-for-all-bloggers/

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New Ways of Learning (cont.)

This could be an interesting approach to allow students access to more multimedia content not usually available in our college libraries. Thoughts?https://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/10/05/cal-state-san-bernardino-students-test-free-movie-and-music-download.aspx

This article shares on “cooperative learning” and how this can help students learn the course materials while working in a special type of group setting. Anyone using this already?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/instructional-design/ah-ha-moments-when-cooperative-learning-in-the-classroom-works/

This infographic shares details on connectivism and its value in education during the digital age.http://ticsyformacion.com/2012/08/08/estilos-de-aprendizaje-y-teorias-infografia-infographic-education/

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Upcoming Movie & TV Trailers

Spectre (James Bond), Release Date: 11/06/2015https://youtu.be/z4UDNzXD3qA

Marvel’s Jessica Jones, Premiere Date: 11/20/2015https://youtu.be/nWHUjuJ8zxE

Full Favorite Movie Trailers playlist on my YouTube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp4nJo9D2kEs3McWG18x5UmIcSsVhNjq0

Full Favorite TV Trailers playlist on my YouTube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp4nJo9D2kEtMvp3l9Jx5HemMXMxIocwR

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Thanks for checking this monthly newsletter out and hope to see around again next time!