The Journey to Iphones By: Cameron Stamps, Elexie Gravws

The Journey to Phones

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The Journey to Iphones

By: Cameron Stamps, Elexie Gravws

Who invinted the first IPhone?

The first person that invented IPhones was a man named Steve Jobs.

Why was it invented?What was it first used for?

It was invented so people could communicate with each other.If someone has an emergency they could call someone that is close to them.

How has it changed or improved in function until


It changed because we can take pictures, listen to music, play games, and we have social media.

What is the latest version of technology?

The latest versions of phones are IPhone SE,Samsung Galaxy 6 and 7,and IPhone 6.

Why is it considered a technology?

It is considered a technology because it is used for cellular communication.

What career or careers and career cluster or clusters is this

technology used in?

You can use your phone for research if you have any kind of

work to do for class or your job.

How does that technology impact you personally and our

society in general?

It impact me because I like to Facetime people and it impact on others because they stay on social media,texting,and on the phone.