The lasting effects of the Civil War JACOB WYATT PRINCE

The lasting effects of the civil war

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Page 1: The lasting effects of the civil war

The lasting effects of the Civil WarJACOB WYATT PRINCE

Page 2: The lasting effects of the civil war


Page 3: The lasting effects of the civil war

President Abraham Lincoln signs the 13th Amendment

• It was signed in 1865.

• It was signed 3 months before the resolution of the Civil war.

• It was announce that it was ratified by William Sewerd December 18th

of 1865.

• The time from when the Amendment was introduced to when it was ratified was almost 100 years.

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The 13th Amendment

• The 13th Amendment banned slavery.

• Anyone that practices involuntary servitude would be convicted

• 13th amendment allowed involuntary servitude for punishment.

• Allows congress to enforce it by appropriate legislation

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Before the 13th amendment

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Women’s rights movements

• The civil war helped build momentum for women’s rights in the United States.

• This came from women fighting in the war and proving they are equal to men. • Over 400 women disguised

themselves as men in order to fight.

• Women started fighting to vote, to get better jobs, and general civil rights.

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Homestead Act of 1862

The Homestead Act was essentially an act that gave away land to people in order to surge the economy. People were given land in order to start their own farms and provide for themselves. This helped grow the economy in a massive way, and is probably a reason so much of America is based around agriculture and farming to this day.

1898 North Dakota in front of their homestead, a sod hut.

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Formation of the KKK

• Formed in 1866 and in every state by 1870

• Was formed in order for white southern people to resist the Republican party.

• They found a basis of terrorism to drive their ideas.

• They are still around today, except they aren’t as violent.

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Forming the foundation of modern medicine



Total Troops 1,566,678 1,082,119

Wounded 275,175 194,000

Died of Wounds

110,070 94,000

Died of Disease

249,458 164,000

• High death rate due to disease forced a reform of healthcare practices.

• The cry for emergency medicine helped form the Red Cross

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During the Civil War

• A Civil are Surgeon’s kit.

• Clearly a lack of sterilization techniques and precision tools.

• This type of surgery cause a lot of deaths and spread disease.

• Since tools like these were not abundant they would likely be reused for long periods of time.

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Medical Advancements The most common surgical practice in the Civil War was amputation. Surgery was not neat and precise like it is today, but rather brutal and fast.

“The hallmark of a good surgeon was one who could remove a limb in less than three minutes,” says Koyle

The only way they could fix wounds was either clean them until they healed, or to attach a flap of skin over the wound and stitch it shut.

Also, plastic surgery emerged during the civil war. Multiple facial reconstruction surgeries happened during the war.

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Medical Advancements Since amputations were so common prosthetics were becoming more and more of a necessity. They were made by hand and often times were very crude and non-functional. Leg prosthetics were essentially fancy wooden pegs, that just looked like legs. After the war over 144 patents for arm prosthetics were filed, only 34 were filed prior to the war.

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New boost in Pharmaceuticals

Due to the increase in disease during the war, many drugs used to treat disease were highlighted as not working or being insufficient. Some drugs just had violent side-effects and didn’t actually do anything to fight disease. This caused a lot of chemists of the time to come up with new drugs. This helped the advancement and eventual boom of the pharmacy business.

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Hospitals and Ambulances

Before the War

• There was no ambulance service

• There were no hospitals

• Very minimal if any medical training

• No such thing as anesthesia

Because of the War

• The war caused the formation of the first ambulance corps.

• Battlefront hospitals were popping up around the country

• 4 years after there were field-tested doctors that were educated in anatomy, surgical practices, and anesthesia.

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Cultural Changes in America

• The effects of the Civil war went further than just civil rights and growing America.

• The Civil War also helped a cultural reform

• Holidays were born because of the war like Memorial Day

• Films and books were created in remembrance of the war.

• Films such as Gone With the Wind, and Glory and Cold Mountain were big hits.

• Over 65,000 books were written that cover the conflict.

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Culture and Patriotism

• The Civil War was the basis of real patriotism

• The nation was divided and caused the war, but after everyone realized that were are one nation.

• After the war this caused a new wave of people banding together to support our country and make it better.

• Although people started to banding together there still to this day is a separation from southern patriotism and northern.

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A War of Technological Revolution.

Abraham Lincoln was a so-called tech junkie. He loved the idea of a technological advantage. He even formed the balloon brigade witch was used to scout confederate bases with hot-air balloons. Aside from that the war and Abraham Lincoln helped guide America into a nation connected by Telegraph. In fact, almost 15,000 miles of telegraph lines were laid from coast to coast.

Telegraph Operators during the Civil war (Source: Library of Congress)

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A War of Technological Revolution.

During the Civil War the Transcontinental Railroad was in the beginning stages of construction. After the Civil war the Railroad system of the United States started to explode. This was due to the new need to communicate and trade throughout the United States. The railroad helped rebuild the economy and infrastructure of the United States post-war.

Railroad Tracks and the year they were built.

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Transcontinental Railroad

• The railroad caused an economical increase, and still does to this day.

• It created thousands of jobs.

• It helped other industries like steel and coal grow rapidly.

• To this day several industries would fail if not for the railroads.

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How did your topic fit into the daily life of your particular civilization in the era that you are covering?

• Since many of the changes that I covered in my PowerPoint were developing during that time it directly effected those who were apart of the changes.

• It not only effected them, but it effected everyone that followed, including people of today.

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What was it about your topic that makes it unique to our study of world history?

• The Civil War was a very unique war in terms of world history. It has had such an impact on everything that goes on in our country, almost unlike every other event. If the war had ended in a split of north and south, we would all live in such a different country.

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How would you have felt about your topic if you had been living during the era you are covering?

• If I was alive during the Civil War I would most likely of fought for the north. This is because if the south had won, the United States would not be the same at all, and personally, I love this country.

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How has your topic changed over the years (describe its’ role in society today).

• The Civil War has changed a lot in our Country, most of the important ones I have listed in my presentation. A lot of information has changed over the years about the Civil War, as far as historical accuracy goes.

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What new information did you learn about your topic that you didn’t already know?

• Almost everything I covered was new information, except things about the Transcontinental railroad.

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• "The Women's Rights Movement, 1848–1920 | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives." The Women's Rights Movement, 1848-1920 | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2016

• Towner, Betsy. "Civil War - 50 Ways It Changed American Life - Power of 50 -AARP ..." AARP. N.p., 01 June 2011. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

• Thompson, Helen. "Six Ways the Civil War Changed American Medicine." Smithsonian.com. Smithsonian Institution, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

• History.com Staff. "Ku Klux Klan." History.com. A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

• "Homestead Acts." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2016

• Adam, Ernest W. "How Has the U.S. Civil War Shaped Modern American Society?" Https://www.quora.com. N.p., n.d. Web.