Linked Data at Elsevier Michael P Lauruhn The Missing Link: The Evolving Current State of Linked Data for Serials NASIG 28th Annual Conference June 7, 2013 @MikeLauruhn @ElsevierLabs

The Missing Link-The Evolving Current State of Linked Data for Serials-Lauruhn

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Linked data may hold the potential to solve some classic serials dilemmas like latest vs. successive entry, or single vs. multiple records for print and online. How do these hopes mesh with the evolving current state of linked data projects in the commercial and library sector as well as with LC’s Bibframe initiative? The speakers will provide three different perspectives. An “early experimenter” and member of the Bibframe group modeling serials will discuss her experiences and thoughts on future directions. A publisher from a company that has reorganized some of its infrastructure and processes to facilitate linked data will share the goals and provide examples of the benefits of that project. Finally, the head of the U.S. ISSN Center will take an ISSN perspective as well as compare international work modeling serials according to FRBR-OO (object-oriented) with the Bibframe serials modeling effort. Audience input will be solicited in order to provide an exchange of ideas and viewpoints. (moderated by Laurie Kaplan) Michael Lauruhn Disruptive Technology Director, Elsevier Labs See accompanying presentation by Nancy Fallgren

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Page 1: The Missing Link-The Evolving Current State of Linked Data for Serials-Lauruhn

Linked Data at Elsevier

Michael P Lauruhn

The Missing Link: The Evolving Current State of Linked Data for Serials

NASIG 28th Annual Conference

June 7, 2013



Page 2: The Missing Link-The Evolving Current State of Linked Data for Serials-Lauruhn


• Create greater online engagement with our content and platform

• Create additional usage in journals and books, through interactive use and downloads

• Semantically enrich content and increase value of discovery services compared to the similar content at other platforms

• As a publisher, add value and improve our status as a partner in research

The challenge for publishers

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Our Approach

• Expose asset and subject metadata as linked data in Web pages to help discovery

• Use linked data principles while using our current content production workflow

• Use of standard vocabularies, taxonomies, ontologies and entity lists whenever possible

• Leverage partners for content enhancement and knowledge organization

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Smart Content: Semantic Enhancements for Scientific Publishing





Applied Smart Content

• Faceted search & browse

• Ontology-driven navigation

• Task-specific results

• Personalized/localized results

• Question answering

• Topic pages

• Social network maps

• Geolocation maps

• Data mashups

• Text mining reports









and data

Linked data from

partners and the


• Tag clouds

• Heatmaps

• Streamgraphs

• Scatterplots

• Time series

• Animations

Better discovery

Better understanding

Actionable, persuasive knowledge

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What metadata can we collect & link

Asset Metadata

Bibliographic Metadata




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Entities Example: EMMeT

Core Semantic Types:



Clinical Findings (includes symptoms)






FMA (Foundational Model of Anatomy)

GO (Gene Ontology)


NCIt (National Cancer Institute thesaurus)

Elsevier Merged Medical Taxonomy


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<skosxl:literalForm xml:lang="en-US">Diabetes Mellitus</skosxl:literalForm> <ebs:usageFlag rdf:resource="http://data.elsevier.com/EMMeT/Flags/MedicalName"/> ... <skosxl:literalForm xml:lang="en-US">Diabetes</skosxl:literalForm> <ebs:usageFlag rdf:resource="http://data.elsevier.com/EMMeT/Flags/ConsumerFriendlyName"/> ... <skos:notation rdf:datatype="http://data.elsevier.com/vocabulary/EMMeT">177824</skos:notation> <skos:notation rdf:datatype="http://dbpedia.org/resource/UMLS">C0011849</skos:notation> ... <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://data.elsevier.com/EMMeT/SemTypes/DiseaseOrSyndrome" /> <skos:broader rdf:ID="Relation-34359" rdf:resource="http://data.elsevier.com/vocabulary/EMMeT/Concept/48543"/> ... <skos:narrower rdf:ID="Relation-9812" rdf:resource="http://data.elsevier.com/vocabulary/EMMeT/34565"/> ... <emsem:hasSymptom rdf:ID="Relation-99999"


… Abnormal Sense of Taste

Abnormal metabolic state in diabetes mellitus

Disorders of endocrine system

EMMeT – Elsevier Merged Medical Taxonomy

Term example: Diabetes Mellitus



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Rivastigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor, has been used to

treat delirium in elderly patients with stroke. 1 A

biologically plausible premise—that impaired cholinergic

transmission might either cause or worsen delirium—led

to a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial by

Maarten van Eijk and colleagues 2 in The Lancet in which

they added rivastigmine or placebo to usual treatment of

patients in intensive care. The trial was halted at 104

patients by the drug safety and monitoring board (DSMB)

because of increased mortality (12/54 in the rivastigmine

group, 4/50 in the placebo group; p=0·07) and a worse

outcome. The rivastigmine group …

Linked Data Repository (LDR): Warehouse for Smart Content Enhancements

Delirium treatment: An unmet challenge Title

Drug Clinical finding

• Enhances extracted knowledge of Elsevier

assets by interlinking data with related sources

of medical and scientific content and data.

• Optimized for high-volume read-write for use

by end-user products.

• Provide service layer APIs for ease of



ATC: N06DA03 Drug: Rivastigmine

med:diseases Delirium med:drugs Rivastigmine


Trial: NCT00623103 Intervention: Rivastigmine Condition: Delirium

LinkedCT Trial: NCT00623103 Serious Adverse events: Atrial fibrillation

owl:same as

owl: same as


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Some Examples

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Linked Data Prototype for The Lancet

Special featureThe Lancet special issue: ―Stillbirths‖

(Vol 377; Number 9774; April 14, 2011)

Creation LDR-enabled interactive application


• The Lancet content

• Datasets from The Lancet editorial staff

• Datasets from World Bank

• EMMeT subject tagging

• Geo locations & Map

The Lancet and World Bank datasets

loaded into the LDR as triples.

EMMeT tagging results of articles

loaded into LDR.

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Trend Analysis Of Special Health Topics: Stillbirths


Countries color coded

by Lancet data on

stillbirth rate per 1000


Bubbles represent

selected data from

World Bank

(GDP per Capita)

Narrow search by

identifying articles with

most relevant concepts

related to stillbirth.

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Regions color coded

based on avg. cost of

Tamoxifen treatment

per 1000 people.

Bubbles represent

the cost of treating

side effects of Tamoxifen.

Example; North


Additional cost for

Toremifene = £357k

If we assume an

adverse effect costs

£300 per patient.

Tamoxifen = £1.48m

Toremifene =


Savings Potential

>£1m by prescribing

a seemingly more

expensive drug

Healthcare Analytics: Breast Cancer Treatment in the UK

Data from


Elsevier articles,

& Elsevier


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Neuroscience Research: Improved Access To Data and Better Tools

CHALLENGE Neuroscience is a highly interdisciplinary field requiring analysis on vast amounts of content from many different sources:

• Foundational information is hard to find • Need to identify articles with specific methods or related experiments • Analyze anatomy, connectivity, and gene expression data from different sources • Sources use different ontologies


Unpaired midbrain region situated in the ventromedial portion of the reticular formation. The VTA is medial to the substantia nigra and ventral to the red nucleus, and extends caudally ….. Anatomy Connectivity Expression

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• Increasing acquisition of data and text analytics capabilities

• Shifting dependence from partners to in-house resources for metadata creation and data modeling

• Innovation in new knowledge organization systems – taxonomy for discovery

– ontology for understanding and integration

• Emergence of shared infrastructure based on linked data principles

Trends within Elsevier today

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Thank you

Michael Lauruhn

[email protected]



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