This is Steve Jobs’ commencement speech to Stanford in 2005 about the 3 story in his life. The first story, he was adopted by a lawyer and his wife when he was born and his biological parent want his parent promise Steve Job would go to college. He went Stanford College when he is 17 but never graduate, he drop out because lack of interesting. Later, he found interesting in calligraphy start the course at Reed College. He thought it wouldn’t using it in future but ten years later, he designed Macintosh computer and put in what he learned despite show in good result. This show us we wouldn’t know how your future will be just do what you think is right. The second story, when he is 30, he fell in love with Laurene but also lost his job and been fired from the company but he never give up because he like his job. He started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar is a successful animation studio in the world now. After Apple bought NeXT, he returned to Apple. Apple apply the technology that he developed at NeXT and performance good. Find what you like and interest in then insist to do it. The third story, he was diagnosed with cancer, the doctor told him he left few months to live. But later the doctor found his disease can be treat now his is fine. Time is limited so don’t waste time appreciate the every minute.

This is steve jobs

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This is Steve Jobs’ commencement speech to Stanford in 2005 about the 3 story in his life. The first story, he was adopted by a lawyer and his wife when he was born and his biological parent want his parent promise Steve Job would go to college. He went Stanford College when he is 17 but never graduate, he drop out because lack of interesting. Later, he found interesting in calligraphy start the course at Reed College. He thought it wouldn’t using it in future but ten years later, he designed Macintosh computer and put in what he learned despite show in good result. This show us we wouldn’t know how your future will be just do what you think is right. The second story, when he is 30, he fell in love with Laurene but also lost his job and been fired from the company but he never give up because he like his job. He started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar is a successful animation studio in the world now. After Apple bought NeXT, he returned to Apple. Apple apply the technology that he developed at NeXT and performance good. Find what you like and interest in then insist to do it. The third story, he was diagnosed with cancer, the doctor told him he left few months to live. But later the doctor found his disease can be treat now his is fine. Time is limited so don’t waste time appreciate the every minute.