Title sequence 2

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Page 2: Title sequence 2

TASK For this task I was asked to look at and analyse title sequences of 3 thriller

films. I was also asked to create a visual word map of the 3 films that I have analysed. The website I used for this is called tagul.com. I used words from IMDb to complete my visual map. The words were themes of the film which related to the genre as well as the film. With the opening sequence I need to find out how films are expressed through connotation and denotation.

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SE7EN In the film Se7en, the title sequence is written in a thin, white font. The titles are not written neatly and when each title

appears on screen it flashes from one title to another to emphasize a mysterious thriller. The 7 in the title may represent 7 main characters of the film that reflect the 7 deadly sins.

At the beginning of the title sequence it tells us that it is an Arnold Kopelson Production. The name is written normally while the other words look fuzzy which creates a patronizing effect through distortion. Some of the actors’ names have a big gap in between their first name and surname which shows that the rules of presentation has been broken. This may imply that something isn’t right and a creepy atmosphere is being built which creates anticipation as the audience will want to know why.The next actor introduced is Morgan Freeman. His name appears like a thunder storm which emphasises darkness, this suggests that their might be a tragedy that brings a dark side to the film. The letters are randomly shuffled creating an image of an unstable mind, this exposes the theme of psycho thriller.Some of the actors’ names are shown horizontally which reveals that there are some child-like characters. Some of the names are accompanied by scratchy and screeching sounds which create a sense of torture and makes the audience feel uncomfortable.

As the opening sequence continues two of the actors’ names are shown in a flashy way. The flashes may represent a flashback. The names also create their own shadow which may be a tribute to those who have lost their lives due to murder. The shadow reflects their dead body while the names written in bold reflect their souls. After these names are introduced an image of a faced with closed eyes is shown, this exposes death.

Then the names appear three at a time however they are not all in a row, there is always an odd one out. This implies that someone has been abandoned. This creates an unsettled environment.

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SE7EN OPENING SEQUENCE In the opening sequence of Se7en there are certain images that create

meaning.At the beginning of the opening sequence we see a drawn image of hands. The hands suggests grief and murder. Also, this might be a way of finding the murderer.

As the opening sequence continues we start to see old files. This indicates the theme of investigation. The files imply that the investigation was done differently by agents and it may have taken a long time to complete because it may have taken long to find who the murderer was. The theme of investigation creates a sense of anxiety and mystery because we want to know who murdered who. Additionally, there are images of documented things and long pages of essays which may reveal truth and shares the storyline.

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CANDYMAN In the title sequence of Candyman it starts by giving credits to the production who produced and distributed the film and

which company is in association. There is no effect or music to accompany these titles. The titles are written in a bold, white writing.

Each title has their own way of sliding. They either slide sideways, upwards/downwards or in a zig zag way. This shows the creative side of the title sequence. The titles are accompanied by a squeaky alarm sound along with a soft, rhythmic music. This soundtrack sounds mysterious because it gives us a feeling of an investigation about to happen because the squeaky alarm gets louder and the music becomes tense. In the middle of the title sequence we hear a choir singing “aahh” rhythmically. This symbolises a victory from a discovery. After that an organ plays along with the unison choir. This may be hinting an escape however the storyline is ambiguous because we don’t know who’s escaping, where they are escaping to and why. The vocals and organ play together to emphasise the combined genre of slasher and thriller. As the title sequence continues, each title appears along with a bird’s eye view of the streets in a city.

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After the title sequence, next we see a wide shot of tiny insects. It hen zooms in on the insects, eventually we see that they are bees. Along with the shot of bees we hear a frightening deep voice, it’s unclear with what it’s saying. This image creates a sense or torture because most people are afraid of insects and being surrounded by them will cause them to feel traumatized. This hints that someone in this film will experience this type of torture and feel the trauma that the audience feel. After that we see another wide shot but this time it is of buildings which is then covered by black smoke, this creates a sense of grief because it could symbolise a well lived life cut short. It also symbolises something beautiful has been ruined. At the end of this scene we hear the same deep voice that says “I came for you” this creates a sense of fear which I had felt when I heard the voice. Those words tell us that that person has gotten revenge or wants it from someone which is again ambiguous. After the voice there is a close-up of a female character.

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THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT In the title sequence the titles are mainly written in white, however the writing is not so neat. The first and

last title is written in a clear, blue, bold font. Throughout the title sequence the music played sounds angelic and meditating. The use of the instrument also makes the music sound romantic which hints that there are moments of love in the film. The titles appear like someone is writing it and it fades away in a scratchy way. This symbolises a flashback.

When each actor is introduced, they’re each accompanied by hints of themes of the film. The first two actors have writings next to their names. This could be someone’s story or a case study. Next we see the word ‘Save’ written on ripped paper which may imply that someone has a chance of repairing their life no matter how bad their past was. The next actor that is introduced is accompanied by a whole screen of writing which may be a story of a past event or an investigation of that event. The next actor’s name that appears on screen zooms in, this symbolises time travel. Then we see a butterfly which has this whitish, bluish colour to emphasise a beautiful memory. The next actors’ name that appears on screen is accompanied by two skeletons facing each other and the image shows there brains, this hints the theme of psychological trauma.

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THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT OPENING SEQUENCE After the actors’ names are introduced, the crew is credited. The writer are introduced on a journal. On one

page the writers’ names appear while on the other page a letter is written, this makes the title sequence emotive. Next it tells us who did the music which is also accompanied by books telling us about a child’s age and what they experienced. This reveals a memory of a child which suggests that a child has been murdered. After that it tells us who did the casting which is accompanied by writing which could suggest that an investigation takes place. For the rest of the title sequence the credits are accompanied by butterflies, this is how the film is finally introduced. Next comes the title of the film which appears in a flashy way and is accompanied by an x-ray of someone's brain which implies that there is a character that will either face trauma or a painful past and they will do anything to change their past.

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