This is the table of contents page in NME. The layout is quite busy as there are lots of pictures and they are quite big. They include the page numbers on them and then pull quotes or information under each picture. This is something quite different as normally the pull quotes wouldn’t be included in the contents page as you would see them in the actual article therefore its very unconventional. NME Table of Contents:

TOC analysis

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Page 1: TOC analysis

This is the table of contents page in NME. The layout is quite busy as there are lots of pictures and they are quite big. They include the page numbers on them and then pull quotes or information under each picture. This is something quite different as normally the pull quotes wouldn’t be included in the contents page as you would see them in the actual article therefore its very unconventional.

NME Table of Contents:

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This is a subscribe section helping to keep their audience strong and make them want to buy more magazines.

I really like this part of the contents page which is a plus section that includes other areas of interest in the magazine by telling you the title and page number. I like this because its simple and quick and usually includes things that are suitable for music magazines, “Albums” and “This week in” show this.

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The editorial pillars are quite different as they are placed in a sort of box shape on the page with a bigger picture in the middle as the main page to be reading. In relation to audience and genre the unconventional look of the layout matches to the Indie Alternative Rock genre of the magazine.

Their audience must be targeted at young adults as they have young fresh acts and some of the content is for older people.

Editorial Pillars:

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I like the layout of the masthead as I like how it has been placed at the top middle of the page and how the date is underneath. The font used is Sans Serif as its quite bold on the page making it easy to see and eye-catching so that you would want to read on. The masthead has evolved as they changed it and also the layout of the contents page. In previous issues it is seen as NME this week and NME contents therefore showing the change of idea NME has had due to the contents page.


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The mise en scene of the images reflect the artists shown as the bottom one which includes Frankie & The Heartstrings on a beach laughing and doing piggy backs expressing the playfulness of the band. The top picture with Nicky Minaj shows how she is quite stylish as her outfit is very bold and she is showing her ring which says ‘Loon’ expressing her character even more.

Conveying that the magazine likes to put across the artists personalities through the pictures and showing the quirkiness of the magazine.

Mise en scene:

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Colour Scheme:

The colour scheme of the table of contents isn’t very bright with colours such as yellow and orange. However it has block basic colours such as black and white. The colour scheme throughout the magazine and front cover continues with black and white but also includes red another bold block colour which can express the bold feel of the magazine and the artists within.

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Clash Contents: This is Clash’s Table of Contents. The layout of the page is very neat in terms of how the contents of the magazine has been structured as the text is ordered. However it is quite unconventional as not all contents pages are as ordered as this and not all give everything that will be in the magazine as they usually take up one page therefore making them busy and you can see this when comparing this contents page to NME’s page.

Having the pictures at the bottom of the page is very unconventional. Normally the pictures would be more spread out over the page instead of all at the bottom. I quite like this because its different however it doesn’t look

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The pictures used in Clashes table of contents relate to some of the main articles in the magazine, they include the cover photo and new artists. Therefore putting well known artists (Florence Welch) and new artists M83 together lets the page be varied and not too the same. The pictures are different sizes and I think that helps for readers to see the pictures more as the different sizes make you look more at the pictures as they look different on the page.

The main colours of the contents page are black and white making the page seem quite clean and neat. The only colours on the page are from the pictures and they have included pictures with bright colours such as blue, red and pink making them stand out on the page, they included page numbers above the images also showing that the eye catching pictures help the reader to go to that page and therefore continue reading.

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The eye flow is very unconventional as it is a C shape however it entices you to start reading from the left page when normally you would start on the right page.

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The choice of editorial pillars fits very well with the style of the magazine and the contents page. Since the neat layout suits most of the articles in the magazine and they keep this use of fonts throughout in different areas of the magazine.

The magazines contents page looks very retro as the font is similar to art deco style and I think this relates to the contents and artists used in the magazine. The artists vary from new to old and the retro style fits with new and old artists as it still seems very fresh and fits with the indie genre giving the magazine its own distinct style.