iLondon, your London iLondon, your London iLondon, your london We have decided to choose this font for the slogan on our billboard. The typography represents handwriting which connotes individuality and makes it personal for the target audience. This links to the slogan as the direct address of ‘your’ speaks directly to the target audience; therefore this font works well to represent personalisation. It is also clear and easy to read to ensure our target audience will be able to read the slogan on the billboard which will become memorable, helping to create brand identity. Dotum We have decided not to choose this font as it is too simple and does not represent the urban, youthful edge we aim to represent in our magazine in order to aim to a young target audience. Also, the font is not bold enough and is not eye- catching, which is unsuitable for a billboard. Dotum We have decided not to choose this font as it is too sharp and represents a serious tone which would attract an older target audience. Also, the font represents the text in upper-case letters which reinforces the serious tone which the font connotes. We aim to represent a friendly, fun tone for our youthful target audience, therefore this font would not be appropriate.


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iLondon, your London

iLondon, your London

iLondon, your london


We have decided to choose this font for the slogan on our billboard. The typography represents handwriting which connotes individuality and makes it personal for the target audience. This links to the slogan as the direct address of ‘your’ speaks directly to the target audience; therefore this font works well to represent personalisation. It is also clear and easy to read to ensure our target audience will be able to read the slogan on the billboard which will become memorable, helping to create brand identity.

AubreyThis will be the font for the title of our billboard. This is also used on the front cover of every issue of the magazine, therefore using the same font on the billboard creates continuity and represents our house style. This means that the target audience will instantly recognise the magazine’s name and will know what magazine title to look for if they want to buy it. This ensures our marketing campaign is successful in promoting our magazine. It is also suitable as it is bold and eye-catching which will be easy to read for the target audience. It also means

DotumWe have decided not to choose this font as it is too simple and does not represent the urban, youthful edge we aim to represent in our magazine in order to aim to a young target audience. Also, the font is not bold enough and is not eye-catching, which is unsuitable for a billboard.

DotumWe have decided not to choose this font as it is too sharp and represents a serious tone which would attract an older target audience. Also, the font represents the text in upper-case letters which reinforces the serious tone which the font connotes. We aim to represent a friendly, fun tone for our youthful target audience, therefore this font would not be appropriate.

Page 2: topis


AubreyThis will be the font for the title of our billboard. This is also used on the front cover of every issue of the magazine, therefore using the same font on the billboard creates continuity and represents our house style. This means that the target audience will instantly recognise the magazine’s name and will know what magazine title to look for if they want to buy it. This ensures our marketing campaign is successful in promoting our magazine. It is also suitable as it is bold and eye-catching which will be easy to read for the target audience. It also means

Monotype corsiva While we do like the italic font we have decided not the use it for our title as we think it is too sophisticated. Also, we do not feel it is bold enough to use for a billboard and will not be effective in attracting the target audience’s attention.