Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Alex Pereira & Alex Dwyer BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production BACK FROM THE EDGE JAMES ARTHUR Proposed Duration: The length of the video will be 3:53 Completion Deadline: We will have the production of the music video completed by Friday 13th January 2017 Genre: The genre of the music video is pop


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Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Alex Pereira & Alex Dwyer BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production



Proposed Duration:The length of the video will be 3:53

Completion Deadline:We will have the production of the music video completed by Friday 13th January 2017

Genre:The genre of the music video is pop

Target Audience:

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Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Alex Pereira & Alex Dwyer BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production

We decided that our target audience would be people aged 15-22, for both male and female audiences. This is because James Arthur is a young, popular artist who reaches out to both sex’s, and this song is no exception. The reason we chose the age range we did, is because some parts of our video may be inappropriate or unsettling for younger viewers, due to the use of drug abuse, we intend to show. This is explained in more detail below. We have also chosen to aim our music video at both sexes. We have decided to do this in order to reach out to a wider audience and portray our serious message of turning your life around to them. By aiming our music video to this audience, we have a larger chance of people seeing it and changing their lives for the better. As seen below, there are many positive reviews from people.

Background: We will be creating this music video by James Arthur as we believe the song is worth creating a music video for. The song is popular with over 200,000 views for the lyric video on Youtube and the album became number one in the UK charts. We have also asked the general public on whether they believe the a music video should be released and received positive feedback and therefore, a music video should be released. We have researched the album on websites such as Amazon and Itunes where the song can be bought and seen again, people

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Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Alex Pereira & Alex Dwyer BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production

express their positive views on the album. We also believe the song had a deep message, which we would like to portray to the audience, to get them to think about their future and the path they are taking now.

Research: During the filming process we will be using many urban locations outside in both central london and suburban neighborhoods. The reason for this is it will add to the gloomy atmosphere of the video and help portray the message. The actors that we are going to use are teenagers, because these actors will appeal to the audience of 15 -22 year olds that we are trying to reach and convey the message of the song to make it more relatable. We will be using several props, many which we already own (clothing, blanket, backpack) , however, we will need to buy a few things. These include syringe needles and make up. The laws that we will follow include, the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) and the BBFC music video age ratings. The Copyright, Design and Patents Act, will ensure that us the creators have the right to control the ways in which the material may be used. The BBFC music video age rating makes sure that we only show material suitable for our target audience, as otherwise they would not be able to view it as it would be inappropriate. We have taken inspiration from the Channel 4 documentary ‘Stranger on the Bridge’. The man who the documentary is based on Jonny Benjamin, came to talk to us about mental health awareness and tell us his personal story. We learnt about his journey on being diagnosed with depression and schizophrenia, followed by being driven to breaking point, about to end his life by jumping off a bridge. But, was interrupted by a man who was passing by, who spoke to him normal person, this then managed to talk him out of

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Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Alex Pereira & Alex Dwyer BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production

what he was about to do. He now lives a happy, healthy and successful life, after his road to recovery, telling his story to others, inspiring and educating them on the issue of mental health awareness.

Synopsis:Liam Kay, an 18 year old boy lives a life of depression and drugs, frequently abusing drugs and throwing his life away, due to a traumatic experience of his parents passing away. The first shot we see is Liam stepping up onto the ledge of the bridge. Suddenly, it all gets too much for his sister Rachel, when she catches him using drugs in his room. Rachel kicks him out, throwing him out onto the street, telling him not to come back until he sorts his life out and throwing his belongings out onto the street. We then see the cause of Liam's depressions, flashing back to the cemetery and Liam looking at pictures of him and his parents. Liam, high, stumbles his way through the street, eventually residing in a nearby alleyway. Liam stays there for several days, rotting away, as people pass and throw money at him. Eventually, Liam has had enough. He travels on the train and through the streets of London, and reaches his destination - Waterloo Bridge. Liam is ready for it all to end, stepping up onto the bridge, standing there and ready to jump. People pass by, unconcerned, ignoring Liam. Suddenly, one passer by called Phillip Barnes stops. He calmly talks to Liam and after some time, gets Liam to take steps down off the ledge. Liam begins to get better, going to frequent group counselling sessions, starts to redeem himself enough that his sister allows him to to move back in. Liam, now looking better, rebuilds his relationship with his sister, which he broke down. He makes dinner for Rachel and they have an evening in together, watching movies. The end shot is Liam walking down off the bridge, showing now that he has turned his life around and is heading down a different path.

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Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Alex Pereira & Alex Dwyer BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production

Style:The style and atmosphere we are trying to create is gloomy and dull, but concludes with a happy ending. By using certain colours and imagery in the music video we can show a change in atmosphere throughout the video. In the start of the video, the main character is wearing dark colours, such as black and grey to show the negative atmosphere, and his depressing mood, but at the turning point after his rehabilitation he will start to wear lighter clothes like a white shirt symbolising his purity. The message behind the video is that if you feel lost and suicidal there is always help with the people around you and that is why we need to create a serious atmosphere, to make sure the message gets put across and is enforced to the audience. We will try to convey this message with the story having the start dark and gloomy and then coming out in the end with a bright and lively atmosphere. This will be shown through the use of a different colour scheme and shows to the audience that they can turn their life around and come back from their lowest point.

Approximate budget requirements:We created a budget using Microsoft Excel. This demonstrated how much our music video would cost to film, edit and produce. We have created this budget to make sure that we bought/hired the most cost productive items/people. We researched equipment and people that were suitable for the job, to make sure that everything we bought/hired would contribute to us making a professional production. By adding everything needed for the production into our budget, it makes sure that we are cost effective, but still productive in planning our music video. The budget came to a grand total of £25,008.36. Contributors to the grand total included the equipment we would need to use, the crew and actors that we

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Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Alex Pereira & Alex Dwyer BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production

need to hire and any extras which included, props, catering, and travel that we would need to buy.