Κωνσταντίνος Θεοδούλου Konstantinos Theodoulou Σαββας Κέρμανου Savvas kermanou ΤΑ ΨΑΡΙΑ / FISH

Types of fish 5f rom Cyprus

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Page 1: Types of fish 5f rom Cyprus

Κωνσταντίνος ΘεοδούλουKonstantinos Theodoulou

Σαββας Κέρμανου

Savvas kermanou


Page 2: Types of fish 5f rom Cyprus

ΑΘΕΡΙΝΑ Atherinomorus lacunosus

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ΑΣΠΡΟΒΛΑΧΟΣ Epinephelus caninus

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ΒΑ ΤΙ Dasyatis centroura

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ΒΕΛΟΝΙΔΑ Belone belone

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ΒΙΟΛΑ Rhinobatos cemiculus

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ΓΑΡΟΣ Phycis phycis

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ΓΛΩΣΑ Solea solea

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ΓΟΠΠΑ Boops boops

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ΓΟΥΡΛΟΜΑΤΗΣ Chlorophthalmus agassizi

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ΓΥΛΟΣ Coris julis

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ΓΩΒΙΟΣ Gobius niger

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ΔΡΑΚΑΙΝΑ Trachinus draco

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ΖΑΡΓΑΝΑ Tetrapturus belone

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ΚΑΠΟΝΙ Trigloporus lastoviza

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ΚΑΡΑΓΚΙΔΑ Pseudocaranx dentex

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ΚΕΦΑΛΟΣ Mugil cephalus

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ΚΟΚΚΑΛΑΡΙΣ Squalus acanthias

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ΚοκκινΟχαννος Anthias anthias

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Κολαούζος Polyprion americanus

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ΚΟΛΙΟΣ Scomber japonicus

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ΚΟΡΔΕΛΑ Cepola macrophthalma

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Κουρούνα Ασπρη Siganus rivulatus

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Κουρκούνα μαύρη Siganus luridus

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Κρομμύδι Apogon imberbis

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ΚυνηγόΣ Coryphaena hippurus

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Λαγοκέφαλος Lagocephalus sceleratus

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Λαυράκι Dicentrarchus labrax

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Λίτσα Lichia amia

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Λιτσούι Trachinotus ovatus

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Λυθρίνι Pagellus erythrinus

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Λύχνος Uranoscopus scaber

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Μάκερελ Scomberomorus commerson

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Μαρίδα Spicara smaris

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Μαρίδα αμερικάνα Centracanthus cirrus

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Μελάνα Oblada melanura

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Μένουλα Spicara maena

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Μινέρι Seriola dumerili

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Μουγγρί Conger conger

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Μουδιάστρα Torpedo marmorata

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Μούρμουρος Lithognathus mormyrus

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ΜπακαλιάροΣ Merluccius merluccius

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Μπαλάς Pagellus bogaraveo

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Μπαρμπούνι Mullus surmuletus

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Μυλοκόπι Umbrina cirrosa

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Ξιφίασ Xiphias gladius

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Ξιφιούδι Macroramphosus scolopax

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Όρνιθα Dactylopterus volitans

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Ορφόσ Epinephelus marginatus

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Ούγενα Diplodus puntazzo

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Παλαμίδα Sarda sarda

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Παπαθκιά Chromis chromis

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Παπαπέτρος Zeus faber

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Πεζουνόψαρο Myliobatis aquila

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Πέρκα Serranus scriba

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Πεσκαντρίτσα Lophius budegassa

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Πίγγα Mycteroperca rubra

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Πιθκιαύλι Fistularia commersonii

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Πιλότος Naucrates ductor

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Ποντικός Xyrichthys novacula

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Ράζα Raja clavata

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Ρώσσος Sargocentron rubrum

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Σάλιαρος Blennius ocellaris

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Σαρδέλα Sardina pilchardus

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Σάρπα Sarpa salpa

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Σαυρίδι Trachurus sp.

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Σιακό Sciaena umbra

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ΣφυρίδαEpinephelus aeneus

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ΦαγκρίPagrus pagrus

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Φαγκρί κορωνάτοDentex gibbosus