UCLA CTSI KL2 Translational Science Award Mitchell Wong, MD PhD Director, KL2 Program

UCLA CTSI KL2 Award & Grant Proposal Online Library

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UCLA CTSI KL2 Translational Science Award

Mitchell Wong, MD PhD Director, KL2 Program

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Award Overview

• Career development support for junior faculty within the UCLA CTSI Consortium

• Interdisciplinary, translational science (basic, clinical and HSR)

• Similar in structure to K08/K23 award

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Support • Annual award, renewable for up to 3 years and

contingent on the UCLA CTSI competitive renewal.

• Support – $75k salary plus benefits – $25k research support – $4k for tuition or coursework – $2k for travel – $1500 for statistical support in addition to in-

kind support from DOM Stats

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Eligibility • Doctoral level research degree or professional

degree (with advanced research training) • Faculty level title as of July 1, 2015 at a UCLA

CTSI Institution • Commit 75% of effort to translational research

and aims of the KL2 (50% minimum for some specialties like surgery)

• U.S. Citizen or non-citizen national, permanent U.S. resident

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Eligibility (Prior/Pending Grants) • May have had a small grant (R03, R21) • May have had prior K12 funding (total K funding

cannot exceed 5 years) • Cannot have:

– Prior or current PI of a NIH R01 or equivalent grant (direct costs>$100k per year)

– Prior or current PI of a K08/K23 award – Prior or current PI of a VA Career Development or R01

Equivalent grant – PI of a pending K award application, pending R award in

similar area – Current co-investigator funding on an R01/Project grant

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Future Funding for KL2 • KL2 Awardees may apply for K08/K23 or VA CDAs

– Must relinquish KL2 if awardee receives NIH/VA CDA – Total CDA funding (KL2 + individual CDA) cannot

exceed 5 years. Some institutes (i.e. NICHD, NHLBI) allow 6 years.

• KL2 Awardees may apply for R01, Program grants

– Must maintain 75% effort on KL2 in year 1 – May decrease to 50% effort in last 2 years of K support

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Selection Criteria 1. Proposed research- Quality, innovation, significance,

feasibility, promise for future funding, relevance to interdisciplinary, translational research

2. Candidate- Training, productivity, promise 3. Mentor- Track record in mentorship and research,

commitment to candidate 4. Educational Plan- Well described and planned, fit with

research plan, provides candidate with new skill set 5. (Environment)- Commitment from institution,

department/division, availability of support and resources to conduct research and educational plan

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Application Components • Letter of intent- Name, mentor, title, biosketch, specific aims

(to help KL2 selection committee identify appropriate reviewers)

• Application (6 pages)- Research, Education and Career Plan • Mentor’s Letter (2 pages) • Institutional Letter (2 pages) from department chair or division

chief • Letters of support (2 max) • Candidate’s CV and other support page • Mentor’s Biosketch • Budget and budget justification • References • Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (when applicable) • Appendices allowable (e.g. letter of support for use of

equipment or data)

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Timeline with CTSI Renewal

• Letter of intent deadline: early Feb. 2016 • Application deadline: late Feb. 2016 • Awardees will be notified in May/June

2016. • Grant start date July 1, 2016. • Funds will not be released until IRB/IACUC

approval(s) are received.

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The Grant Library •Currently K Grant Proposals, U Grant Proposals and new format NIH Biosketches

•Secure platform for sharing grants

•Video instructions on how to request access: •http://ctsi.ucla.edu/funding/pages/sample

•TO access: •http://intranet.ctsi.ucla.edu


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