Uncovering and Embracing Teacher Creativity

Uncovering and Embracing Teacher Creativity - TRETC 2014

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Uncovering and Embracing Teacher



Driving Questions

How can we support student creativity without first exploring

and understanding our own creativity?

How do we develop our own creativity?

We need to understand our creative strengths, so we can use

them to support student creativity.

This session is NOT about student creativity.

We are all creative.

Creativity can be strengthened with practice.

We all have a lot of creativity ready to be tapped.

Creativity is NOT a fixed trait.

Creativity is NOT just about artistic endeavors.

Belief in your creative capacity lies at the heart of innovation.

– Tom and David Kelley


1. Grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.

2. Draw the person next to you.

3. Show the person your drawing.

4. Laugh.

How are you creative as a person?

How are you creative as a teacher?

Is there a discrepancy in the two answers?

If yes, why might that be the case?

The Ward Game by Paul Darvasi: http://www.workingexamples.org/example/show/632

What does it mean to be creative?

Think of a creative educator you admire. How are they


Why is teacher creativity important?


Think about the ways in which you are creative.

What do you need to do to develop that creativity more?

How can you harness your personal creativity for teaching?

Dolus: Finding the Journal of Odysseus in Your Classroom by John Fallon


Round Robin

Round 1: List one creative idea you have for for teaching or

doing your work. It can be crazy, off the wall, or even

unrealistic at this point in time.

Round 2: Pass your paper to the person on your right. Write

down questions and suggestions for ways to make the idea


Round 3: Pass the paper to the person on your right, again.

Use the first idea and the feedback to come up with a new

creative idea. Write it down. Return the paper to the person

who wrote down the first idea.

What can you do to explore your creativity more?

‒ Set creative goals for yourself. Start with an easy win.

‒ Experiment and iterate.

‒ Set aside time to journal or draw.

‒ Surround yourself with a supportive network of innovators.

‒ Embrace continuous learning and seek out new experiences.

The best way to gain confidence in your creative

ability is through action – taken one step at a time.

– Tom and David Kelley

Resources on Creativity

Creative confidence: Unleashing the creative potential within us all by Tom and David Kelley

The LUMA Institute - workshops and activities to encourage design thinking: http://luma-institute.com/

Dolus: Finding the Journal of Odysseus in Your Classroom by John Fallon, http://www.workingexamples.org/example/show/6

The Ward Game by Paul Darvasi: http://www.workingexamples.org/example/show/632

Justin Aion's blog: http://relearningtoteach.blogspot.com/

Tales of creativity and play by Tim Brown: http://www.ted.com/talks/tim_brown_on_creativity_and_play#t-293090

Where does creativity hide? by Amy Tan: http://www.ted.com/playlists/11/the_creative_spark

The power of vulnerability by Brene Brown: http://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability

How schools kill creativity by Ken Robinson: http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity