Literatura Norteamericana I American Literature I Ricardo Menéndez 10 ECTS Credits 2015-2016

UNED American Literature I: 02 William Bradford

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Literatura Norteamericana IAmerican Literature I

Ricardo Menéndez

10 ECTS Credits 2015-2016

Page 2: UNED American Literature I: 02 William Bradford

Authors & Contents 1st TermStudy Block I

Early American Literature

Captain John Smith – Oct 7th

William Bradford – Oct 14th

Anne Bradstreet – Oct 21st

Mary Rowlandson – Oct 28th

The American Enlightment

Jonathan Edwards – Nov 4th

Benjamin Franklin – Nov 11th

Olaudah Equiano – Nov 18th

Phillis Wheatley – Nov 25th

Romanticism (part I)

Washington Irving – Dec 2nd

James Fenimore Cooper – Dec 9th

Ralph Waldo Emerson – Dec 16th

Henry David Thoroeau – Jan 13th

Review past exams – Jan 20th

Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

Page 3: UNED American Literature I: 02 William Bradford

Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought

safe to land, they fell upon their knees and

blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them

over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered

them from all the perils and miseries thereof


On his Literary Works

Online resources


Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

William Bradford (1590-1657)

Page 4: UNED American Literature I: 02 William Bradford

Objectives of the Unit

Assess to what extent Puritanism not only shaped seventeenth-century colonial

discourse, but also provided an enduring religious and political vision of the New


Learn about the prominent role of William Bradford, leader of the Pilgrims,

founder and Governor of Plymouth Colony

Understand what the Mayflower Compact (co-authored by William Bradford) is

Analyze the conventions of the convention of Puritan history

Of Plymouth Plantation First and foremost example of American Providentialist Historiography

Explore how basic principles of Puritan plain style were applied in early

American Literature

Discuss how indigenous inhabitants of America began to be seen through the

prism of Puritan preconceptions

Compare William Bradford’s and Capt. Smith’s rhetoric devices and strategies

Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

Unit 2 – William Bradford

Page 5: UNED American Literature I: 02 William Bradford

Biography (I) Born in Austerfield in the Yorkshire

Spiritually moved by sermons of non conformist minister Richard Clyfton.

Started attending Separtist meeting at the age of 12

Formally joined the ‘Separtists’ (strict Calvinist Protestants) from Scrooby,

Nottingamshire in 1606 when they founded their church. The Separtists live

acording to the Second Book of Corinthians:

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,

saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing;

and I will receive you (King James Bible)

The Scrooby congregation flee to Holland in 1608, fearful for their lives

Despite Dutch religious liberty they struggle economically. They seek a colony

act in New England, considered ‘the promised land’ for them and therefore a

pilgrimage. They become known as Pilgrim Fathers more than Puritans.

Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

Unit 2 – William Bradford

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Biography (&II) They travel from Leiden (Holland) to England aboard a ship bought for

travelling to the Americas, called the Speedwell in July 1620.

The ship proves unworthy for long distance voyages. They then hire a

merchant ship, After some major strife, the Mayflower leaves Plymouth in

September 1620, reaching Cape Cod 66 days later on November 11th, 1620

The place where they disembarked was named Plymouth

The Mayflower Compact was a civil agreement between the Leiden group

and the rest of passengers to provide social and economic freedom

William Bradford was appointed second Governor of Plymouth Colony. He

was re-elected thirty times

William Bradford’s relevance goes beyond his great historical importance. He

holds a center role in Early American Literature.

Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

Unit 2 – William Bradford

Page 7: UNED American Literature I: 02 William Bradford

Literary Works Co-author of the Mayflower Compact

Of Plymouth Plantation (two volumes)

1st Volume: 12 chapters describing from events that led the Scrooby group to

move to Leidon and the voyage and colony beginnings. Written mostly in 1630.

Finished between 1646 and 1650 though unpublished until the Nineteenth Century

2nd Volume: In form of annals from 1620 to 1646 and reflects the author’s gradual

disappointment at the loss of unity in a once cohesive community

For this Unit we will be reading two passages from

Book I, Chapter IX. Of Their Voyage and How they Passed the Sea; and of Their Safe Arrival at Cape Cod

Book II, Capter XII. Anno 1621

Besides his accounts he also wrote a journal, some poems, and a series of


Self educated but with a vast knowledge. He learned Latin, Greek, Dutch, and

was specially skilled in Hebrew which he learned to “see with his own eyes

the ancient oracles in their native beauty”Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

Unit 2 – William Bradford

An agreement between the Pilgrims (‘The Saints’)

and the rest of the passengers (‘The Strangers’)

to establish a government. It was based

simultaneously upon a majoritarian model (taking

into account that women and children could not

vote) and the settlers' allegiance to the king

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Online Resources and Interesting Facts Excellent 3 minute History.com video part of a Thanksgiving playlist explains the

voyage of the Mayflower in full detail:


Resources and Links suggested in the ‘Curso Virtual’

William Bradford on Literature Online

Text ‘Of Plymouth Plantation’ (1590-1657) on Archive.org


Audio of History of the Plymouth Settlement (1608-1650) on Librivox.org


Curious Fact: Thanksgiving is, as the textbook explains, a fabricated holiday that

appeared some 200 years after the events that are celebrated actually occurred.


Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

Unit 2 – William Bradford

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Online Resources and Interesting Facts Robert Walter Weir’s painting Embarkation of the Pilgrims depicts William Bradford

at center, kneeling in the background, symbolically behind Governor John Carver (holding hat) whom Bradford would succeed

There is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to the known direct descendants of William Bradford including relevant Americans such as Noah Webster, George Eastman, Clint Eastwood or the Baldwin brothers:


Ricardo Menéndez UNED 2015-2016 [email protected]

Unit 2 – William Bradford

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Questions & Answers?Thank you

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Exploratory Questions

from the Book

Online Self Evaluation Quiz

Unit 2 – William Bradford