English by Matifmarin Business English Logistics & Transport Seafreight Airfreight Roadtransport Dealing with Incidents in the Logistics Sector

Unit 3 4 - Lessons 9-10 for Vocabulary and Incidents

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Page 2: Unit 3   4 - Lessons 9-10 for  Vocabulary and Incidents

Englishby Matifmarin

What is Marine cargo insurance?

(1) Cargo insurance


□ □ Marine cargo insuranceMarine cargo insurance covers the risks of loss or damage to goods and merchandise while in transit by any method of transport – sea, rail, road or air - and while in storage anywhere in the world between the points of origin and final destination.

□ A typical cargo insurance policy covers goods in transit via road, rail, sea or air.

Cargo insurance = Seguro de Carga / Mercancías?

SPANISHSPANISH:Seguro de carga o mercancías (Cargo insurance), es una póliza de seguro de carga típica que cubre las mercancías en tránsito por CARRETERA, FERROCARRIL, MAR o AIRE. Proporciona cobertura contra daños accidentales y otros riesgos.

Page 3: Unit 3   4 - Lessons 9-10 for  Vocabulary and Incidents

Englishby Matifmarin

SPANISHSPANISH:Avería Particular (Particular Average) es un término específico del Derecho Marítimo, y se refiere a la pérdida o daño parcial de la carga o el buque, incluyendo los deterioros por hurto o robo, etc.

(2a) Particular Average (maritime law)

DEFINITION: A loss at sea, as through accident or negligence, it implies a partial damage to or loss of a ship or its cargo affecting only the shipowner or one cargo owner . □ Abbreviation: P.A.

By sea

→ Also called particular average loss.

(2) Particular & General Average (Marine Insurance)


→ the word "averageaverage" should be read as "lossloss"

Page 4: Unit 3   4 - Lessons 9-10 for  Vocabulary and Incidents

Englishby Matifmarin

Cargo transportation insurance is an indispensable and important part of the international logistics. As an international integrated logistics provider. It can help clients to circumvent / prevent shipping risk effectively.

SPANISHSPANISH:Avería General (General Average) este término se refiere a cuando las pérdidas o deterioro de la carga ocurre durante el transporte debido a ciertos peligros ocurridos durante el mismo, como por ejemplo una tormenta.

(2b) General Average (maritime law)

DEFINITION: A loss or damage to a ship or its cargo that is shared among the shipowners and all the cargo owners. □ Abbreviation: G.A.

By sea

→ Also called particular average loss.

Particular & General Average (Marine Insurance)


Page 5: Unit 3   4 - Lessons 9-10 for  Vocabulary and Incidents

Englishby Matifmarin Business English

Logistics & Transport

(3) Total loss DESTRUCTION of an asset / goods or PROPERTY to the extent that NOTHING of VALUE is LEFT, and the item cannot be repaired or rebuilt to its pre-destruction state.

SPANISHSPANISH:Pérdida total (Total loss) es aquella pérdida que se produce cuando las mercancías están tan dañadas o destruidas que son del todo irrecuperables. En estos caso lo asegurado es pagado en su totalidad.

Page 6: Unit 3   4 - Lessons 9-10 for  Vocabulary and Incidents

Englishby Matifmarin

Pipeline transportation

Road transportationRail transportation

Air transportation Water transportation

ExercisesACTIVITY 1: Means of transport

Page 7: Unit 3   4 - Lessons 9-10 for  Vocabulary and Incidents

Englishby Matifmarin Business English

Logistics & Transport

ACTIVITY 2: Dealing with Incidents in the Logistics Sector

(a) There are 3 different types of losses or damages. Can you say what type are the following terms:

(1) Particular average:

(2) Total loss:

(3) General average

Partial damage to or loss of a ship or its cargo

Important loss or damage to a ship or its cargo

Almost total destruction of goods or property

Page 8: Unit 3   4 - Lessons 9-10 for  Vocabulary and Incidents

Englishby Matifmarin Business English

Logistics & Transport