THE GOLDEN AGE OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. In what does “Renaisance” or “Revival of Letters” consist? In a re-awakening of literary enthusiasm for the study of the classical authors of old Rome and Greece, the studies of Roman law, of philosophy and theology in the late middle ages in colleges and universities of Bologna, Paris, several of the seven German universities, as well as in Oxford and Cambridge. Where did this movement start? It started in Italy in the course of the 14 th century and spread rapidly over other civilized states of Europe: France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and England by the end of the 15 th century. What is interesting about this movement? Its ideas affected all other arts, painting, architecture, etc, creating new changes in the perspectives of the existing arts. What proved Thomas More had a perfect knowledge of classical Latin? His famous book, Utopia which was written by him in that idiom. What was Utopia about? It was a visionary account of an earthly paradise, situated somewhere in the newly discovered countries of the far west. It showed the contrast between realities of uncivilized and civilized societies. Why was Thomas More beheaded? For his refusal to acknowledge Henry VIII as head of the English church. To whom is attributed the invention of printing? To John Gutenberg. In what contributed this invention to literature? It assisted in a wonderful way the rapid multiplication of literary works, doing away with the tedious and expensive method of copying books by hand. Who brought the first printing press to England and when did it take place? A merchant named William Caxton brought it from Germany in 1476. What caused an excitement in all European countries and also filled the mind of authors to write innumerable books and essays? The voyages of the Spanish and Portuguese discoverers Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Cabot, Magellan, etc and their unheard-of adventures. What invention caused a radical change in the methods of warfare? The invention of gun-powder and firearms. What drew to a close with the rising of gun-powder and firearms? The age of traditional tournaments and single combats by knights of the middle ages came to an end. Corps of artillery composed of men with rifles would fight the battles of the future. What was the reason for the nearly blank in literature from 1400 to 1603? The rising of political, social and religious troubles. Which literary works acquired popularity in those barren times? Only two literary works were popular in that time: Piers Plowman composed by William Langland and Morte d´Arthur by Thomas


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Trabajo acerca de la lectura "Eded dorada de la literatura inglesa". Para la profesora Veronica Arciniegas. Materia: Literatura anglofona.

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Page 1: Veronika


In what does “Renaisance” or “Revival of Letters” consist? In a re-awakening of literary enthusiasm for the study of the classical authors of old Rome and Greece, the studies of Roman law, of philosophy and theology in the late middle ages in colleges and universities of Bologna, Paris, several of the seven German universities, as well as in Oxford and Cambridge.

Where did this movement start? It started in Italy in the course of the 14th century and spread rapidly over other civilized states of Europe: France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and England by the end of the 15th century.

What is interesting about this movement? Its ideas affected all other arts, painting, architecture, etc, creating new changes in the perspectives of the existing arts.

What proved Thomas More had a perfect knowledge of classical Latin? His famous book, Utopia which was written by him in that idiom.

What was Utopia about? It was a visionary account of an earthly paradise, situated somewhere in the newly discovered countries of the far west. It showed the contrast between realities of uncivilized and civilized societies.

Why was Thomas More beheaded? For his refusal to acknowledge Henry VIII as head of the English church.

To whom is attributed the invention of printing? To John Gutenberg.

In what contributed this invention to literature? It assisted in a wonderful way the rapid multiplication of literary works, doing away with the tedious and expensive method of copying books by hand.

Who brought the first printing press to England and when did it take place? A merchant named William Caxton brought it from Germany in 1476.

What caused an excitement in all European countries and also filled the mind of authors to write innumerable books and essays? The voyages of the Spanish and Portuguese discoverers Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Cabot, Magellan, etc and their unheard-of adventures.

What invention caused a radical change in the methods of warfare? The invention of gun-powder and firearms.

What drew to a close with the rising of gun-powder and firearms? The age of traditional tournaments and single combats by knights of the middle ages came to an end. Corps of artillery composed of men with rifles would fight the battles of the future.

What was the reason for the nearly blank in literature from 1400 to 1603? The rising of political, social and religious troubles.

Which literary works acquired popularity in those barren times? Only two literary works were popular in that time: Piers Plowman composed by William Langland and Morte d´Arthur by Thomas

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What drama was put on stage for about a half century and also was translated into German and Dutch in 17th century? The Spanish Tragedy containing the Lamentable End of Don Horatio and Bel-imperia; with the pitiful death of Old Hironimo. It was played in Germany and Holland until the beggining of the 18th century.

Who was the author of this astounding work? The author of this work was the dramatist Tomas Kyd.

One of the most acknowledged dramatists and friend of Tomas Kyd was Christopher Marlowe, this latter became famous for a tragedy, what was it? The tragedy that became Marlowe famous was Tambourlaine the Great which was written by him in two parts and had a blankvers style.

What was the punishment to people who refused to believe in the tenets of the Anglican church? They were burned alive, if they were considered traitors (catholics), they were hanged. To be beheaded was a special privilege.

Who is considered to be the greatest of all human dramatists in the English Literature History? William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is considered by many as the best human dramatist and as one of the greatest writers and poet in the world.

Who is considered to be the founder of the English Essay? The English writer Francis Bacon (1561-1626).

What English writer wrote pamphlets due to his rage for his wife´s abandon advocating the licitness of divorce? The English writer John Milton (1608-1674).

Which were the three great masterpieces that became Milton the most famous Anglo-Saxon author after Shakespeare? These ones were:Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes.